Useful and medicinal properties of the erect erect cedar( cauliflower-ozik, oak, wild kalgan)
The generic name is a diminutive of the Latin potentia - strength, since this small plant has a strong effect. Specific definition of "upright" is given in the shape of the stem. Tormentilla comes from the Latin tormentum - suffering, severe pain, since in the Middle Ages the plant was used for gastric and intestinal colitis and diarrhea. The Russian name is given in the form of the fingered leaves.
Botanical Description. A perennial herbaceous plant with a horizontal cylindrical or multi-headed, almost spherical rhizome, from which thin subordinate roots leave. Young plants have a single stem, the old ones have several, upright or ascending( rising) heights of 15-50 cm. The lower leaves, dying at the time of flowering, on long petioles, are five-fingered. The stems are regular, sessile, triple, with two stipules. Leaflets and stipules lanceolate or obovate, in upper part large-serrate, veined or hairy or glabrous. The flowers are yellow, solitary, on long thin pedicels, regular, with a double perianth. Calyx double, hairy, from 4 sepals and 4 leaves of subchamber, remains with fruits. The corolla is four-petal, unlike the other five-petaled petals. Petals are golden yellow, heart-shaped. There are a lot of stamens, pistils 5-12 with upper unicellular ovaries. Fruit is an aggregate nut.
Blossoms from May to September. Fruits ripen in August-September.
Geographic distribution. It grows on forest edges and clearings, felling, in light forests and old spruce forests, on the outskirts of swamps. Plants of open places have larger rhizomes and give the best raw materials.
occurs in the European part of the USSR, in the Caucasus and in Western Siberia. The main areas of blanks are in Belarus and Ukraine.
Collection and drying. The rhizomes are harvested in July-September. They dig them out with shovels, on peat bogs - with pitchforks, sometimes plow them with plows, clean them from the ground, cut off stems with a knife, root and wash in cold water.
Dried outdoors, in the sun, under canopies, in attics or better in dryers at a temperature of 50-60 °.Rapid drying promotes the preservation of a large number of active substances, then the oxidation of tannins to flobafenes occurs only partially.
Medicinal raw materials. Finished raw material - Rhizoma Tormentillae has a length of 2 to 9 cm, a thickness of not less than 0.5 cm. Rhizomes are straight
or curved, often of an indefinite shape, hard, but easily turn into powder when pounding. On the underside, the well-marked traces of the cut off roots are clearly visible. Color outside from reddish-brown to dark-brown, in the fracture from yellowish to reddish-brown, when wetted with water, the red color intensifies. The smell is weak, fragrant, tastes strongly astringent. When a few drops of ferric ammonium alum solution are added to the water broth of rhizomes 1:10, a greenish-black embossment appears, rapidly turning into black and blue.
GOST 6716-71 allows: moisture content not more than 14%;ash not more than 5%;rhizomes blackened in the fracture, no more than 5%;rhizomes poorly peeled from roots and stems, not more than 3%;organic impurity not more than 0.5%;mineral - no more than 1%.The content of tannins( in terms of absolutely dry mass of raw materials) should be at least 20%.
Chemical composition. Rhizome rhizomes contain up to 31% of both hydrolysed and condensed tannins, red flabafenes, glycoside tormentillin, thromenthol crystal, quinic and ellagic acids, wax, resins, starch, etc.
Action and application. The tanning materials of the cotton cane have the same mechanism of action as the snake mountaineer. It is prescribed as an astringent for diarrhea, dysentery, peptic ulcer, gastritis, enteritis, as a hemostatic agent for bleeding: intestinal, pulmonary and uterine bleeding. It is recommended for Botkin's disease, rheumatism, gout. External - with burns, wet eczema and other skin diseases, diseases of the oral cavity: stomatitis, gingivitis, etc.
It is used as a decoction at the rate of 10 g. Of raw material per 200 ml of water for 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day. The same broth is used externally.
Seeds of decoction of rhizomes are indicated for the treatment of oily seborrhoea and acne.