
Useful and medicinal properties of crocheted fork( crochet)

  • Useful and medicinal properties of crocheted fork( crochet)

    Perennial herbaceous plant 60-120 cm tall with long creeping rhizome and numerous bundles of accessory roots. Stems - a few, erect straws. Leaves are regular, simple, linear, vaginal, with parallel venation. Inflorescence is a complex ear. Spikelets are multiflorous( up to 9).Flowers without perianth with two flowering scales, stamens 3, pestle with two pinnate stigmas. Fruit is a seed. Blooms in June-July, fructifies in August-September.

    Medicinal raw materials are rhizomes, in folk medicine - the whole plant. Collection of rhizomes is carried out in autumn: end of September-October. Air drying, under a canopy or in a dryer.

    The rootstock contains carbohydrates, triticin, etc., agropyren, glucovaniline, malic acid salts, protein substances, fats, as well as carotene and ascorbic acid - 38% of fructose sugar.

    In scientific medicine, the rhizomes of coyote grass are sometimes used as enveloping( they contain mucus), a diuretic and a mild laxative and as a basis for pills. It is prescribed in the form of broths, infusions( 1:10), inside st.spoons or in the composition of fees.

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    In folk medicine, rhizome preparations are used for chest pain, catarrh of the stomach, colitis, inflammation of the urethra, syphilis, urinary incontinence, cholelithiasis, kidney stones, jaundice, dropsy, scrofula, rickets, gastrointestinal diseases and as an expectorant.

    To enhance the expectorant effect of wheatgrass it is combined with lime blossom, Mullein flowers, elderberry.

    Decoction of the whole plant is taken with partial loss of vision;roots boil in water or milk and drink with pulmonary tuberculosis, fever, aches. Outer and inside are used for various skin diseases in the form of baths or enemas with chronic constipation, hemorrhoids.

    Preparations of wheatgrass creeping are a strong remedy for frequently emerging furuncles. In this case, use a strong decoction of wheatgrass( 20 g per 200 ml) for 1 glass 3 times a day for 3-4 weeks with the addition of baths from broth 50 ml of wheat grass to half a bucket of water 1-2 times a week. This type of treatment is indicated for scrofula and rickets, and for chronic constipation, sedentary baths and enemas are recommended;The broth can also be consumed inside.

    Application of

    Decoction 1: 20 g per 200 ml;1 tbsp.spoon( sometimes 1 glass) 3 times a day for chronic constipation, jaundice, rickets, dropsy, etc.

    Decoction 2: 90 g per 800 ml;cook up to 2/4 of the breadth;1 tbsp.spoon 4-5 times a day.

    Decoction 3:( 1: 5);1 glass 3 times a day with furunculosis.

    Infusion: 60 g per 1000 ml;1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day, sometimes half a cup 3 times a day with gastrointestinal diseases, biliary and renal ailments( stones and sand), with all skin diseases. With frequently appearing sneezes and abscesses, a whole glass is drunk for 3-4 weeks.