
Nausea in pregnancy: what you need to do to get rid of toxemia

  • Nausea in pregnancy: what you need to do to get rid of toxemia

    Toxicosis - this is the medical name for some unpleasant symptoms that occur during pregnancy. One of the signs of toxicosis is nausea. This is explained by the fact that the woman's organism is being reconstructed, adapts to a new state and this does not always go smoothly.

    When does toxicosis start?

    The most frequent manifestation of toxicosis is "morning sickness"."Morning" nausea during pregnancy appears usually six weeks after the start of the last menstrual cycle."Morning sickness" is a very conventional name: nausea can occur in a woman in the daytime and in the evening, and in severe cases all the day long.

    Usually morning sickness passes after 12 weeks.

    Causes of Toxicosis

    Why nausea occurs, doctors still can not say for sure. One of the reasons called hormonal bursts in the body of a future mother. But the cause of toxicosis can and diseases of the endocrine system or genitals, borne before pregnancy.

    Toxicosis can also be a consequence of malnutrition, as well as an increase in the endocrine and neurological load with the onset of pregnancy.

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    With the onset of pregnancy, the sense of smell is incredibly aggravated. Attacks of nausea can cause any smell, even your favorite earlier: soap in the bathroom, perfume, cologne.

    Degrees of Toxicosis

    Usually toxicosis is not considered a disease and does not require medical treatment. Except in cases when a woman has constant vomiting. This can greatly weaken her body and cause a lack of nutrients to the baby.

    An easy degree of toxicosis - vomiting is observed up to 4-5 times a day.

    Moderate degree - vomiting up to 10 times a day.

    High degree - food is not retained in the body.

    Women are hospitalized only with a moderate and high degree of toxicosis.

    How to cope with nausea

    A universal remedy for coping with nausea during pregnancy does not exist. Every woman in this state knows what foods do not cause her nausea. Try to stick to your diet.

    To prevent nausea from strong odors, keep a pair of handkerchiefs with those flavors that do not cause nausea at the moment and put them to your face to drown out unpleasant odors.

    There are several recommendations that will help to cope when a woman develops a toxicosis during pregnancy:

    • , if possible, reduce physical activity;
    • walk in the open air for at least 2 hours a day;
    • often ventilate the room, the air must be fresh;
    • eat little by little, but often;
    • have breakfast in bed: put an apple or yogurt in the evening next to your bed and breakfast in the morning, without getting up;
    • to cope with nausea can help tea with lemon or a sip of water.

    According to popular signs, severe nausea in the early stages of pregnancy occurs in women bearing a boy, but according to medical observations pregnant girls suffer from toxicosis no less.

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