
Masks from wrinkles around the eyes at home

  • Masks from wrinkles around the eyes at home

    Any girl, seeing the first wrinkles, in a panic begins to look for expensive effective creams to get rid of age-related manifestations. But is it so terrible that these ray-smeshinki, which can appear in any beauty even before her 25-year-old age? And what old age can you say to these very young creatures? Appear "goose paws" usually from active contractions of facial muscles under different conditions: squinting during application of eye makeup and poor-quality cosmetics, blinking, rapid expression of emotions, sunny weather or non-observance of the rules of working with a computer. .. And such reasons for the appearance of early wrinkles around the eyes are enougha lot of. Due to the fact that the skin in this zone suffers from the absence of sweat and sebaceous glands and has a very fine structure, these "uninvited guests" appear early on it. But do not be upset, it will be better, at their first occurrence, to start actively caring for the skin, so as not to provoke their deepening and not make them more visible. Erase them, as an eraser, will help regular home masks from wrinkles around the eyes.

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    Home care is so good that it does not require much time and money, and all components can be found in your kitchen or in the nearest pharmacy. It can be:

    Aloe from wrinkles around the eyes
    • Aloe, or an age that perfectly removes dry skin in the area around the eyes. To do this, from the leaf of the plant you need to drip a little juice and apply on the entire area of ​​the eyelids before going to bed. For the same purpose, in the absence of a house of such a flower, you can buy a gel with aloe vera, which contains 98% of the active substance.
    • Olive oil( jojoba, castor or burdock, cocoa or sea-buckthorn) with the addition of natural essential oils: peach, almond or apricot perfectly nourishes the skin around the eyes with vitamins and minerals. Eyelids from wrinkles are no less effective and "eyelids" of grape seed oil and wheat germ are "fed".Also in the pharmacy you can buy an oil solution of vitamin E, which effectively fights the aging of the skin in any composition of masks.
    • Natural honey, the medicinal properties of which have been tested for centuries.
    • Vegetables and fruits from wrinkles Vegetables and fruits. These gifts of nature can be saved from any, even very deep wrinkles: fresh or boiled potatoes, cucumber, banana, watermelon or apple, peach, apricot or grapes, raspberries or strawberries. They can be turned into gruel with the help of a fork or put in circles for eyelids. Also good for this purpose is sauerkraut, greens or parsley root( minced through a meat grinder), asparagus or spinach.
    • Dairy products: sour cream, natural yoghurt, kefir, milk, butter and others. For example, a mixture of sour cream with parsley greens, turned blender into a gruel-like mass, can bring, besides the rejuvenating effect, bleaching of the skin and eliminating the puffiness of the eyelids.
    • Oat flakes, rye or white bread can also be brewed with milk or boiled water and cooled to a pleasant temperature.
    • Tea bags of natural beverage without additives in freshly prepared form, which can be cooled, applied to the eyelids without cotton pads and gauze.
    • Infusion against wrinkles Infusions of medicinal herbs( parsley, sage, chamomile, string, mint, linden, calendula, oregano or burdock).One tbsp.fresh vegetable raw materials put in a glass, fill it with boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes, and the same amount of boiling water and dried plants from the pharmacy can be brewed in a thermos for the night( 8-9 hours).After moistening the gauze with this drug, attach it to the eyelids.

    These safe and very effective cosmetics can be used either in pure form or mixed as ingredients in complex formulations.

    Olive Masks

    Why do Italian film stars keep their youth for years to come? After all, this is not always a merit of plastic surgeons, knowing the passionate affection of the southern beauties to everything natural. Monica Bellucci and Sophia Loren, Ornella Muti and Claudia Cardinal - these brilliant actresses have always maintained youth and beauty with the help of olive oil! They not only put it on the skin and damp hair, but also with pleasure add to home masks from wrinkles around the eyes.

    1. For 50 ml of "liquid gold" with a drop of 10 ml of vitamin E. Delicately massage the area around the eyes and leave for 5-10 minutes, having soaked the remainders with a soft napkin.
    2. For 50 ml of olive oil, add 3-4 drops of lemon juice. We put it very carefully so that the mixture does not injure the mucous membrane. Gently massage and after 10 minutes, brush the remnants of a napkin.
    3. Take a 1/2 tbsp.miracle herbs: marigolds, mint and burdock, crush them and pour ¼ cup olive or corn oil, close tightly this container and infuse it for a week. Every day at night apply this tool on the eyelid area. In just 10-15 days from wrinkles there will be no trace!

    "Delicious" complex masks that effectively relieve wrinkles in the eye area

    Honey-oat mask
    1. Honey-oat blend. Grind oat flakes on a coffee grinder in flour or take a ready 10-15 g, mix it with one yolk and 1/2 tsp.of natural honey. If the mixture looks too thick, bring it to a mushy state with a small amount of warm milk, so that it does not spread over the face. In gauze place the finished mixture and put it on the closed eyelids for a third or a quarter of an hour.
    2. Honey-cottage cheese mixture. In 25-30 g of fatty curd mass, add as much warm milk and 5-7 g of vegetable oil, honey and fat cream. Stir well and gauze to attach to the eyes with closed eyelids for a quarter of an hour.
    3. Banana mixture from wrinkles around the eyes Banana mixture. Mash one banana with a fork, add 10-15 g of olive oil and one tsp.vitamin E. Apply the mixture on the damp skin of the eyelids and leave for half an hour.
    4. Mixture with rose petals. Rose petals or rosehips are crushed and take 1 tbsp.finished raw materials, adding to it 1 yolk and 15-25 g of butter. Then you need to mix and attach to the thin epidermis around the eyes. In half an hour you can cleanse the skin with warm water without gel and soap.
    5. "Parisian" mixture. One hundred grams of sauerkraut slightly squeeze, put in a double layer of gauze and put it on your eyes. It is possible to soften the effect of acid by adding 10-15 g of olive oil or honey.
    6. Potato mask Potato mixture. Fresh grated potatoes, applied to the eye area, well tightens the skin, relieves puffiness, nourishes it with the necessary vitamins and trace elements. It is also good in an effective mixture against "uninvited guests": 1-2 tsp. Grind parsley and pour 100 ml of boiling water. Insist no more than a quarter of an hour. Two tablespoons of the prepared infusion is mixed with 1 tablespoon.raw grated potatoes and 1 tsp.olive oil. Apply this mixture in the gauze napkin to the closed eyelids for 15-20 minutes. It is not necessary to wash it off, the remnants can be removed with the help of cotton buds.
    7. Bread anti-aging mask. The crumb of white bread is dipped in melted warm butter. Apply the mask uniformly over the eye area for 25-30 minutes. A couple of treatments a week will save you from wrinkles or make them shallow and unobtrusive.
    8. Berries with honey or sour cream. Rub the fork with natural gifts( raspberries or strawberries) and add 15-20 g of honey or sour cream. This mask can rejuvenate even the fading skin around the eyes.

    An irresistible look with a smooth, fresh and young skin can give you masks from wrinkles around the eyes. You will only need a little care for yourself for a few minutes a day. A small sacrifice, is not it? In order to look great!


    Video on how to prepare a lifting mask from potatoes: