
Safety regulations for physical therapy procedures

  • Safety regulations for physical therapy procedures

    In a number of procedures, there is an increase in humidity and temperature, in the air in the ozone room. In order to ensure high therapeutic effectiveness, create the most favorable conditions for treating patients and provide safety for patients and staff during physical therapy procedures, strict adherence to the "Rules for the device, operation and safety of physiotherapeutic departments( cabinets)" is necessary.

    1. Separate rooms are equipped for procedures for each type of treatment. It is allowed to place electro and light therapy in one room, including stationary UHF and microwave generators, which should be operated in shielded cabins.

    2. Responsibility for ensuring the safety of work in the office, offices of the FPO is assigned to:

    • with regard to the correct placement, layout, finishing of the room and equipment, to the head of the medical and preventive institution;

    • in the part of operation of FT-equipment - on the head of the department or the doctor responsible for the work of the office, the cabinet.

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    3. Only individuals with completed secondary medical education who have a certificate of completion of specialization courses in physiotherapy under a program approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia and familiar with safety regulations are allowed to conduct independent physiotherapy procedures.

    4. Conducting physioprocedures by junior medical staff is prohibited.

    5. Persons under 18 years of age are not allowed to work with electromedical equipment on UHF and microwave generators.

    6. Persons newly recruited to physiotherapy units undergo introductory and initial briefing at the workplace in accordance with the "Instruction on carrying out a briefing on safe methods and methods of work in institutions, enterprises and organizations of the system".

    7. The medical staff of the physiotherapy units should be trained to provide first aid in case of electric shock and light radiation.

    8. Simultaneous carrying out of physiotherapeutic procedures by one nurse in different( non-adjacent) rooms is prohibited, and in adjoining is permitted only if the door between them is removed and the doorway is free.

    9. During the medical procedures, the nurse must constantly monitor the condition of patients, the work of the apparatus and has no right to leave the treatment room.

    10. The area of ​​electro and light therapy cabinets is taken from the calculation of 6 m2 per couch, in the presence of one couch - not less than 12 m2.

    11. The cabinet for carrying out cavitary procedures is allocated separately, the area per gynecological chair is 18 m2.

    12. Apparatus electrosleep should be placed in rooms with sound and light insulation( double-door vestibule, etc.).

    13. It is prohibited to use synthetic materials that can accumulate static electric charges to cover the floor and make curtains of treatment cabins.

    14. The floor must be wooden or covered with a special linoleum, not forming static electricity, should not have potholes.

    15. Walls of premises up to a level of 2 m are painted with an oil paint of light tones. Cladding of walls with ceramic tiles is prohibited.

    16. In rooms where a laser installation is in operation, the walls and ceiling must have a matte finish. In these cabins, the use of appliances and objects with mirror surfaces is prohibited. Work with laser installations should be carried out in bright general light.

    17. Dimensions of cabs: height 2 m, length 2.2 m, width - depending on the type of apparatus. For induction devices, microwave therapy, high-power UHF generators, stationary light-therapy devices, the cabin width is 2 m, for other devices - 1.8 m.

    18. In each cabin only one fixed physiotherapeutic apparatus is installed, portable small ones can be several if installedthem on special stands such as a bookcase.

    19. In the electrolight treatment room a special isolated box with an area of ​​at least 8 m2 is allocated for work on preparation for medical procedures, storage and processing of gaskets, preparation of medicinal solutions, sterilization of tubes, equipped with a drying and fume cupboard, a washbasin with two compartments and a rotary cranewith the supply of cold and hot water, disinfection boilers, a desk, a medical cabinet and a washing machine.

    20. In each room for electrotherapy in an easily accessible place set up a group panel with a common switch or starter.

    21. In each procedural cabin for connecting the apparatus at a height of 1.6 m from the floor level, a start-up shield of electrical insulating material is installed. Wires for connecting devices to the network must be made of a flexible cable, and in its absence - from flexible wires enclosed in a rubber tube.

    22. Wires that depart from the apparatus to the patient must have a high-quality insulation. The integrity of the wires must be checked carefully before use. During the procedure, you can not leave the wires directly on the patient's body.

    23. Metal enclosures, tripods of electro- and light-healing devices, including portable ones, as well as heaters, which may be energized due to insulation failure, are subject to protective earthing. The grounding must be carried out in accordance with the "Instruction on protective earthing of the EMA in the institutions of the system of the Ministry of Health of the USSR".

    24. When conducting electrotherapeutic procedures outside the physiotherapy room( in the dressing room, operating room, ward, etc.), when patients take them on metal tables or beds, the patient should not be able to come in contact with them. To this end, the metal table, bed and the like are covered with 3-4 layers of rubberized fabric, a wool blanket, and sheets of such dimensions that the edges hang from all sides.

    25. When carrying out electrotherapeutic procedures in the dressing, operating room, in the ward, all the requirements of the industry standard are met. If there is a tiled floor in these cases, the place of working personnel should be covered with an insulation material of at least 1 m2.

    26. For boiling tools, gaskets and other use tanks, disinfection boilers only with closed heating.

    27. It is forbidden to conduct UHF-therapy procedures without careful adjustment of the therapeutic circuit to resonance with the generator and for a total gap under both condenser plates( counting from the surface of the metal plate of the electrode to the skin surface) over 6 cm.

    28. When using mercury-quartz irradiatorsThe eyes of patients and maintenance personnel must be protected with "tinned glasses" with dark glass coating and side protection( in leather or rubber frames).In the intervals between the procedures, the reflectors of mercury-quartz irradiators with lamps should be closed by flaps, and in the absence of those - dense, black and white pads - 40 cm long skirts worn on the edges of the irradiator reflector.

    29. When irradiating with infrared rays around the face, the patient is put on the screen in the form of glasses made of thick leather or cardboard.

    30. Maintenance personnel should not look at the lamp for a long time and expose the eyes to the action of infrared rays.

    31. In view of the fact that paraffin and ozokerite are easily ignited, their heating must be carried out in a fume hood in a specially allocated room of at least 8 m2.The walls of this room should be covered with glazed tiles to a height of 2.5 m from the floor. The table on which the heaters are installed is covered with a fire-resistant material.

    32. Paraffin wax and ozocerite are heated in specially produced industrial heaters or in a water bath. Heating on open fire or open tiles is prohibited.

    33. The room must have a fire extinguisher.

    34. In the hydropathic institutions, the height of the premises must be at least 3 m, the walls are faced with glazed tiles, floor - with a tile plate, the ceiling is covered with lime. The floor must have a slope of at least 1 cm per 1 m towards the ladder. Traps are equipped in the corners of the hall. Electrical wiring and starting devices are carried out by special fittings ensuring tightness. The air temperature should be within 23-25 ​​° C, relative humidity - not higher than 60-65%.

    35. In the hydropathic institutions, a room for personnel of 1.5 m2 per bath is provided, but not less than 8 m2.

    36. For personnel carrying out hydrogen sulfide and radon baths, there is a shower cubicle with an area of ​​2 m2.

    37. Baths and all fittings in hydropathic institutions are made of a material resistant to aggressive environments.

    38. Walls in the treatment room and the laboratory are glazed with tiles or painted with oil paint on zinc white. Coverage on lead white is prohibited.

    39. The treatment room of mud baths can consist of separate cabins or be shared( 8 m2 per couch, but not less than 12 m2 with 1 couch).When placing couches in separate cabins, the entrance is made from a common corridor. To monitor the patient behind the patient along the cabins a common passage of at least 1 m wide is arranged.

    40. The walls of the cabins and partitions should be raised to a height of 10-15 cm above the floor, have a height of 2 m and are made of smooth materials easily exposed to wet cleaning. The floors are lined with Metlakh tiles.

    41. Electrotherapeutic procedures should be carried out in separate rooms equipped in accordance with the rules for conducting electrotherapeutic procedures.

    42. The power supply of galvanic devices is carried out through a separating transformer.