
Mask for hair from dandruff at home: from falling out, with burdock oil

  • Mask for hair from dandruff at home: from falling out, with burdock oil

    Mask for hair against dandruff at home, it also helps with hair loss and itching

    Seborrhea, or, as people call it, dandruff can spoil the positive impression even from the thickest hair and the most fashionable haircuts. Fortunately, the problem of dandruff can be addressed not only with the help of medications, but also through a variety of herbal and oil masks. What can be a mask for hair from dandruff at home read below.

    What is your dandruff?

    Before starting to experiment with the mask of dandruff, it will not be superfluous to find out which type of dandruff will be treated with a mask. After all, dandruff can be as greasy, arising on fatty hair and head with increased activity of the sebaceous glands, and dry, taking place on dry scalp.

    8 masks from dry dandruff

    1) One of the best masks from dry dandruff is a mask with burdock oil. A bubble with oil is better to heat on a water bath or in hot water, and after simply rub oil into the scalp with light massaging movements. On top, you need to put on a plastic bag and wrap your head with a towel. Keep the mask for 30-40 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo.

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    2) The same effect on dry dandruff has a garlic mask.6-8 cloves of garlic should be crushed and mixed in equal proportions with burdock oil. Hold on the head for 2 hours, then rinse. Be careful: strong garlic odor from the hair is not excluded. It is better to wash them several times.

    3) Egg masks for hair are most often used to combat dry dandruff. For the egg-honey mask you need to take 1 yolk + 2 teaspoons of sunflower oil + 1 teaspoon of aloe juice + 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise. All mix and apply to the hair. Hold for 30 minutes. Mask with honey, in addition, cleanses hair well.

    4) Mask with egg and castor oil.1 egg yolk + 1 tablespoon of castor oil + 1 teaspoon of marigold. Apply on hair and hold for 2-3 hours.

    5) Egg-lemon mask: 2 yolks + juice of half a lemon + a few drops of burdock( castor) oil. All mixed and rubbed into the scalp half an hour before washing hair.

    6) Egg-linseed mask: 2 teaspoons of flaxseed oil + 2 teaspoons of rum mixed and applied to hair roots. Keep the mask under the shower cap exactly 1 hour. Wash off with warm water.

    7) Kefir mask: 3 tablespoons kefir + 1 tablespoon vegetable oil( olive, burdock) + egg yolk. Apply to the roots of hair, put on a hat. Keep the mask for 1 hour, then rinse( more about kefir masks).

    8) Mask with cognac( vodka): 1 egg yolk + 1 tablespoon of castor oil + alcohol tincture of calendula + 1 teaspoon of cognac or vodka. All mix and apply to the hair. Hold for 3 hours and then wash off. The mask is good for anti-dandruff and itching.

    9) Onion-honey mask: grate 1 onion on a fine grater and mix with honey in a 4: 1 ratio. Add a little vegetable oil and apply to the hair. Leave the mask for 1 hour under the shower cap. Wash your hair with m shampoo.

    9 masks from fatty dandruff

    If to talk about masks from fatty dandruff and for oily hair, they can be as follows:

    1) Garlic mask: 6-8 medium slices of garlic crush into gruel and rub into the scalp. Hold for 2 hours and rinse well with shampoo. Oil in this mask can not be used, since the hair is also fatty. But do not forget about the garlic smell, which will have to put up some time.

    2) Mask from onion husks and oak bark. You need to take ½ cup oak bark and onion husk. Pour all 1 liter of boiling water and cook for 30 minutes over low heat. Cool the broth and drain, add 50 ml of salicylic alcohol. Rinse this broth with hair and wrap your head for 30 minutes with a towel. Note that such a home mask can slightly color the skin in a chestnut color.

    3) Nettle and vinegar mask.2 tablespoons of nettle brew 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 8 tablespoons of nettle decoction. Rub into the scalp with a cotton disc. Keep on the head for 1 hour.

    4) Beetroot mask. Grate the beetroot and squeeze the juice. Grate this juice in the roots of the hair 1 hour before washing. Then wash your hair as usual. This mask is suitable for brunettes, but not for blondes, as beets color their hair.

    5) Mask with tea tree oil and milk. To prepare the mask you need to take 15 drops of tea tree oil, 100 grams of milk, 1 yolk, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. All that mix and apply on the hair along the entire length and on the roots. The aging time of the mask is 10-15 minutes.

    6) Mask with mustard. This is a dry mask. The secret of its application is simple: before washing your head you need to wet your hair and rub dry mustard powder into the roots. This mask should be kept for 10-15 minutes, and then washed off. Rinse well with shampoo.

    7) Mask made of clay and vinegar. Now on sale everywhere you can find special cosmetic clay. From it you can make and mask against dandruff, for example according to this recipe: mix ½ bags of cosmetic clay with 3 tablespoons of vinegar. Dilute all with water until a homogeneous gruel is obtained. Apply this mixture to the hair. Keep for 20-30 minutes. With a very neglected seborrhea case, you can use this mixture instead of shampoo.

    8) Mask for dandruff and hair loss.1 teaspoon honey + 1 teaspoon sour cream + 1 teaspoon onion juice + ½ tsp garlic + 4 drops essential oil of lavender. All components of the mask to mix and apply the resulting mixture to the roots of the hair. Keep the mask on your head for 15-20 minutes.

    9) Finally, very interesting masks from fresh fruits and vegetables, which can be done with oily dandruff. You can use currants, strawberries, apples with peel, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin. Fruits and vegetables should be rubbed on a grater, chopped in a blender to a gruel or squeezed juice from them. Fruit acids will slightly dry the skin, the active activity of the sebaceous glands will stop, and dandruff will decrease.


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    Seborrhea, or, as people call it, dandruff can spoil the positive impression even from the thickest hair and the most fashionable haircuts. Fortunately, the problem of dandruff can be addressed not only with the help of medications, but also through a variety of herbal and oil masks. What can be a mask for hair from dandruff at home read below.

    What is your dandruff?

    Before starting to experiment with the mask of dandruff, it is not superfluous to find out which type of dandruff will be treated with a mask. After all, dandruff can be as greasy, arising on fatty hair and head with increased activity of the sebaceous glands, and dry, taking place on dry scalp.

    8 masks from dry dandruff

    1) One of the best masks from dry dandruff is a mask with burdock oil. A bubble with oil is better to heat on a water bath or in hot water, and after simply rub oil into the scalp with light massaging movements. On top, you need to put on a plastic bag and wrap your head with a towel. Keep the mask for 30-40 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo.

    2) The same effect on dry dandruff has a garlic mask.6-8 cloves of garlic should be crushed and mixed in equal proportions with burdock oil. Hold on the head for 2 hours, then rinse. Be careful: strong garlic odor from the hair is not excluded. It is better to wash them several times.

    3) Egg masks for hair are most often used to combat dry dandruff. For the egg-honey mask you need to take 1 yolk + 2 teaspoons of sunflower oil + 1 teaspoon of aloe juice + 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise. All mix and apply to the hair. Hold for 30 minutes. Mask with honey, in addition, cleanses hair well.

    4) Mask with egg and castor oil.1 egg yolk + 1 tablespoon of castor oil + 1 teaspoon of marigold. Apply on hair and hold for 2-3 hours.

    5) Egg-lemon mask: 2 yolks + juice of half a lemon + a few drops of burdock( castor) oil. All mixed and rubbed into the scalp half an hour before washing hair.

    6) Egg-linseed mask: 2 teaspoons of flaxseed oil + 2 teaspoons of rum mixed and applied to hair roots. Keep the mask under the shower cap exactly 1 hour. Wash off with warm water.

    7) Kefir mask: 3 tablespoons kefir + 1 tablespoon vegetable oil( olive, burdock) + egg yolk. Apply to the roots of hair, put on a hat. Keep the mask for 1 hour, then rinse( more about kefir masks).

    8) Mask with cognac( vodka): 1 egg yolk + 1 tablespoon of castor oil + alcohol tincture of calendula + 1 teaspoon of cognac or vodka. All mix and apply to the hair. Hold for 3 hours and then wash off. The mask is good for anti-dandruff and itching.

    9) Onion-honey mask: grate 1 onion and mix with honey in a 4: 1 ratio. Add a little vegetable oil and apply to the hair. Leave the mask for 1 hour under the shower cap. Wash your hair with m shampoo.

    9 masks from fatty dandruff

    If to talk about masks from fatty dandruff and for oily hair, then they can be:

    1) Garlic mask: 6-8 medium slices of garlic crush into gruel and rub into the scalp. Hold for 2 hours and rinse well with shampoo. Oil in this mask can not be used, since the hair is also fatty. But do not forget about the garlic smell, which will have to put up some time.

    2) Mask from onion husks and oak bark. You need to take ½ cup oak bark and onion husk. Pour all 1 liter of boiling water and cook for 30 minutes over low heat. Cool the broth and drain, add 50 ml of salicylic alcohol. Rinse this broth with hair and wrap your head for 30 minutes with a towel. Note that such a home mask can slightly color the skin in a chestnut color.

    3) Nettle and vinegar mask.2 tablespoons of nettle brew 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 8 tablespoons of nettle decoction. Rub into the scalp with a cotton disc. Keep on the head for 1 hour.

    4) Beetroot mask. Grate the beetroot and squeeze the juice. Grate this juice in the roots of the hair 1 hour before washing. Then wash your hair as usual. This mask is suitable for brunettes, but not for blondes, as beets color their hair.

    5) Mask with tea tree oil and milk. To prepare the mask you need to take 15 drops of tea tree oil, 100 grams of milk, 1 yolk, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. All that mix and apply on the hair along the entire length and on the roots. The aging time of the mask is 10-15 minutes.

    6) Mask with mustard. This is a dry mask. The secret of its application is simple: before washing your head you need to wet your hair and rub dry mustard powder into the roots. This mask should be kept for 10-15 minutes, and then washed off. Rinse well with shampoo.

    7) Mask made of clay and vinegar. Now on sale everywhere you can find a special cosmetic clay. From it you can make and mask against dandruff, for example according to this recipe: mix ½ bags of cosmetic clay with 3 tablespoons of vinegar. Dilute all with water until a homogeneous gruel is obtained. Apply this mixture to the hair. Keep for 20-30 minutes. With a very neglected seborrhea case, you can use this mixture instead of shampoo.

    8) Mask for dandruff and hair loss.1 teaspoon honey + 1 teaspoon sour cream + 1 teaspoon onion juice + ½ tsp garlic + 4 drops essential oil of lavender. All components of the mask to mix and apply the resulting mixture to the roots of the hair. Keep the mask on your head for 15-20 minutes.

    9) Finally, very interesting masks from fresh fruits and vegetables, which can be done with oily dandruff. You can use currants, strawberries, apples with peel, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin. Fruits and vegetables should be rubbed on a grater, chopped in a blender to a gruel or squeezed juice from them. Fruit acids will slightly dry the skin, the active activity of the sebaceous glands will stop, and dander will decrease.


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