
Why hair is magnetized and how to get rid of it at home: simple advice

  • Why hair is magnetized and how to get rid of it at home: simple advice

    Perhaps every girl knows why hair is magnetized and how to get rid of it, because this is a very common phenomenon that occurs due to the influence of numerous external factors, such as wind, sun and temperature changes. When hair begins to be magnetized, the hair becomes untidy and ceases to please.

    The main causes of

    The cause of magnetization of hair can be various factors, both external and incorrect hair care in general. By the way, most often the hair is electrified in the winter.

    There are a number of main reasons why hair accumulates electric charge:

    • Unfavorable climatic conditions, namely constant change of external factors of influence, such as unstable temperature, high humidity, scorching sun and variable wind. The consequences can be quite sad, up to the point that the hair will lose its shine and elasticity.
    • Permanent wearing of headgear, regardless of whether it is winter or summer. This is due to the fact that while the hair is under the hat, they rub against each other and gradually generate an electric charge.
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    • Improperly selected cosmetics - it is important to choose such hair care products that correspond to the type of your hair. Since otherwise you risk worsening the condition of the hair even more.
    • Avitaminosis - is a shortage of vitamins in the body. Most often it is manifested in the winter and spring. It causes disruption in the work of almost all organs of the human body. As a result, the hair follicle ceases to receive the necessary minerals and vitamins for normal functioning, the curls lose their beauty and shine, become brittle.
    • Lack of moisture. As a rule, occurs with prolonged exposure to the sun, or because of the influence of a hair dryer and styling with ironing.

    All the possible causes of electrification of hair described above are basic, but depending on the season and individual characteristics of the organism, the reasons may vary

    How to deal with this phenomenon?

    What if the hair is magnetized? To begin with, we should recall the possible causes of this phenomenon and try to eliminate them. For example, in autumn and winter you need to protect your hair with headgear, the main thing is that they are made of natural materials. And do not forget about the right care, because this is the guarantee of healthy hair. By the way, it is recommended to pay attention to the composition and shelf life of cosmetic products.

    There are also a number of recommendations for combating the magnetization of hair that are suitable for everyone:

    • In the summer, after washing your head, you should rinse with cold water, or sprinkles with mineral water or beer.
    • When combing strands, you can coat it with antistatic or usual hair spray.
    • Stylize hair using foam or mousse.
    • Spray hair with essential essences such as rose or lavender, they eliminate fluffiness.
    • Use a comb made of wood, as it prevents the accumulation of electric charge in the curls.
    • The dryer must be with an ionizer.

    Folk remedies

    There are a number of proven folk recipes in the fight against "charged" hair. With their help from the electric charge on the hair can get rid of very quickly.

    So, the vitamin mask will not simply remove all signs of magnetization, but also saturate the strands with minerals and trace elements. For its preparation we take ½ mango fruit, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of fatty yogurt and yolk. Mango grind and add the remaining elements to it. Apply the mask to washed and lightly dried hair for a period of half an hour, to achieve the desired effect, we warm the head. Wash off the product with a soap solution.

    Very useful for hair, honey composition, which is not only able to prevent magnetization, but also saturates the hair with radiance, restores color. The proportions for its preparation are as follows: 1 tbsp.a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of sprouted wheat germ. The mask is applied to the washed hair for 30 - 40 minutes. Flush should be without the use of shampoo. This composition helps to cope with the problem regardless of the cause of its occurrence.
