
What nails are dreaming about: painting nails, gnawing or sawing nails in a dream - the most interesting interpretations of such dreams

  • What nails are dreaming about: painting nails, gnawing or sawing nails in a dream - the most interesting interpretations of such dreams

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    The question that worries many people since the era of the Enlightenment concerns dreams. What do dreams and what do they mean? After all, dreams are terrible, beautiful and incomprehensible, and someone dreams about prophetic dreams that come true one to one!

    Let's try to look at the question from the point of view of scientists, psychologists who have been studying the secrets of dreams for thousands of years. As signs learned in the course of a person's life, they make it possible to predict an event or even the weather, and dreams that are the same, but for different people, give an opportunity to reveal their meaning and predict some events in the life of a person.

    If you dream nails. ..

    In particular, many dreams about nails. What nails are dreaming of, you can ask the interpreters of dreams. There are many dream interpretations that explain these dreams.

    Most interpreters of dreams converge on the fact that nails seen in a dream, their appearance and even length are important for interpretation. Therefore, it is desirable to remember the dream in detail. Nails are identified in most cases with work, some tests, and with the decision.

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    For example, you can cut your nails in a dream to yourself, a child, other people, on your feet, on your hands. This dream can dream a man or a woman. All this is of no small importance. Cutting nails in a dream means a lot of work for the family, for the benefit of close people.

    In particular, a man who cuts nails in a dream to himself can only rely on himself and rely only on himself in all circumstances. Help in the upcoming cases can not be expected from nowhere.

    Cutting your nails in a dream means sometimes putting things in order in your own thoughts, feelings, the need to find peace of mind, to rest. Some commentators believe that cutting their nails to themselves on foot means moving or moving around.

    If the dream is dreaming, in which the nails are trimmed for the child, then there will be no end to the home affairs, they will be the main ones in the near future. Or the one who saw this dream, prevents the child's natural data from being realized.

    Many people want to know , what is the dream of broken nails. This dream book tells a different, it all depends on the specific details of sleep. In general, to see broken nails in a dream is an impossible work, for which you do not need to undertake, because you can lose both earnings and respect.

    To see broken nails from someone - temporary difficulties in communication. Breaking nails in front of someone who saw a dream - this man will succeed due to hard work and diligence. Breaking specially his nails chooses a difficult path of testing.

    The habit of women to paint nails in a dream is interpreted as a warning about the need for unity of the spiritual and physical in a person. Red nail varnish means passion and erotic desires, which can become a temptation for a young girl, and for a married one - the struggle with these feelings. At the same time, red nails on well-groomed hands mean harmonious relations with the opposite sex.

    Long nails are made by those who hope for something or someone, but these hopes are not to be realized. Nails of artificial length, overhead - to something good. The merits that await a person will be given to him for diligence. However, to see such nails can a man with unnatural, feigned behavior in life. Sleep is a warning about the need to become oneself.

    Very interesting tense is given in dream books, when a person tries to gnaw nails in a dream. This promises disappointment in the person who has given rise to sympathy. In addition, the feeling of attraction to him can have sad consequences and bitterness.

    Sometimes in a dream a woman can nail, which means anticipation of sexual relations. For a man, the dream in which he nags his nails is a tendency to homosexuality, although perhaps this feeling is unconscious. Freud's dream interpreter identifies the saw, in general, with the male sexual organ. And to lose in a dream a file for nails means to lose sexual appeal or a potency.

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