
Seborrhea of ​​the scalp: treatment at home, folk remedies, shampoos, diet

  • Seborrhea of ​​the scalp: treatment at home, folk remedies, shampoos, diet

    Seborrhea is a serious skin disease that occurs due to a violation of fat metabolism. Most often, the first signs appear on the scalp. Because of it, the hair gets unhealthy shine, stick together, and then completely drop out. That's what seborrhea on the scalp. Its appearance causes a lot of inconvenience and serious problems. Hair is not only actively falling out, but also stop growing. How does the seborrhea of ​​the scalp characterize itself, which treatment of the nature is best for you and much more you will learn in this article.


    Main Causes and Symptoms of

    No disease occurs just like that. It is always preceded by the first symptoms that occur when a harmful substance enters the body. The main causes of the appearance of seborrhea of ​​the scalp:

    1. Hormonal failure;
    2. Negative influence of external factors;
    3. Heredity;
    4. Malnutrition, lack of vitamins;
    5. Constant experiences, illnesses, stress;
    6. Diseases of the ovaries or testicular tumor;

    And before seborrhea most often such signs:

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    1) Greasy shine of skin or hair;

    2) Itching and peeling of affected parts;

    3) Abundant hair loss;

    4) Dandruff or frequent unjustified hair contamination.

    Effective treatments for

    How to treat seborrhea? To begin with, you should be sure for sure that this disease develops on your head. Do not self-diagnose, visit a doctor, go through the examination and get some useful advice on medical treatment, as special drugs will be much more effective for a sick scalp. To see the seborrhea, these photo-examples will help you.

    To begin successfully to treat seborrhea of ​​a hair covering to you the correctly made diet will help. You can ask advice from a specialist, or you can write your own menu for each day in detail. The list should not contain foods that contain large amounts( or contain in general) fats, salt, carbohydrates. Immunotherapy, tonic bathing, sun treatment is welcomed.

    It can also be noted that professional shampoos are actively used to treat seborrhea, which should be selected based on their symptoms.

    Possible manifestations of seborrhea of ​​the scalp are divided into dry and fat.

    Dry seborrhea

    Redness, peeling, itching, the appearance of small dandruff, thinning of the skin and hair - all these are characteristic signs of dry seborrhea. Such a problem arises from the rare or abnormal hair care.

    At home, dry seborrhea is harder to treat than fatty, but do not despair. The treatment will help you: onions, nettles or burdock. Collect them yourself is not recommended, it is best to purchase organically clean options in the pharmacy.

    Two tablespoons of sliced ​​dried leaves of nettle, pour 300g of boiling water. Leave the liquid to stand for 3 hours. Strain and rub into the scalp daily in the evenings, focusing on problem areas.

    The same option will do with burdock leaves, however, pour it with hot water, boil the leaves on low heat until the initial volume is reduced by half. After filtering, add 50 grams of melted lard and simmer on the water bath for 1.5 hours. Rub the obtained ointment twice a week for about 3 months.

    Mix two tablespoons of vodka with a tablespoon of onion juice and burdock oil. Rub the mixture for an hour and a half before washing your head. It is desirable that such a procedure is conducted at least three times a week.

    Oily seborrhea

    When oily seborrhea covers the scalp, the hair is characterized by a greasy shine, excessive greasiness, strands begin to stick together and constantly get dirty. On the same skin are many yellow horny scales.

    Common folk remedies for the treatment of oily seborrhea are onions and calendula.

    A tablespoon of onion juice mix with two tablespoons of vodka, rub the mixture into the head an hour before washing. This option is suitable for both types of illness.

    Tablespoon dry flowers of calendula fill with two cups of boiling water, leave to stand for 30 minutes. Daily, rub the tincture into the scalp. Calendula helps to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, will speed up the course of the main treatment.