  • Treatment of warts with folk remedies and methods

    Treatment of warts with folk remedies. Wart is a special benign formation of the skin.

    As a rule, it is caused by a virus, and it usually affects teenagers and children, but also adults. Transmission of infection occurs directly between people from one to another.

    This can happen through household items or by self-vaccination, in other words through combing and so on. The development of the disease is facilitated by the presence of small wounds, excessive sweating, trauma related to skin dysplasia or mental shocks.

    The incubation period is approximately 5 months. For treatment, folk remedies for warts can be used, and medication is also possible.

    Removal of warts folk remedies

    Before touching on the topic how to remove the wart folk remedies, it is worth noting what they are. Distinguish ordinary species, which are also called vulgar - simple, there are also youthful and pointed. According to medical terminology, they are also called condylomas.

    Ordinary warts are dense and painless nodules that have a rounded shape with a diameter of about 3 to 10 millimeters. Their surface is a little rough, and as for the change in skin color, it either does not change at all or is grayish-brown. Usually they appear on the back of the hands or fingers, also on the face and scalp.

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    Youths are smaller, they are nodules of corporal color, but they can be slightly yellow, the surface of which is smooth and they protrude very little above the level of the skin. As a rule, they appear on their hands. Pointed condylomas have the same name. For such formations characterized by rapid spread, as a result, they form something similar to cauliflower. Their color is bright pink or lighter.

    This formation may appear on the genitals, interannual folds. Their development is facilitated by prolonged irritation or maceration of the cover. Sometimes you can find a lot of such information, which shows that there are plantar warts - treatment of folk remedies of this kind of formations is also possible.

    Perhaps, they cause the most trouble, because when walking they tend to hurt.

    Methods of treatment

    Before you tell how to remove warts folk remedies, it is worth noting that there are other ways to cope with this problem. There are both traditional methods and non-traditional ones. When you go to the clinic, the doctor can offer freezing, different lubrication. Often, this disease passes by itself, when the upper reaches the immunity of a person. You can try different homeopathic remedies.

    Ancient folk remedies

    Many centuries ago, Chinese doctors could successfully cope with such a phenomenon as warts - the treatment consisted of a lot with the help of a root of ginger, which was covered with leaves of wormwood on top. Under them, the root began to allocate special antiviral components.

    In Russia, this phenomenon was fought with the help of conspiracies, which in our time can be replaced by the usual autogenic training.

    Traditional medicine

    Currently, there are quite a lot of similar methods. Typically, the main ingredients for treatment are products such as apples and potatoes. Also celandine from warts is used. Here are the ways of using them:

    • the raw potatoes are cut in half, the wart is rubbed, each of the halves separately, and then it is necessary to fold them together and bury them;
    • potatoes are cut into 12 parts, within one minute the wart is rubbed on each of the parts, after that the fruit is "collected", tied and thrown into the dung;
    • to fight the wart can be with a silk thread, which is tied into a knot in the air above the formation, after which the thread is hidden in the pre-cut potato and also it must then be buryed;
    • if you use an apple, it is also cut in half, one half is eaten, and another wounds the wart and buries into the ground;

    As a rule, the removal of warts by folk remedies, more precisely by the methods described above, is based on the fact that the fetus rotates after digging into the ground or manure, and at the same time the wart itself disappears. As already mentioned, there is an excellent tool that is pure.

    When lubricating the damage to the skin with the juice of such a plant, you can quickly achieve a positive result. In the process of such treatment, the wart needs to be constantly smeared and cut with manicure scissors. It will turn black, and after a while it will completely disappear.

    Castor oil from warts

    Castor oil has a huge amount of medicinal properties, and especially it has a positive effect on the skin. Very effective in removing warts. For this purpose it is necessary to rub it daily in the morning and in the evening for 10 minutes.

    Treatment of warts with folk remedies - different methods

    1. Rowan juice can help to get rid of an ailment when its gruel is superimposed on defeat and fixed by plaster.
    2. You can use a potato peel.
    3. Also helps the onion juice, which, by the way, helps to get rid of the fungus on the legs.
    4. You can drip acetic acid, but only one drop.
    5. The growths from the juice of garlic fall off.

    There is also a completely original way to get rid of the wart - it's quite original. The most common ash can help. You can get it even in the most ordinary domestic conditions - just take the matches. The sulfur heads are broken off, and the matches themselves are completely burned.

    As a result, you will get ash, which must be diluted with a small amount of water, until the formation of a black slurry of a thick consistency. The resulting mixture smears the infected area and is sealed with a patch on top. The compress is changed once a day. Within a week, warts begin to dry up and wrinkle, and then completely disappear.

    Getting rid of warts with folk remedies is considered a fairly effective method, as they have accumulated a certain age-old wisdom. But for the most part, without faith, achieving a positive result here will be difficult.

    Prevention of

    As you know, it is much easier to protect yourself from certain diseases than to treat them later. There are several tips that will help not get sick of such an infection:

    • strict observance of personal hygiene;
    • adhere to a balanced diet, containing vitamins;
    • should learn to get rid of stress and relax;
    • on the insole in the shoes can put the oak leaves.

    Why do many experts recommend the use of prevention methods? Because the treatment of warts with folk recipes, as a rule, takes a lot of time, it's far from one day and not even one week.

    In addition, it is worth noting that there are cases when such methods do not help. It is worth to know that if after a few weeks no result has come, and moreover - there are new foci of skin lesions, it is strongly recommended to seek help from a dermatologist.

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