
Useful and medicinal properties of elderberry black

  • Useful and medicinal properties of elderberry black

    Perennial plant, shrub or tree up to 3-10 m tall. The trunk and branches are gray, with lenticles on the bark. Leaves opposite, petiolate, odd-pinnate, leaves 5-7 pairs, oblong, white, in multicolor scutes. The flowers are small, fragrant, yellowish-white in multicolor scutes. Fruit is black-violet, berry-shaped.

    Black elder black grows in the middle belt of the European part of Russia and in the South-East, occasionally occurs as a wild plant in deciduous forests, on the fringes. Sometimes divorced in gardens and parks.

    In scientific medicine, medicinal raw materials are inflorescences and fruits, dried in ovens or dryers. Shelf life 2 years.

    In folk medicine, medicinal raw materials are the elderberry cortex, root, leaves, flowers and fruits. Protect from moisture.

    Inflorescences of elderberry contain mucous substances, malic, acetic and valeric acids, paraffin-like substance, solid essential oil, terpene and glycoside, which has a diaphoretic effect, there are indications of the maintenance of routine.

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    In elderberry fruits there are 2.8% of glucose, 2.5% of fructose, 1.1% of free acids( mainly apple) and 0.31% of tannins. Unripe fruit and elderberry leaves contain the toxic glycoside sambunigrin( decomposes into prussic acid and benzaldehyde).Dried leaves contain provitamin A.

    Flowers, flower buds and dried elderberries in medical practice are used in the form of infusion( 1:10).

    Infusion or tea from the flowers of elderberry: 1 tbsp.spoon flowers on a glass of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, then strain;prescribe 1/2 cup for 15 minutes before meals 3 times a day as a diuretic, diaphoretic and astringent. Infusion of dried elderberries( 1:10) improves bile secretion, intensifies diuresis, promotes intestinal contents.

    The elder's preparations are recommended for laryngitis, bronchitis, influenza, neuralgia, as well as for kidney and bladder diseases;In addition, they are used to rinse the mouth as anti-inflammatory.

    Inflorescence of elderberry is part of sweatshops, laxatives and diuretics. From dried berries are prepared jelly, which is used as a laxative. In folk medicine, first of all, the flowers of elderberry black are valued as a diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and mild laxative.

    As a diaphoretic, elderberry preparations are used for bronchitis( with wheezing and dry cough), fever, rheumatism, arthritis( rheumatic and gouty) and the presence of sand in the kidneys.

    Preparations from elderberry black are also used as a laxative for constipation and as an analgesic for severe abdominal pain. In the latter case, it is better to make a decoction of young leaves on honey or to grow honey in leaf broth( take 1 tablespoon of honey in a glass of broth).

    Outer preparations of elderberry are used for rinsing and prigochke with angina and inflammation of the mucosa

    of the mouth shell, diseases of the eyes and ears, rheumatic pains, gout, and also in the presence of hemorrhoids. To reduce the pain, apply to the sore spots of fresh elderberry leaves.

    Black berries and roots of black as a diuretic are recommended for use in dropsy, dysentery, diabetes, kidney and bladder diseases. They soothe the pain in the abdomen. In addition, the decoction of the roots with leaves and flowers is consumed inside with improper metabolism( with skin diseases), and berries with leaves and flowers - with diarrhea.

    The corium of blackberry( together with the roots) is recommended for internal use in diseases of the kidneys, edema and diabetes, but the root of the elder grass is considered more effective.

    External blackberry is used for erysipelas, for which two-year shoots are taken, the upper gray coating of the bark is removed( scraped off), the bark cleansed to the wood is scalded with boiling water, or even better with hot hemp milk( see below) and several times applied to the affected areas,until the inflammation passes.

    Young black elder leaves, slightly boiled in milk, are used to treat inflamed, burnt and even matured places. In the decoction of elderberry flowers, it is recommended to add honey.


    Broth of elderberry black flowers( in all cases): 1 tbsp.a spoonful of flowers for a glass of boiling water;use inside by 1/4 cup( preferably with honey) 3-4 times a day for 15 minutes before meals.

    Leaves and roots boil as well;consume 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day. When boiling the leaves on honey, 1 teaspoon( 1 tablespoon) of honey can be added to the glass of the broth for diseases of the kidneys, edema, and diabetes.

    Berries are consumed in the form of tea, jelly, jam or jam and syrup. The syrup is prepared as follows: from the berry berries squeeze the juice, mix with the finished sugar syrup and boil.

    The root( without other parts of the plant) is rarely boiled, and if a decoction is prepared from it, then just like from leaves.

    Bark( young shoots) for internal consumption is boiled so: take 6-8 g of crushed bark( powder from bark - 4-5 g) into two cups of boiling water, soak in the oven for 5-6 hours( powder -3 hours) and use half a glass five to six times a day( this is especially useful when starting dropsy).

    Hemp milk, used with the elderberry bark black for external use, is prepared as follows: well-ground hemp seed is boiled with boiling water( two parts of the seed are taken one part of the water), squeezed under a press( or by a sock) and, while still hot, scald themElderberry corn( for protivorozh-th gadgets).

    With colds, wheezing in the chest and dry cough, 3 glasses a day are drunk with a hot infusion of elderberry flowers at a dose of about 20 g per 1 liter of water. It is recommended to lie in bed. This infusion-tea is drunk as a blood cleanser, as well as for rheumatism, gout and arthritis.