  • Hair oils for growth and density: which one helps?

    Hair oils for growth and density: which one to choose( reviews attached)

    Which woman does not dream of thick and strong hair! Alas, not all nature has endowed with Hollywood hair, so for the care of hair, women are increasingly resorting to ancillary products - balms, masks, rinses. One of the recent trends is the appeal to folk recipes and ayurvedic medicine, where hair oils for growth and density are widely used.

    Why oil?

    What is so attractive for women caring for their own hair, masks with different vegetable oils? Firstly, it is really an effective means of strengthening hair, and secondly, all oils are obtained by sparing means from various plants, that is, 100% organic vegetable oil contains no harmful to hair additives( parabens, sulfates, dioxides).

    Alas, this can not be said about all sorts of shop masks, although the latter can also be easily used at home.

    Kinds of vegetable oils

    As there are a lot of plants in the world, from fruits or flowers of which you can get valuable essential oil, women always have a hard choice: what kind of oil to buy so as not to lose and achieve the hair exactly the result expected? Experts advise you to remember which oils help to grow hair, and which relieve dandruff or relieve itching to buy a specific product that will cope with the problem of hair.

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    So, among the oils that accelerate hair growth, the following are called: olive, linseed, mustard, castor, sea-buckthorn, burdock, almond, peach, jojoba, coconut and wheat germ oil. As a rule, to say which is better, a priori impossible, because the selection of aromatic vegetable oil for hair - an individual process. Here everything is taken into account: both the initial condition of the hair, and the allergic reaction, and the preferences of the woman herself.

    Reviews of women

    These are the most common responses among women for different oils for the treatment and strengthening of hair. Note that each of the ladies prefers their kind of oil. Here everything is very individual.

    User Julia Semenova prefers to "feed" hair with olive oil, because of its greatest availability. She writes:

    "In its pure form for hair, I use olive oil, heating it in a water bath. I apply only on length of hair( not on roots!) And I am warmed from above with a cap. As a result, I go for half an hour or leave the mask for a whole night.

    For 1-2 shampooing, the oil is washed off. However, in pure form I still use this oil rarely, I often invent some masks with it. For example, this: 1 tbsp.spoon of olive oil + 1 tbsp.spoon burdock + 1 drop of any ethereal. Hair under the bag and leave for 30 minutes, but it is possible and for 3 hours( maximum period).Then rinse well with shampoo.

    As a result of all the procedures with the use of olive oil, the hair starts to grow simply fantastic, and most importantly it does not split! Photo after the procedure, see for yourself. »

    Yulechka Krasotulechka is convinced that almond oil helped to strengthen her hair. The girl writes:

    "Not so long ago I dyed my hair. .. and miscalculated. Alas, my hair began to resemble a lifeless bast. What did not I do! My patience came to an end when a nice colleague at work called "shaggy".

    Decided to take urgent measures to smooth and strengthen hair. My friend advised me almond oil. I decided to make the following mask: ½ bottle of almond oil, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of honey, 1 egg yolk, 2 drops of orange oil.

    I applied all this mixture in a pre-heated state to my hair and walked around for about an hour( naturally, under the cap).As a result, my hair just came to life! And what a smoothness! I attach the photos "before" and "after". "

    And here Mary Lin was determined to grow long hair and she did it! True, she used not only essential oil, but also ordinary pepper tincture. The girl writes on one of the sites:

    "When I decided to grow my hair, I resorted to a very unusual recipe for a mask with pepper. For her, I took 2-3 drops of butter( burdock, castor, almond - you can take any) and added to them 1 teaspoon of pepper tincture. This mask was done about 4 times a month.

    Result: Hair has grown by as much as 4( !!) centimeters. Girls, look at the photo. "


    Which woman does not dream of thick and strong hair! Alas, not all nature has endowed with Hollywood hair, so for the care of hair, women are increasingly resorting to ancillary products - balms, masks, rinses. One of the recent trends is the appeal to folk recipes and ayurvedic medicine, where hair oils for growth and density are widely used.

    Why oil?

    What is so attractive for women caring for their own hair, masks with different vegetable oils? Firstly, it is really an effective means of strengthening hair, and secondly, all oils are obtained by sparing means from various plants, that is, 100% organic vegetable oil contains no harmful to hair additives( parabens, sulfates, dioxides).

    Alas, this can not be said about all sorts of shop masks, although the latter can also be easily used at home.

    Kinds of vegetable oils

    As there are a lot of plants in the world, from fruits or flowers of which you can get valuable essential oil, women always have a hard choice: what oil to buy so as not to lose and achieve exactly the result expected on hair? Experts advise you to remember which oils help to grow hair, and which relieve dandruff or relieve itching to buy a specific product that will cope with the problem of hair.

    So, among the oils that accelerate hair growth, the following are called: olive, linseed, mustard, castor, sea buckthorn, burdock, almond, peach, jojoba, coconut and wheat germ oil. As a rule, to say which is better, a priori impossible, because the selection of aromatic vegetable oil for hair - an individual process. Here everything is taken into account: the initial condition of the hair, and the allergic reaction, and the preferences of the woman herself.

    Reviews of women

    Here what responses are most often found among women for different oils for the treatment and strengthening of hair. Note that each of the ladies prefers their kind of oil. Here everything is very individual.

    User Julia Semenova prefers to "feed" hair with olive oil, because of its greatest availability. She writes:

    "In a pure form for my hair I use olive oil, heating it on a water bath. I apply only on length of hair( not on roots!) And I am warmed from above with a cap. As a result, I go for half an hour or leave the mask for a whole night.

    For 1-2 shampooing, the oil is washed off. However, in pure form I still use this oil rarely, I often invent some masks with it. For example, this: 1 tbsp.spoon of olive oil + 1 tbsp.spoon burdock + 1 drop of any ethereal. Hair under the bag and leave for 30 minutes, but it is possible and for 3 hours( maximum period).Then rinse well with shampoo.

    As a result of all the procedures with the use of olive oil, the hair begins to grow fantastic, and most importantly it does not split! Photo after the procedure, see for yourself. »

    Yulechka Krasotulechka is convinced that almond oil helped to strengthen her hair. The girl writes:

    "Not so long ago I dyed my hair. .. and miscalculated. Alas, my hair began to resemble a lifeless bast. What did not I do! My patience came to an end when a nice colleague at work called "shaggy".

    Decided to take urgent measures to smooth and strengthen the hair. My friend advised me almond oil. I decided to make the following mask: ½ bottle of almond oil, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of honey, 1 egg yolk, 2 drops of orange oil.

    I put all this mixture in the heated state on my hair and walked about for about an hour( naturally, under the cap).As a result, my hair just came to life! And what a smoothness! I attach the photos "before" and "after". "

    But Mary Lin was determined to grow long hair and it turned out that! True, she used not only essential oil, but also ordinary pepper tincture. The girl writes on one of the sites:

    "When I decided to grow my hair, I resorted to a very unusual recipe for a mask with pepper. For her, I took 2-3 drops of butter( burdock, castor, almond - you can take any) and added to them 1 teaspoon of pepper tincture. This mask was done about 4 times a month.

    Result: Hair has grown by as much as 4( !!) centimeters. Girls, look at the photo. "
