  • Oats for weight loss

    Oats for weight loss use is very useful, especially in such diets that do not severely restrict the daily diet.
    And here is the recipe for a dish for weight loss. This recipe refers to mono-diets. Within 7-10 days it is allowed to eat any products from oats, but it is highly desirable that they are on the water. Oatmeal can be cooked or poured with water and insisted for 12 hours.

    This diet improves the general condition of the skin, removes slag, reduces the amount of bad cholesterol, promotes the work of the stomach. If it is difficult for you to withstand such a strict diet, you can sometimes use milk instead of water, and add a small amount of dried fruit for breakfast in oatmeal. During the whole diet should take more fluid. The usual water is 1.5-2 liters per day between meals.

    Caloric content of oatmeal eliminates the feeling of hunger for a long time. As a result of such a diet, you will lose from 3 to 5 kilograms per week. To enhance the effect, a preliminary cleansing is recommended.

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    For example, during 10 days, cleanse using rice. To do this, in the evening pour one liter of cold water 4 tablespoons of rice. In the morning on low heat, rice is boiled to an acidic state, which will take about an hour. Kissel is drunk, and after that you can not eat or drink for five hours. If thirst is so strong with unaccustomed use, then what to do, a little water will have to be allowed.

    Preliminary cleaning can be done instead of rice jelly using oat broth.

    Not only for weight loss, but also for general recovery and strengthening of the body and increase the tone of an oat diet is good. Well, as a means to lose weight, the oatmeal diet is really capable of doing wonders. It is only necessary to overcome oneself, to withstand restrictions, to increase your daily activity, and you can forget what it means to live with extra kilograms, and start enjoying life!
    Oats contain a sufficient amount of substances and vitamins to replace some products. You can eat oatmeal porridge with dried fruits for breakfast, it is one of the most useful. If you want to lose weight, then you need to tune in to healthy foods with a low glycemic index.
    Oats contain amino acids that are similar to human muscles, so they are well digested, make prevention of the body and help keep the nervous system in order.

    Oats have eleven percent of plant fiber, it is called beta-glucan, which has the following properties:

    -decreases the secretion of gastric juice
    -works the digestive tract
    -lowers blood sugar
    -contains the whole body
    -controls the metabolism of fat
    - the amount of insulin

    is reduced And all these positive properties in one grain culture that can be bought and received everywhere, in order not only to lose weight, but also to keep the whole organism as a wholeFedorov.

    Decoction of oats for weight loss

    It is necessary to take 2 glasses of oats( you can buy it in the market where you sell animal feeds).
    Oats should be thoroughly rinsed under running water( cold) and pour 1 liter of water. It is better to do this at night, since it will take 12 hours to insist.
    In the morning, bring the infusion to a boil in an enamel saucepan, reduce the heat and "torment" under the closed lid for a couple of hours. It is important to monitor the water and, if necessary, add a little.
    Strain, oats wipe through a sieve, mix with liquid, bring to a boil and soak for another half an hour.
    Chilled broth of oats for weight loss are poured into a jar and stored in a refrigerator. To improve the taste in the broth, you can add a spoonful of honey and a few drops of lemon.

    How to take:

    the duration of the course is determined by itself. On average, from 10 to 30 days. Drink the broth in a warm form over half a glass, before the main meals. The duration of taking the decoction depends on how much you want to lose weight. In any case, harm will not bring oats.

    Infusion of oats for weight loss and with diseases of the digestive tract

    Oats ground - 2 tbsp.lies.
    Boiling water - 0.5 liters

    Whole grains of oats should be washed, dried on a napkin and grinded on a coffee grinder. Put in a thermos and pour steep boiling water. Let it brew for about three hours. Take an empty stomach for 150 ml.

    Decoction of oats for weight loss

    Oats - 1 glass
    Purified water - 1 liter

    This decoction is easy to prepare. In the evening we wash the cereal, pour it with water and leave it till morning. In the morning, we bring it all to a boil, reduce the fire to a minimum and languish for about an hour and a half. Then the decoction is removed from the fire and allowed to cool. After this, all to interrupt in a blender, bring to a boil and let it brew for about forty minutes. Everything, the broth is ready. Drink decoction of oats should be three times a day, one hour before meals.

    Broth with germinated oat kernels for weight loss

    Sprouted oats - 1 glass
    Water - 3 cups

    To make it, you need to put the unpeeled oats in wet gauze and leave for a few days until it sprouts. Then sprouted oats should be poured with water, bring to a boil and boil for about two hours on very slow fire. Prepared broth chill and strain. Drink it should be on an empty stomach, about forty minutes before a meal for two weeks. For greater efficiency to the broth and infusion for weight loss, you should also include low-calorie diets, while excluding fat, sweet and bakery products from the diet.

    Oat broth for rejuvenating the body

    Purified water - 3 liters
    Oats not peeled - 3 cups

    In this amount of water we put the cereal, bring it to a boil and wait half an hour on a slow fire. Then we pour all this into the thermos and leave to insist on the day. Filter, add 1 box.honey and once again bring to a boil. We take 100 ml.for 20 minutes.before meals. You can add lemon juice a little. Recommended course for ten days - in spring, summer, autumn, winter.

    Cleansing oatmeal cocktail

    It is prepared by adding various freshly squeezed juices to the oat broth, a 1: 1 ratio. For flavor, you can add a little lemon juice and 1 teaspoon.honey.
    Contraindications for the use of whole grains oats

    ♦ Food intolerance
    ♦ Ulcerative colitis
    ♦ Diverticulitis
    ♦ Osteoporosis
    ♦ Bowel irritation
    ♦ Intestinal obstruction

    If you eat oats regularly, especially when combined with exercise and a proper diet, the problemwith excess weight and the desired loss of excess fat on the waist will happen quickly and without problems for health.