
How to replace coffee: a list of substitute foods

  • How to replace coffee: a list of substitute foods

    Dependence on caffeine is a problem for most people. But you can not all use coffee, and not everyone can feel the desired invigorating effect.

    Coffee for many as a drug, but it can be replaced.

    There are several options than replacing coffee, which provide a similar effect.

    Green tea

    1. Green tea. In order to get the necessary charge of energy and vivacity, which is so lacking in the mornings, you can brew green tea. It contains caffeine, but its amount is lower than in coffee. At the same time tea contains antioxidants, which allow to clean and protect the body.

    Ginger tea

    2. Ginger tea . Ginger is characterized by the ability to relieve fatigue, lethargy and apathy. In this case, such tea has a mass of medicinal properties. It relieves pain and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. Tea has a positive effect on metabolism and blood circulation.

    The ginger root should be crushed, pour boiling water and insist up to 7 minutes. It would be good to add honey to taste. This is a great replacement for coffee.

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    Tea with lemongrass

    3. Tea with lemon grass. This tea improves well-being, energizes, relieves stress and helps fight depression. Tea is also used for medical purposes, especially during recovery from surgery.

    Pomegranate juice

    4. Freshly squeezed pomegranate juice. This drink contains a wide range of vitamins, increases the level of hemoglobin and has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This is a natural energy that can charge for the whole day. Before use, it must be diluted.

    Juice from wheat germs

    5. Juice from wheat germ. Such a drink allows you to get the necessary energy from the vitamin complex, and minerals. In doing so, it strengthens the immune defense system, regulates blood pressure, has a positive effect on the skin and nervous system.


    6. But the most basic, most important substitute for coffee, which even to taste it reminds, is chicory.

    It can be bought at a pharmacy, in shops they sell a drink from chicory, but you can prepare it yourself. This plant is familiar to many - blue flowers on hard, hard stems grow in us, like a weed, literally everywhere.

    For the preparation of the drink its roots are used, which contain inulin, pectins, sugar, proteins, fats, bitter glycoside. Dig up roots early in spring or autumn, wash and air dry. Then dry it in the oven until the roots are brittle.

    They are divided into small pieces and fried, stirring, until dark brown in a frying pan. Then grind in a coffee grinder and pour the powder into a jar with a tight-fitting lid.

    The drink from chicory is prepared as follows: a tablespoon of powder is poured into 500 ml of cold water, brought to a boil and boiled for 2-3 minutes on low heat. Then filter. If you decide to drink instead of coffee a drink from chicory, then very soon the level of cholesterol will return to normal, the nervous system will become stronger, and the manifestations of eczema or acne, if any, will decrease noticeably.


    7. All the same, from the preparation to the preparation of the drink, you can do with the roots of the dandelion. This drink has a mild diuretic, laxative and antipyretic effect, increases bile secretion and milk production during lactation.

    Jerusalem artichoke

    8. If you have a Jerusalem artichoke on a garden plot, you can also make a beverage from it, which will perfectly replace the coffee. For this, the tubers are excavated in the early spring or autumn, they are thoroughly washed, peeled and cut into pieces. Then they are briefly poured with boiling water, dried and roasted in the oven. The dried pieces are ground in a coffee grinder or in a mortar and brewed like ordinary coffee.

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