
Rotavirus infection( Rotavirus, gastric flu) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Rotavirus infection( Rotavirus, gastric flu) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Rotavirus infection is an infectious disease caused by rotavirus. Other names - RI, rotaviroz, rotavirus gastroenteritis, intestinal flu, gastric flu. The causative agent of rotavirus infection is a virus from a rotavirus order( Lat. Rotavirus).The incubation period of infection is 1-5 days. Rotavirus affects both children and adults, but in an adult, unlike a child, the disease occurs in a lighter form. The patient becomes contagious with the first symptoms of rotaviroza and remains infectious until the end of the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease( 5-7 days).As a rule, after 5-7 days recovery comes, the body produces a persistent immunity to rotavirus and repeated infection occurs very rarely. In adults with a low level of antibodies, the symptoms of the disease may recur.

    How the rotavirus infection is transmitted

    The route of transmission of rotavirus is primarily food( through unwashed products, dirty hands).Infecting rotavirus infection can be in a variety of ways, for example, through infected foods, especially dairy( because of the specifics of their production).Rotaviruses feel great in the refrigerator and can live there for many days, chlorinating their water does not kill them. Rotaviruses feel calm and in holy water. In children aged 1 year and older, rotaviroz may appear when visiting nurseries, kindergartens and schools, as in a new environment, other viruses and microbes than in a home environment or in a collective where the child has been for a long time. It is possible to attribute this infection to "diseases of dirty hands".In addition, since rotaviruses cause inflammation and airways, they, like influenza viruses, spread by a drop method - for example, by sneezing.

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    Rotavirus infection occurs sporadically( isolated cases), and in the form of epidemic outbreaks.

    The virus penetrates into the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The mucosa of the small intestine is mostly affected. Rotavirus infection affects the gastrointestinal tract, causing enteritis( inflammation of the intestinal mucosa), hence the characteristic symptoms of rotaviroza.

    Symptoms of rotavirus infection in children

    The incubation period( 1-5 days), acute period( 3-7 days, with severe disease over 7 days) and recovery period after illness( 4-5 days) are allocated.

    Rotavirus infection is characterized by a sharp onset - vomiting, a sharp rise in temperature, diarrhea, often a very recognizable stool - on the first day liquid yellow, on the second, third day, gray-yellow and clay. In addition, most patients have a runny nose, redness in the throat, they experience pain when swallowing. In the acute period, there is no appetite, there is a state of decay. Long-term observations have shown that the largest outbreaks occur during or on the eve of an influenza epidemic, for which it received an unofficial name - "intestinal flu".Cal and urine are very similar in signs to the symptoms of hepatitis( light feces, dark urine, sometimes with flakes of blood).

    Often, rotavirus infection in a child manifests itself in the following symptoms and signs in order: the child wakes up sluggish, moody, it is sick in the morning, it is possible to vomit even on an empty stomach. Vomiting with mucus is possible. Appetite is reduced, after eating repeatedly tears with pieces of undigested food, vomiting begins after drinking liquid in an amount of more than 50 ml. The temperature starts to rise and by the evening the thermometer can show already more than 39 degrees Celsius. If the rotavirus infection is infected, the temperature is steadily increased and it is difficult to "knock it down", the elevated temperature can last up to 5 days. Symptoms are associated with a loose stool, often yellow with an unpleasant odor, while the stomach may be sore. Babies who can not yet explain that they have something hurts, a sign of pain is crying and rumbling in the abdomen. The child becomes whiny and irritable, loses weight "in front of", from the second day of the disease there is drowsiness. With proper treatment, all symptoms of rotavirus infection go through 5-7 days and a full recovery occurs, the loose stool can last a little longer.

    The intensity of symptoms of rotavirus infection, severity and duration of the disease are different. Symptoms of rotaviroza are very similar to those of other, more serious diseases, such as poisoning, cholera or salmonella, so immediately in case of fever in the child, the appearance of nausea and / or liquid stools, immediately call a doctor from the children's polyclinic. With pain in the abdomen, call an ambulance, before the doctor arrives painkillers do not give the child!

    Symptoms of rotavirus infection in adults

    Adults also suffer from rotaviroz, but some may take its symptoms for the usual temporary digestive disorder( say, "something's been eaten up").Nausea and vomiting do not usually bother, there may be general weakness, decreased appetite, fever and loose stool, but not for a long time. Rotavirus infection in adults is often asymptomatic. Despite the erasure of symptoms, the patient remains infectious all this time. The easier flow of rotavirus infection in adults is explained not only by stronger immunity, but also by the greater fitness of the gastrointestinal tract to such shocks. Usually, if there is an infected person in the family or in the community, then the rest begin to fall ill within 3-5 days. To prevent infection from the carrier of infection is possible only in the case of an active immune system.

    Treatment of rotavirus infection in children

    There are no drugs that kill rotavirus, so the treatment of rotavirus infection is symptomatic and is aimed at normalizing the water-salt balance, which is disturbed during vomiting and diarrhea and to prevent the development of a secondary bacterial infection. The main goal of the treatment is to control the results of the infection on the body: dehydration, toxicosis and related disorders of the cardiovascular and urinary systems.

    Whenever symptoms of a gastrointestinal disorder occur, do not give the baby milk and milk, even sour milk products, including kefir and cottage cheese, which is an excellent medium for the growth of bacteria.

    The child's appetite is reduced or absent, it is not necessary to force the child to eat, give him a drink of some jelly( homemade, boiled from water, starch and jam), you can drink chicken broth. If the child does not refuse food, you can feed him with liquid rice porridge on the water without oil( sweeten a little).The main rule is to give food or drink in small portions with a break to prevent a vomiting reflex.

    First of all, in the treatment of rehydration therapy, sorbents can be administered( activated charcoal, smectite dioctahedral, attapulgite).On days with severe vomiting or diarrhea, you need to fill up the volume of fluid and salts, washed with a liquid stool and vomit. To do this, 1 bag of Regidron powder is dissolved in a liter of water and give the child to drink 50 ml every half an hour until the water runs out. If the child sleeps and misses the drink of the solution, do not wake up, wait for it to wake up, but do not give a volume of more than 50 ml( can snatch).

    How to bring down the temperature with rotavirus infection

    According to generally accepted recommendations, the temperature below 38 degrees should not be brought down if the patient tolerates it satisfactorily. To reduce the fever( and its threshold for rotavirus infection can reach 39-plus degrees), doctors usually prescribe cefecon suppositories for children under 3 years old, paracetamol for older children( age-appropriate dosage).Candles of temperature are convenient because they can be put on regardless of whether the child is sleeping or awake. With a persistent increase in temperature, when the temperature does not "go astray," children older than one year are prescribed paracetamol with a quarter of analgin. The break between tablets or candles from temperature containing paracetamol should be at least 2 hours, in the case of other drugs from the temperature - from 4 hours or more( see the instructions), but paracetamol is most effective in rotavirus infection.

    Well help to bring down the temperature of wet wipes with a weak vodka solution, but there are some rules: you need to wipe the entire body of the child whole, not allowing a temperature drop between the body parts, after wiping to wear thin socks. Wipe off if after taking the drug from the temperature passed more than half an hour, and the temperature did not start to decline. A child with a high temperature can not be bothered.

    For symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders with fever, doctors prescribe Enterofuril( 2 times a day, dosage by age, drink at least 5 days) to prevent or treat bacterial intestinal infection. This drug helps prevent a prolonged course of diarrhea. You can replace with Enterol.

    For stomach pain with a confirmed diagnosis, rotavirus infection can be given to a baby no-shpu: 1 ml of a solution of no-shpy from the ampoule to give the baby in the mouth, wash down with tea.

    With the advent of appetite for the restoration of intestinal microflora and the treatment of diarrhea, a baby is prescribed baktisubtil - 2 times a day for 1 capsule dissolved in water one hour before meals for 5 days.

    Treatment of rotavirus infection in adults

    No special treatment required. With severe symptoms, treatment is symptomatic. Do not allow contact with children during the disease with rotavirozom so as not to infect them.

    Complications of rotavirus infection

    With proper treatment, rotavirus infection occurs without complications. If you do not drink a child with vomiting and diarrhea often, especially for children up to a year, it is possible to dehydrate the body right up to a lethal outcome. If you do not take measures, it is possible to join the bacterial intestinal infection and the disease will be even more difficult. Be sure to monitor the temperature of the child's body, a prolonged rise in temperature above 39 degrees leads to the death of cells, primarily of brain cells.

    Fatal outcome is observed in 2-3% of cases, mainly among children with weakened health. In general, after recovery, the transferred rotavirus infection does not lead to any long-term consequences and the prognosis is favorable.

    Prevention of rotavirus infection

    As an effective anti-rotavirus agent, WHO recommends the provision of preventive vaccination.

    For specific prevention of rotaviroza, there are currently two vaccines that have been clinically tested. Both are taken orally and contain a weakened live virus.

    Nonspecific preventive maintenance consists in observance of sanitary-and-hygienic norms( washing of hands, use for drinking only boiled water).

    Doctor pediatrician Vinogradova TP