
Herpes virus( Herpetic infection) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Herpes virus( Herpetic infection) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    The causative agent of herpetic infection

    Herpetic infection is a group of diseases that affects all organs and systems caused by the herpes virus. Herpes simplex virus( HSV) belongs to the Herpes viridae family. The family, in turn, is divided into serotypes, differing in gene structure. These different types are responsible for many forms of the disease.

    Herpes simplex virus schematically


    1. HSV type 1( herpes simplex virus type 1) causes genital herpes, herpes of the lips, eyes, pneumonia, brain damage.
    2. HSV type 2: the same genital herpes, intrauterine infection of the fetus.
    3. Herpes zoster: causes infection such as chicken pox and shingles.
    4. HSV type 6( HHV-6: is a serious candidate for the role of etiological agent( cause) of multiple sclerosis and newborn fever with seizure syndrome, infectious mononucleosis negative for the Epstein-Barr virus( EBV) and cytomegalovirus( CMV) and associated with HHV-6encephalitis. HHV-6 is also a cofactor of AIDS, some forms of carcinoma of the cervix and nasopharyngeal carcinomas
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    6. HSV type 7: responsible for what the mass media talk about so much is a "chronic fatigue syndrome."
    7. HSV 8 typeHHV-8):Kaposi's arcoma( malignant tumor in HIV-infected and immunosuppressed persons) It has been established that HHV-8 encodes proteins that control the growth and proliferation of cells and has a genetic affinity for other representatives of the subfamily of radionaviruses with transforming properties.
    8. Herpesviruses include cytomegalovirus, which affects many organs and systems in utero in the fetus, as well as Epstein-Barra: infectious mononucleosis, nasopharyngeal carcinoma( nasopharyngeal carcinoma).

    By the way, in 1911, Francis Rouse, and later Russian scientist Ivanovsky, proved the viral nature of oncology, in which herpesviruses( and not only them) play a huge role.

    Infection with one type of herpes virus does not exclude infection and its other serotypes, that is, several.

    Classification of herpetic infection

    • by clinical signs: a typical form with rashes in the form of small bubbles, an atypical form without - or with mild rashes.
    • by severity: light, medium, heavy.
    • for the localization of the local process: genital herpes, herpetic stomatitis, skin herpes, herpetic lesions of the central nervous system, herpetic eye damage.
    • downstream: acute primary and chronic recurrent.

    As we can see, a herpetic infection attacks almost all organs and systems, and therefore different specialists are "thrown" at his treatment. After all, according to the statistics of herpes, about 90% of the population is infected. I will try to tell you about the symptoms, treatment and how to properly exist with this disease, which is in the competence of dermatovenereology.

    How can you get infected with the herpes virus

    These viruses are very contagious, that is, they are easy to get infected. By the way, the herpes are sick and animals. But you do not need to put yourself in a sterile chamber, because you can get this infection, do not know about it and normally exist, provided "qualitative" immunity.

    So, there are many ways of transmission, like: sexual, when kissing, airborne, during labor( from mother to fetus, through amniotic fluid), in contact with the patient's personal things: shawls, toothbrush. It should be noted that herpes viruses are very steady in the external environment, that is, outside the body. At room temperature persist for 24 hours, in a humid environment longer, and heating to 50 degrees kills them after 30 minutes. Well tolerates herpes and low temperatures, at -70 can survive up to 5 days.

    Symptoms of herpetic infection

    Getting into the body, the causative agent is spread through all of its systems through the blood, lymph and "settles" mainly in nerve fibers, endings. Under unfavorable conditions for a person and favorable for the virus - these are stresses, hypothermia, chronic diseases, that is, their aggravation, a decrease in immunity( for example, HIV infection), he begins to "declare himself."

    Incubation( latent) period from 2 to 20, on average 6 days. Before "marking" rashes, there is a so-called prodromal period - this burning sensation, a feeling of "tingling needles," which lasts about 24 hours. At this time it is important and start treatment to stop the further development of the disease.

    Later, in the classical course, bubbles appear with serous contents( light liquid), which in the future "outgrow" into a crust. The condition can be characterized by a deterioration in well-being: malaise, chills, headache, fever. The localization is different, depending on the serotype of the virus. This is skin and mucous: lips, genitals, various skin areas, eyes.

    Herpetic infection, rashes on the lips

    Much worse is the infection caused by Herpes Zoster( shingles), in which the infection spreads along the nerves with severe pain, high fever. Eruptions, as a rule, are more extensive or may even be absent altogether and because of this can be regarded as banal osteochondrosis or neuralgia. The patient has to write a sick leave sheet. The danger is, especially if you do not treat or mis-treat, that there is a destruction of the nerve shell with the development of chronic neuralgia. The person starts to worry constant pains, which are poorly removed by anesthetics. There is a disability. Frequent localization of Herpes Zoster is the intercostal and nerves of the extremities.

    Herpes zoster

    Herpes simplex viruses can cause inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Herpetic lesion of the pharynx manifests itself in the form of ulcerous changes in the posterior pharyngeal wall. Herpes, caused by the herpes simplex virus type I, occurs 10 times more often than the virus caused by the herpes simplex virus type II.

    There is also herpetic eye lesion , most common in men aged 20 to 40 years. Herpes causes persistent opacity of the cornea, right up to blindness.

    Herpetic lesions of the substance and membranes of the brain .The course of the disease is severe, the body temperature rises sharply, muscular, articular and headache increases, and photophobia appears. Mortality without treatment is 30%.Other organs and systems may also be affected.

    The most severe herpetic infection occurs in persons receiving chemotherapy, hormone therapy, immunosuppressants, as they depress immunity.

    A malignant course is characterized by herpetic infection in HIV-infected ( it may be the only symptom in AIDS): frequent recurrences, necrotic disease( death of skin areas), more common rashes, lesions of all internal organs. Herpes infection in HIV-infected individuals does not tend to spontaneously cure. With the combination of HSV type 8 and the immunodeficiency virus, a disease such as Kaposi's Sarcoma develops. This malignant tumor of vascular origin penetrates the skin, lymph nodes and practically into the whole organism. Patients quickly die.

    Danger of infection and during pregnancy, when the mother lacks protection in the form of immunoglobulins - it's G and M. Then, miscarriages, intrauterine infection of the fetus, congenital malformations are possible. Other sexually transmitted diseases, when combined with the herpes virus, "interfere" with normal body resistance and an adequate immune response to the pathogen and the aforementioned complications are possible much more often. But do not despair, as a rule, with proper behavior, childbirth proceeds without complications, and a healthy child is born. For this it is important to pass the diagnosis of herpetic infection.

    The presence of herpes viruses 6,7 and 8 in the body can be asymptomatic for decades, but it is known that the herpesvirus type 6 can complicate the course of other viral diseases( including sore throats, enterovirus infections).

    Diagnosis of herpetic infection

    The doctor can already diagnose when a visual examination is performed. The laboratory methods often come to the rescue: PCR - detection of DNA pathogens, detection of the same immunoglobulins G and M in the blood. Analyzes are taken from different sites, depending on the lesion. Do not forget to be examined and for all STDs, especially when genital localization of herpes( a very frequent combination), as well as donate blood for HIV.

    Treatment of a septic infection

    In uncomplicated form of herpetic infection, treatment is performed at home. Compliance with bed rest is required depending on the general condition of the patient.

    Herpes, for a given period of time, does not completely cure, but to reduce the number of recurrences and greatly improve the quality of life it is possible. There are new drugs that effectively contribute to this.

    The most famous and most inexpensive is acyclovir or zovirax , which is available in the form of tablets or ointments. By the way, for his invention in 1988, Gertrude Elayon received the Nobel Prize. Of the more expensive - this is vamyciclovir .Ointments are used for mild disease, minor rashes. Affected areas lubricate several times a day( it is desirable that the ointment covered the affected area of ​​the skin or mucous membrane constantly), at least 5 days, that is, to smear even after the disappearance of symptoms. Tablets are used for genital herpes and shingles, as well as in cases where rashes cause pain and palpable discomfort.

    In the form of injection and tablets, medicines are used that promote the production of protective antibodies( amixin, cycloferon, neovir, reaferon-lipint).These antiviral drugs are very good for the prevention of herpes recurrence.

    Active vitamin therapy( B12, B1, B6), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pain relief( nemisil, indomethacin, ointments with lidocaine), physiotherapy( quartz).

    Obligatory drinking is necessary, in some cases, compliance with the diet. Very often with rashes in the mouth, patients refuse to eat, so the food should be wiped, not hot, not spicy and not salty. In severe cases, for example, in the defeat of the central nervous system, feeding of patients with a special probe is indicated.

    Patients with severe forms of herpes, especially when the central nervous system is affected, and with herpetic lesions of the eyes, hospitalization is indicated.

    More information about the regimens for the treatment of herpes in dependence on its serotype and localization in the relevant articles on our website: genital herpes, herpes of the lips, eye, chicken pox, shingles, cytomegalovirus, infectious mononucleosis.

    But, no matter how much progress medicine has made in this field, drugs that are effective enough in the treatment of infection caused by HHV-6, 7, 8 have not yet been found.

    Complications of herpetic infection

    Nonspecific complications: arise when another viral or bacterial infection is attached.

    Specific complications: the spread of the viral process to neighboring organs, involvement in the process, esophagus, trachea, bronchi, lungs, liver, brain, cancer, etc.

    Prevention of herpetic infection

    Prophylaxis is the cessation of close contacts with a sick person during an exacerbation. At this time, the chance of catching herpes increases 100 times. The use of condoms for sexual intercourse, as well as solutions of chlorhexidine, miramistin and suppositories "Hexicon", which actively "kill" viruses, after contact with the infected. It is unacceptable to use other people's things and personal hygiene products.

    Doctor dermatovenereologist Mansurov A.S.