  • Highlighting on long hair 50 photos and 2 videos

    Do you have chic long hair, but do you want to change something without damaging the hair and cutting it? The ideal solution is melirovanie. This is a rather difficult procedure, which involves painting individual strands. It's almost impossible to paint long hair at home, as they are constantly confused. For the same reason, melioration with a cap does not work.

    Milling long hair at home

    Long hair is painted only with foil. To do this, you will need a comb with a long handle and a foil cut into strips. We select the strand of the comb, apply the paint on it with a brush and wrap it in foil. Keep as much as required by the instructions, and then my head. As you can see, highlighting for long hair( photo below) at home is not so difficult.

    The advantage of melioration before staining is that the hair is less exposed to chemistry, which makes them look thicker and healthier. Melirovanie, photo of which you can see below, perfectly masks the gray hair.
    Let's consider with examples the main types of melting of long hair.

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    American colors

    American colors - with this method the curls are painted in color that is different from yours by only one tone. Her hair looks lush and alive. The master in the salon can pick up to your hair up to 5 - 6 shades, which will look pretty impressive.


    MASHIMIZH is a gentle way of melioration, since the hair is treated with a cream made of wax, and because of this the hair is not damaged.


    A fairly interesting option is balage - this is the method in which the curl is not completely stained, but only its lower part. A fashionable and very bright image is being created.

    Crazy colors

    Сrazy colors is a style for bright, extraordinary people, capable of experimenting with their appearance. With this method, strands are painted in different bright colors, each strand in a separate color.


    Chateau - with this coloring there is a smooth transition from light ends to dark roots. More on the video.


    Bronzing is the last "squeak of fashion".With this method of staining, a feeling of burned strands is created. But the hair has a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

    Reverse stripping

    This is an extremely fashionable highlighting with bang, the photo below. It is relevant for those who want to return to the natural color of the hair after frequent staining or melioration. With this method, the strands are colored in the tone of the roots.

    Useful advices for

    If you decide to chalk your hair yourself, then you should pay attention to the fact that if you use a strong concentration, then time should be shortened.

    Apply the paint quickly, so that the time for applying the paint to the locks is the same for all the ringlets, as there may be a difference in tone due to the time difference.

    Lubricate the forehead, neck, ears and nape with a fat cream, and put gloves on your hands, so you protect yourself. After melirovaniya do not forget about the special care of hair. Melting can be done at any color and length of your hair. Some very useful tips on the video below: