
Useful and medicinal properties of figs( fig tree)

  • Useful and medicinal properties of figs( fig tree)

    Fig( fig tree, fig)( Ficus carica L.) is a tree with a branchy crown and large leaves. Single-leaf or dioecious deciduous tree or branched bush with a smooth light gray bark and mlechnikami in all organs. Leaves alternate or opposite, simple, large, petiolate, whole or lobate. Flowers unisexual, sitting in the cavity of a fleshy or pear-shaped overgrown axis of the inflorescence. Male flowers 2-6-separated with 2-6 stamens;perianth female flowers five-lobed, ovary single-caved. Female inflorescences are figs, male inflorescences. Fruits - small, numerous nuts, enclosed inside figs. The flowers are collected in the inflorescence, from which the development of copulation, which, depending on the variety, is spherical, pear-shaped or flat. Depending on the variety, fig fruits can be green, yellow, reddish, brown or black. Their weight is about 30 g. Under the thin skin of the ovary is tender flesh.

    Places of growth

    Now in the wild, figs are found in the Crimea, Transcaucasia and in some areas of Central Asia.

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    Fig is an ancient plant, in the Crimea and the Caucasus figs were brought by the Genoese, where it is found in the wild, there are also cultivated cultivated varieties.

    Botanical characteristics

    Single-tree tree 7-10 m high with a gray and wide spreading crown. The leaves are large, regular, three-five-lobed, dark green, beneath - light, pubescent, with a peculiar smell. The flowers are collected in inflorescences, on which the development of copulation, which, depending on the variety, is spherical, pear-shaped or flat. The ovaries are covered with a thin skin, which is slightly torn off, exposing the tender flesh. Blossoms in April-May, fruits ripen in August-October.


    For therapeutic purposes, fruits, leaves, bark and roots are used. The fruits are harvested in August-October, the leaves in April-May, the roots in spring and autumn.

    Chemical Composition

    Medicinal raw materials are fruits that are harvested by maturation. Use the fruit - wine berries. The fig sprats are very valuable, since they contain a lot of sugar: fresh - 12.8-20.3%, dried - 56.6 - 62.9%( dry weight), and some varieties from Azerbaijan - up to 71%;a lot of proteins and vitamins, a lot of salts of potassium( 1161 mg%), calcium( 227 mg%), magnesium( 117 mg%), etc. Fruits contain pectin substances, fiber, organic acids, vitamins C, B1, B6, B12, PP, carotene, pantothenic and folic acid, a lot of potassium( 1161 mg%), 263 mg% of phosphorus, 227 mg of calcium, 117 mg of magnesium, iron, enzymes.

    In addition, the fruits contain a plant enzyme ficin, which possesses the properties of fibrinolysin, as well as an enzyme similar to lipodiastase, weakly acting in a neutral and khorosho sour environment, amylase and protease.

    Useful properties of

    Due to the high potassium content it is useful in cardiovascular diseases, it should also be noted that the enzyme ficin is used in vascular thrombi. Fresh wine berries help with anemia. It is recommended to use figs for urolithiasis, as an increase in urination, and also as a laxative. Decoction of figs in milk or water is drunk with bronchitis and tracheitis, with kidney and urinary tract diseases, with gastritis and constipation. Outer broth is used in the form of rinsing with angina, coughing, hoarseness and as lotions with flux, abscesses, and if you apply fresh or soaked fruits to the abscess, this process will accelerate.

    Pharmacological properties of

    Figs have a diuretic, mild laxative, emollient, expectorant, enveloping, antiseptic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects.

    Application in medicine

    Fruits of figs are used to treat thromboembolic diseases due to the presence of ficin, and due to the presence of a large amount of sugar and potassium they are useful for suffering cardiovascular diseases. The fig, cooked in milk, is used as a remedy for acute catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchiectasis. It is used as a remedy for acute catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, with anemia, kidney and urinary tract diseases, tracheitis. Decoction of figs or jam from it is recommended as a diaphoretic and febrifuge. The broth is also used for enteritis and enterocolitis, for dysentery.

    In folk medicine, figs are also recommended for gastritis, chronic constipation, as well as for improving the blood composition, as an expectorant and diuretic, indicating the beneficial effect of fig fruits in kidney stone disease. Give children from whooping cough and as a delicious food. To do this, the fruits boil in milk and drink without dosing.

    Decoction of figs, jam and coffee made from dried surrogate figs have a sweatshop and antipyretic effect and have a beneficial effect on laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis.

    Fruits have a disinfectant property, so people often use them as a rinse for rinses and for colds, for abscesses, for inflammations of mucous membranes, they are especially useful for external use in cancer( prevent the development of the disease).

    It is better to use fresh fruits, but they are also useful and dried;applying for poultices, you must first soak them in butter for a long time.

    Medicinal preparations

    Broth of ripe fig fruits: put in enameled dishes, chop it, pour 2 cups of boiling milk and boil for 20 minutes. Strain and take a glass 2-4 times a day with kidney and urinary tract diseases, urolithiasis and anemia.

    Extract of ripe fig fruits: take 2-3 fruits, place them in enameled dishes, grind and put in the oven for 6 hours to get a dark brown gruel with a fragrant smell and pleasant taste. Eat 100 g 1 time per day( morning on an empty stomach).Has a moderate diuretic effect. In patients with cardiovascular decompensation, urinary excretion increases to 50%.

    Decoction of figs of figs: brew 1 cup of boiling milk( or water) 2 tbsp.l.dry coots( "wine berries"), insist, wrapped, 2 hours, strain. Apply inside 100 ml 2-4 times a day with gastritis, constipation, or use to rinse your throat with angina. Freshly stored figs is almost impossible, so it is wilted and lightly pressed.

    Dried figs get a beautiful color and tastes better. From figs jam, compotes are cooked. Figs are served for tea.

    Jam from figs

    Curd mousse with figs

    of sugar

    Candies "Cheerfulness"



    In the fig fruit there is a lot of fiber, so the figs should not be abused in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and because of sugar - with diabetes. In fruits up to 100 mg% of oxalic acid and therefore it is contraindicated for gout.