
What does a pool with clean or dirty water dream about or swim in it in a dream

  • What does a pool with clean or dirty water dream about or swim in it in a dream

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    It is very pleasant to see a clear blue water in the pool in a dream, to plunge into it and swim, enjoying every minute. In the morning after such a dream, I do not even want to wake up, but it happens that the pool is dreaming about with dirty and muddy water, from such a dream even shivers. What do these dreams mean and what does the pool dream about?

    Sonnik Yu. Longo

    This dream treats a dream about the pool as follows: swimming in the pool in a dream promises a very meaningful meeting, perhaps with a long-time acquaintance who was previously indifferent to you. Masterfully swimming in the pool means a quick, profitable offer, which will bring only joy.

    To see someone close to them swimming in the pool, predicts that big changes are soon to be expected, which are likely to be followed by changes in life. Such changes can concern absolutely all spheres.

    Enjoying a swim in the pool means that there will be a lot of hassle and bustle that can capture a person so much that they lead to illness. You need to remember about rest and do not exhaust yourself in vain. If in a dream you, on the contrary, do not like to swim in the pool, then such a dream portends separation from the closest friend.

    instagram viewer

    Jump in a pool in a dream means that you have to make a global decision that can change your whole life.

    Dreamdog Sigmund Freud

    Swim in the pool on this dream book means to wake up in a love adventure, forget about all things and give yourself completely to your love. However, these relationships are doomed, the person you fall in love with will disappoint you.

    An empty pool according to the dream book of Freud promises emptiness in the soul and life after losing a partner. It will be necessary to try to pull itself together and continue life further.

    Sonder Miller

    According to Miller's dream book, a pool with clean water for a young girl is a very good sign. Such a dream means that her position in society is very high, she is considered decent and responsible, which will allow finding a true and true friend.

    Spring dream book

    A dream about the pool on this dream symbolizes material well-being. Swim in it - to cash profit. Pour water into the pool - to acquire the ability to make money from the air, and pour out - the loss of luck.

    General Interpretations

    Swim in a dream in the pool - to good luck and pleasant experiences. For a young girl such a dream means the ability to put people to oneself and a successful marriage. Swim in the new and beautiful large pool - to prosperity, health, victories in love and career. It is easy and at ease to swim in the water promises a profitable offer.

    The pleasure from swimming in a dream portends cares and troubles, you need to be able to relax and rest.

    A dream in which friends or loved ones bathe in the pool means changes in life, they will bring only good things with them.

    An empty pool dreams of loneliness. Frozen pool symbolizes the onset of troubles in real life, and anyone else's help will not have to count.

    A pool without water dreams about emptiness in the soul and life. Perhaps, the relationship with a loved one is to be broken.

    To see dirty and green water in the pool is a harbinger of diseases, but clean and fresh - to success in all endeavors.

    In a dream to jump into the pool and hit - it promises irresponsibility, because of which failure will come. To see the outgoing water from the pool is a serious trouble. It is necessary to beware of accidents and take care of your health.

    Sinking in the pool - dreams of a difficult situation in life, from which it will be difficult to come out with dignity.

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