  • Breeding champignons in the country

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    Champignons can be grown on the ridges in spring and summer, in enclosed premises( greenhouses, greenhouses, cellars, etc.), where it is possible to maintain a constant temperature and humidity, in autumn and winter. These mushrooms can be grown without light, as they are well fruited and in the dark. The nutrient medium for champignons is compost, which is prepared from a mixture of fresh horse and cow manure with straw litter( Fig.).

    Fig. Compost

    In addition to straw, ammonium sulfate and minerals such as chalk or alabaster are added to the compost. Prepare the substrate for 25-30 days before laying it in the ridge.

    Cow manure can be replaced with chicken litter, and straw - fallen leaves or cornstalks.

    Compost of cow dung is considered the best breeding ground for growing champignons. To manure it is necessary to add about 20% of straw, leaves, potato leaves. To begin to prepare a substrate it is necessary from stacking a heap: to 50 kg of manure it is necessary to add 12 kg of gypsum or alabaster, 12 kg of lime and 1,5 kg of urea. The mixture must be poured, covered with a film and left for 15-20 days. As soon as the smell of ammonia disappears, the compost must be placed in a permanent place. If the mushrooms are grown in the open ground, then the ridges should be made 20-30 cm deep.

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    Mushrooms can be purchased in specialized stores. Introducing it, you must follow the instructions. Humidity of air, while the mycelium grows, should be 50-55%, and the air temperature - 18-20 ° C.

    After 14-20 days, the mycelium grows 3-5 cm, and white plaque appears on the surface of the soil. At this time, over the substrate, you need to pour a layer of greenhouse earth 2-4 cm thick and water it as it dries. In this case, it is recommended to spray with water spray.

    The fungus will fructify after 35-50 days. The fruiting period will last 2-3 months. Mushrooms can be collected when the film is stretched, and the plates themselves become pale pink.

    You can not let mushrooms grow old, as they will deplete the mycelium. During the collection, the mushrooms must be unscrewed so as not to destroy the mycelium, and sprinkle the place of twisting with earth.

    How to plant mycelium

    After the substrate has been laid, it is necessary to measure its temperature every day. When at a depth of 4 cm it drops to 27-28 ° C, it is possible to plant a mycelium. The best planting material is a sterile spore mycelium( Fig.), Which is grown in special laboratories. The most abundant harvest is given by two types of champignons: bipolar brown and bipolar white.

    Fig. Sterile Spore Mushroom

    In laboratories, mycelium of champignons is grown on manure or on wheat, oats and rye grains.

    Dung mycelium before planting should be broken into pieces of 20 cm each and put them in a basin in one layer. Pieces of mycelium must be planted in staggered order at a distance of 20 x 20 cm. To do this, raise the upper layer of the soil in the intended location and make a depression under it, where a piece of mycelium is placed.

    If for planting a cereal mycelium is used, then from the surface of the ridge it is required to remove a layer 3 cm thick, then to straighten the mycelium and sprinkle it with compost, slightly prymav. Also for planting, you can use wild mycelium. The pieces of soil must be densely permeated with cobweb branches of mycelium, have a pleasant smell, do not have traces of pests or damages. Plant a grain mycelium in the same way as a manure.

    Care for mushrooms

    After the mycelium has been planted, the room temperature should be maintained within 24-26 ° C.With this mode, the mycelium grows in depth and yields a good harvest. The moisture content of the substrate should be 55-60%.In the dried up soil, the mycelium grows worse, so it should be sprayed evenly as it dries. After 12 days, when the mycelium is already well developed, the temperature can be lowered to 18-20 ° C, and the surface is covered with 3 cm of the earth layer. The land must be turf.

    In the future, maintenance consists in maintaining the temperature within 14-15 ° C of air humidity - 80-humidity of the earth layer should be 60%.The room where the champignons grow should be regularly ventilated. After 30-40 days, the first fruit bodies of champignons appear. After each harvest, the substrate must be stored under the same conditions.