
The spiritual causes of the disease: the table and possible causes of disease

  • The spiritual causes of the disease: the table and possible causes of disease

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    Disease is one of the few states of the human body that is sometimes beyond control. This is not about preventive measures to prevent disease, or successful drug therapy, but about the internal weakening of the body, which allows us to launch a self-destruction mechanism.

    It is customary to call such reasons spiritual. So, there are spiritual causes of the disease, the table of which was compiled by Louise Hay.

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    In 1984, the book of Louise Hay, "You Can Heal Your Life", was published in the USA, which immediately became a bestseller. In this amazing book, it was said that any disease has a psychological underpinning, and at the bodily level the subconscious reluctance of a person to accept a particular situation is expressed.

    The author herself suffered for a long time from the impossibility of forgiving her parents for a difficult childhood, from the consequences of acts committed in her youth( drugs, illegitimate child).In the end, the accumulated resentments made themselves felt: Louise Hay had a cancer. The treatment was long and difficult, but ended with complete remission.

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    After this, Miss Hay decided to master the profession of a practicing psychotherapist and created her own doctrine about why this or that disease occurs on a psychological level.

    According to Louise Hay, the causes of illnesses at the spiritual level are due to self-rejection( low self-esteem, dysmorphophobia), inability to forgive parents for mistreatment of a child as a child, inability to find contact with people, to ask strangers for help.

    However, if a person agrees to work on one of the above problems with the help of psychotherapy, the disease can be driven into the stage of long-term remission, completely cured, and in some easy cases even prevented.

    Mrs. Hay proposes to use as a psychotherapy words and phrases with a positive meaning, triggering in the human mind the mechanism of accepting oneself, one's body, people around, the situation.

    Today, books by Louise Hay are sold in millions of copies. She works in a rehabilitation center with people suffering from obesity, cancer, HIV-infected. All patients say that after passing the courses of Dr. Hay they felt noticeable improvements in the course of the illness or else she left at all. All the positive phrases that need to be read as mantras daily, Louise Hay describes in her book.

    Other healing practices

    In addition to the teachings of Louise Hay, there are other directions and exercises that explain the possible spiritual causes of diseases. To a greater or lesser extent, the works of the doctors A. Kurpatova, V. Sinelnikova, Ayurvedic medicine( India), Chinese healing practices, healers work are devoted to this.

    Map of diseases of organs

    Today, you can even draw a so-called map of diseases of various organs, in which for any problems in the work of each body will respond to a negative feeling, literally "eating" a person.

    1) Kidneys: problems with self-realization, a sense of uselessness in society, narcissism.

    2) Heart: a person takes everything at his own expense, experiences events too emotionally, can not forgive childish grievances.

    3) Vessels: impure thoughts, people constantly lie to themselves and others.

    4) Light: the person has reconciled with negative circumstances, does not try to change them. Complete rejection of the surrounding world and, as a consequence, the inability to "breathe deeply."

    5) Blood and lymph: poor relations with people, inability to contact.

    6) Joints: congestion, rudeness.

    7) Stomach: rejection of society, the outside world.

    8) Liver: dissatisfaction with yourself.

    9) Sexual organs: rejection of themselves as men( women), fear of procreation, difficulties in dealing with the opposite sex.

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