  • Calorie content of a banana

    Banana Paradise( Musa paradiciaca L.) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the banana family, with a short stalk, from which powerful leaves leave up to 2 m in length, the leaves are covered with brown spots. Fruits are collected in clusters. The homeland is Southeast Asia, from where it reached antiquity in Africa, South and Central America, where many varieties of this plant were bred. It is believed that the banana is one of the first plants cultivated by man. Many varieties and species of this plant are cultivated in almost all tropical countries.

    Bananas contain sugar up to 25%, starch, malic acid, enzymes that promote the absorption of hydrocarbons, as well as fiber and pectin substances that improve digestion. In the flesh of the fruits there are many salts of potassium, which contribute to the excretion of the fluid from edema. Bananas contain magnesium, which, when stressed, is washed away from the cells by stress hormones.

    Ways to use
    The lack of magnesium and stress are interrelated, so doctors recommend people with a stressful lifestyle to include bananas in their diet. Magnesium, contained in bananas, will help to remove or reduce anxiety and improve sleep. Flesh pulp contains physiologically active substances that help people with intestinal diseases and stomach ulcers, with reduced acidity.

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    Bananas help with diarrhea, enteritis and ulcerative colitis, liver disease. Restriction for the consumption of bananas can be the increased acidity of gastric juice, and they should be limited to people suffering from obesity and diabetes, because the glycemic index of ripe bananas is quite high and equal to 65. At the same time, unripe fruits are useful for diabetics, for greenbananas, the glycemic index is half as low - only 30.

    In folk medicine of countries where this plant is spread, not only fruits, but also juice from stems, roots, and also "legs" of fruits are used.

    So, in India, mature fruit is recommended for use in digestive disorders, jade, hypertension, heart disease. Juice from stems is used for dysentery and cholera, and also as a sedative for hysteria and epilepsy. Roots are used against worms, with blood disease. Leaves - help with burns. In China, the petioles of the "legs" of the fruit are used when the pork tapeworm is expelled.

    Bananas are an excellent cough remedy. To make it, take ripe bananas and let them through a sieve, then put the grated bananas in a pan with hot water in proportion: two bananas per one glass of water with sugar( 1 tsp.), Reheat and drink this mixture.

    And Italians extol the bananas for the fact that their excellent flesh removes the inflammation of the vocal cords.

    Bananas are a very valuable food product. In countries where it is spread, bananas replace bread, potatoes, meat and many other foods. Bananas are eaten both in fresh and in processed form. From the pulp of fruits make flour, jam, coffee substitute, liqueurs, cream, stuffing for confectionery, ice cream.
    In bananas, 1.5% protein content in the product, 0.5% fat content, 21% carbohydrate content, 1.7% fiber content, 96 kcal .- The energy value of 100 grams of the product.