
Men's haircut Undercard: 20 photos in the collection and lots of useful tips

  • Men's haircut Undercard: 20 photos in the collection and lots of useful tips

    The hit of the 60s, the undercut haircut( actually "cut bottom") is again gaining popularity.

    It will suit both a tuxedo and a beach t-shirt, which makes it completely universal. In any case, the man will look attractive and exquisite.

    So, what is the peculiarity of this haircut? In a sharp transition between a shaved temporal and occipital part and a long bang from the forehead to the nape of the neck. This sharp leap highlights both masculinity and originality of the owner.

    Who will do?

    First and foremost, undercut - youth style. After all, young people like to experiment with their appearance and favorably stand out against the background of dull haircuts "under the typewriter."And it does not matter how much this experiment costs.

    Naturally, this haircut is not suitable for everyone. Owners of curly hair, of course, will be able to give them the required smoothness and obedience, but only at the cost of incredible efforts. At the same time, hard hair needs to be straightened often to match the style of the hairstyle, which is not acceptable for every member of the stronger sex. Therefore, basically this haircut should be done for men with smooth and even hair of medium length.

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    By the way, contrasts are very well combined with each other. Therefore, in haircut undercuts hair drops from short to long can be supplemented by changes in hair color.

    For women

    Moreover, if you think that the undercard is suitable only for men, then you are very wrong! There are many equally stylish and daring women's options.

    Secrets of creating this masterpiece

    Before you go to the hairdresser and make yourself such a hairstyle, you should think about how long the hair will be on the temples, the back of the head and on the vertex. It is also necessary to take into account the type of hair( as already mentioned above), the shape of the face and head.

    In order to shorten the hair on the temples and the back of the head, you can use both scissors and a machine( setting nozzle No. 2 or No. 3 on it).Strands can be made in different lengths to make the stacking effect larger. Obviously, the more strands are longer, the more opportunities to perform the desired styling, including, and with the hair back.

    Photos of male undercuts undercard:

    Men's haircut Undercut can be changed in the occiput, that is, be higher or lower depending on how you want.

    Also worth taking into account a few more subtleties:

    1. Style should be chosen according to your preferences.

    2. The length and sharpness of the transitions must be selected individually.

    If you want to make a haircut with shaved temples and short hair, then you can achieve this goal in one of two ways:

    1. Use scissors and comb to cut hair;

    2. Or cut the whiskey with a machine, using different attachments.

    It's no secret that in many( in particular - provincial) hairdressing masters may not even guess about the existence of haircuts that are different from "sports" and "model."Therefore, it is better to take with you a photo of the desired hairstyle, so that the master had the opportunity to examine it and trim it the way you want it.

    Undercut - very, very difficult haircut, so before leaving the barber shop, examine yourself from the side and fix what needs to be fixed.

    How to cut an undercut?

    As mentioned above, such a haircut simplicity does not differ and its performance is better entrusted to professionals. However, if you are confident in your abilities and ready for experiments, here are a few useful videos: