  • Secrets of how to cure cough at home

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    It is worth remembering that coughing is a symptom of something more, it appears because of chemical or mechanical irritation on the throat and lungs. If there is a cough, you need to understand that the lungs are functioning incorrectly. In the medulla oblongata is the department responsible for the cough, which immediately activates and translates cough into a chronic form. Cough can appear for many reasons, for example, because of a cold, lung cancer, allergies, heart failure, pneumonia, bronchitis and so on. Cough that has just appeared and is very irritating to the throat and lungs is called acute, and a prolonged cough with phlegm is considered chronic.

    Content of the article:

    How to treat a dry cough

  • How to cure a fast cough

  • Cough treatment with folk remedies at home

  • Cough treatment during pregnancy

  • Cough treatment with phlegm

  • Cough treatment in children

  • Than to treat a dry cough

    If in the process of medical examination it turns out,that cough is associated with SARS, prescribe the use of warm milk with drinking soda. This is done specifically to start expectoration sputum, and cure cough was easier. Also, with a dry cough may be prescribed medicinal broths of mother-and-stepmother, juice of plantain, black radish, fruits of thyme, anise and others. But these methods of treatment have disadvantages, for example, a short effect and a cough return after a while. In addition, you need to take medication regularly to achieve the effect, but only in small portions, otherwise there will be pain in the abdomen and nausea.
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    Very often, inhalation is prescribed if irritation of the upper respiratory tract occurs. The most popular inhalations are made with a solution of drinking soda or with the addition of alkaline mineral water. This method of treatment is relevant for children with an obsessive and chronic cough that does not last long. But you need to take into account that children should not be inhaled with very hot water, you can not use water that has a temperature above 40 degrees Celsius.

    In hospitals, inhalations with nebulizers are most often done, but only with a dry cough. They create an aerosol cloud, a condition from small parts of the medicine. With their help inhalations are made even for young children who can not tolerate dry cough and cry violently. But children begin to cough not because of bacteria and throat irritants, but because of too dry air in the room, but doctors and parents often do not take this into account. The most dangerous overdried air is cold, most often it is found in rooms with central heating installed. Especially dangerous is a cough for children with ARVI, because in the respiratory system mucus dehydrates and changes the consistency, it becomes very thick, and this prevents expectoration. Of course, before you start treatment, you need to take care and good air humidity in the room, it will make the cough wet, and bacteria will finally come out of the lungs. To do this, you can use an air humidifier or put a wet towel on the battery. If the cough is very dry and does not last long - do breast massage, but gently, so tapping and patting do not cause pain. This method of treatment is relevant for children who have a severe allergy to medicines.

    How quickly to cure a cough

    Of course, you can not say that fast ways of treatment are completely safe, but if you choose the right medicines, you can get rid of the problem in a week. In no case should delay treatment of cough, as this is fraught with exacerbation and deepening of the disease, in which case it will take a whole month to be treated. If you feel the first symptoms of the disease - immediately consult a doctor, the faster you get the diluting or expanding bronchial drugs, the higher the chances of recovery in a short period of time. Do not forget that the medicines are prescribed only by the attending physician, he will examine you and pick up the best drug.

    You can use traditional methods of treatment, but given that they give a not very stable result. Many are treated with honey and radish, these are safe ingredients, you just need to make a small hole in a clean radish, and then put a piece of thick honey. After a while in the hole will start to stand out juice, it is applied to 5 milliliters several times a day for half an hour before eating, and juice is drunk before going to bed so that cleaning of the lungs is carried out at night.

    It also uses figs, which are pre-soaked in milk. He with a dry cough is brewed in 200 milliliters of hot milk, you need to put 5 figs, always fresh. After insisting, the fruits are ground directly in milk. You can use this remedy several times a day before eating about 70 milliliters.

    If the cough does not go away for a long time and is very troublesome - use the juice of the aloe leaves, but mixed with butter and honey. Take the ingredients in equal proportions, use a mixture of 5 grams several times a day( can be four times a day).In addition, you can combine the treatment with the use of herbal medicine, you can pour 20 grams of nettle with 500 milliliters of boiling water. Nettle should be brewed for half an hour, then carefully filtered, but drink not as a decoction, but as tea. Add a little broth and mix with water.

    In addition to nettle drink a decoction of thyme or tincture of plantain, just mix the crushed leaves of plantain with 200 milliliters of boiling water and cook for about 20 minutes. Then wait until the broth cools down, and then strain it and drink 20 milliliters several times a day, regardless of food intake.

    But use folk remedies neatly, as they cause allergies. The most unpleasant thing is if the cough is associated with an allergy, and you try to cure it with allergic drugs. That's why you need to consult a doctor before starting treatment, you may have an infectious disease, and folk remedies are powerless.

    Treatment of cough folk remedies at home

    • You can cure the disease with onions, just take a pound of onions and clean, and then chop and add a pound of sugar. Cook on low heat in one liter of water for about three hours, then add two tablespoons of honey. Drain the mixture into a bottle and carefully close it. Eat 100 grams of medication per day, but divide 100 grams into several servings.

    • An onion preparation, but cooked differently: add a large onion, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, leave the mixture overnight. In the morning you will see that the sugar has absorbed into the onions, but perhaps juice will appear. Divide the medicine into two servings and use it in the morning and in the evening.

    • In Brazil, the following cough remedy is used: ripe bananas filter through a sieve, put into a saucepan with pure boiling water and boil. Proportions - 200 milliliters of water with added sugar and two bananas on the pan. You need to drink medicine hot.

    • Very effective in treating black radish, buy a black radish with a small tail, remove the top, remove the inner part by 1/3.Add a little honey inside, but keep in mind that you need to save space for the juice that will be allocated. Slowly lower the radish into the glass with the part where the tail is. After 3 hours you will see that a lot of juice has accumulated, immediately drink it and put honey again. This drug is considered one of the best in the treatment of cough.

    • You can prepare another medicine from radish, you need to cut the radish into several pieces. For each slice, apply as much sugar powder or sugar as possible, then you will see that after 6 hours a healing juice appeared, which is similar to syrup due to sugar. Eat 20 grams of medicine every half hour, this is a very useful folk remedy. As the healers say - you can get rid of even a very heavy cough in a few days.

    • Licorice helps very much when coughing, or rather, its infusion. You will need 10 grams of licorice root, add 200 milliliters of boiling water, and then reheat in a water bath. Cook about 25 minutes, then wait an hour to cool the broth. Strain the broth and carefully wring out, at the end the volume of the medicine is 200 milliliters. Use 20 milliliters of medication several times a day, preferably 3-4 times with food.

    • Cured very strong cough can be melted milk, drink hot milk with the addition of alkaline mineral water in a proportion of 50/50.Then add 5 grams of honey to 200 milliliters of hot milk. This medicine is not suitable for young children, it is better for them to mix figs with warm milk. As far as we know, the recipe was invented by Wang and successfully treated people with this medication.

    • Very strong remedy for treating the disease - milk mixed with onions. Take two bulbs of the usual size and chop on a grater, then add 200 milliliters of boiling milk and let it brew for about 3-4 hours. Use 20 milliliters of medication every few hours. The medicine has no side effects.

    • Garlic with onions are also successfully used to treat the disease, take 10 regular bulbs and cut the garlic head into several small pieces, then boil everything in the milk to make the ingredients soft. Then add the juice of mint and a teaspoon of honey. It is advisable to use a tablespoon of the mixture at a time when the dry cough has stopped for at least 20-30 minutes.

    • Very popular cowberry juice with honey or sugar syrup, with the help of juice, you can withdraw phlegm from bacteria from the lungs. Use a mixture of 20 grams 3 times a day. Treatment will be more effective if you drink a decoction of strawberries and drink more boiled water.

    • You can make a candy from a cough: add a sugar powder or sand to the tablespoon, and then hold it over the fire until the sugar changes color to dark brown. Then pour it into a small saucer with milk. Cooked candy should be slowly dissolve and keep in your mouth, it helps with dry cough. This is the perfect medicine for children who do not like bitter herbs and medicines.

    • Very old recipe for cough, but proven over the years: mix 250 milliliters of white wine with a decoction of 60 grams of pepper roots. Use before bedtime and during the day, but warm up before use, otherwise the effect will be negligible.

    Treatment for cough during pregnancy

    During pregnancy, you need to take care of your health, aggressive chemical drugs have a negative effect on the fetus. It is best to cure inhaled coughs, the fact is that any ARI begins with a throat irritation and a dry cough, but inhalations quickly relax the throat and lungs.

    It is best to use a nebulizer or inhaler, although if you do not have them, you can use improvised tools. For example, you can breathe over a plate with a healing decoction, but be sure to cover your head to achieve a better effect. Very useful decoction of potatoes, onions, garlic, herbs and so on, they are absolutely safe for health. But before use consult with your doctor, because you need to choose a medicine for your kind of cough. If you have a dry cough, you need to be treated with St. John's wort, lime-colored, sage, thyme, plantain, chamomile and so on. When coughing with sputum discharge, it is best to use a decoction of plantain, grasses of Ledum, a string, a snake mountaineer, cowberry, mother-and-stepmother, millennial and cowberry. Also remember that ordinary teas have a strong effect on the lungs, so when choosing a therapeutic tea, read the list of ingredients.

    Treatment of sputum with sputum

    Most often with a cold or infection, a cough with sputum appears, and it can also occur due to the ingress of a large amount of dust or pollen from the plants into which you are allergic. This is a protective reaction of the lungs, pollution accumulates in the phlegm and exits. Although this cleanses the body - it causes a lot of discomfort, you need to pick up medicines, otherwise the cough will distract from work or study. Below, we will talk about the best methods to combat wet cough.

    Mix mustard plasters with potato or cabbage packs, they very well warm and provoke the separation of sputum. Peel potatoes in a uniform carefully, add a little honey, a spoonful of olive oil, then add everything to the foil and wrap. The place that you attach to your chest, you need to pierce needles in several places. Since the compress can be very hot - you need to put a towel or diaper between the chest and the compress, and then wrap it all with a towel to compress the snugly. You can use cabbage instead of potatoes, because it has many vitamins and minerals that quickly cure cough and remove bacteria.

    Cough treatment in children

    Cough appears due to respiratory diseases, and if you do not treat the underlying disease - the problem will persist. Although even after curing the underlying disease there is a cough, of course, it is not as intense, but still present. The child should be dressed as warmly as possible, always wear warm socks along with a waistcoat, for example, from sheep or camel wool, this wool well restrains heat. Also do not forget that the child needs to give drinks with a high content of vitamins, for example, tea with honey or compote with jam. With their help, it is possible to dilute sputum, increase sweating, which reduces the elevated body temperature.

    Make compresses in the evening or at night, and all because the exacerbation occurs just at this time, you may notice that the child begins to cough the most at night. Apply a layer of honey on a leaf of cabbage, put a sheet on the chest and fix it with foil or compress paper, wrap with a bandage so that the compress does not fall off. Keep the compress all night long to get a curative effect. About the same effective tool - mashed potatoes with iodine. Add in the mashed potatoes 20 milliliters of olive oil and two drops of iodine, and then wrap the puree in a bandage. Apply the compress to the throat or chest, carefully wrap it with foil, so that the heat does not disappear.

    Do not forget that the most effective and simple cough remedy is warm milk with honey. All children love milk, so you can be sure of the effectiveness of this product. You can buy delicious lollipops in the pharmacy that help cough and relax your throat, but consult your doctor before buying.