  • Drip Infections

    One of the most common groups of infectious diseases are drip infections .These include ARVI, influenza, chickenpox, whooping cough, measles, rubella, diphtheria, meningococcal infection, etc. Acute respiratory infection of the viral nature combines diseases, the main way of infection of which is considered to be air. One of the forms of acute respiratory viral infection, which manifests itself as a fever in the patient( 38-40 ° C), severe fever, joint pain syndrome, is influenza. In the care of a patient with this disease, the main activity is considered to be help with fever and performance of doctor's appointments( administration of antiviral and detoxification drugs).An important measure is the isolation of a sick home in a separate room, and in case of a severe course of influenza - in a hospital.

    Another form of SARS is chicken pox , which is a serious infectious disease. The main manifestations of this disease are rash, fever, painful itching. Patients who have suffered varicella, acquire a permanent lifelong immunity to this disease. Care for these patients is reduced to the treatment of poppy blisters with antiseptic solutions( 1% diamond green) and the use of sulfacyl sodium solution in the eye. It is also necessary to monitor compliance with strict bed rest.

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    Pertussis is an infectious disease manifested by a paroxysmal cough. This disease affects mainly infants. Pertussis occurs in several stages. Care in this case involves the performance of appointments of a physician( the introduction of immunoglobulin against pertussis, antibacterial agents, the supply of an oxygen pillow) and a conversation with the parents of a sick child. The nurse should inform them about the need for regular walks, appropriate for the maintenance of the room in which the child is located( sufficient ventilation is necessary, systematic wet cleaning).Particular attention is paid to the nutrition of the patient, which should be with sufficient vitamins.

    Measles is a viral disease characterized by the manifestation of catarrhal phenomena, inflammation of the eye apparatus, the appearance of a certain type of eruptions and spots. Measles is a dangerous disease. Today, doctors warn of the formation of an allergy - an immunodeficient condition that causes the development of inflammation of the lungs, bronchi, intestines and brain. Treatment and care for a patient with measles are carried out at home. In severe cases, the patient is isolated in the box of the infectious hospital. Care is to comply with bed rest and prevent the blinding of light. Also much attention is paid to the performance of doctor appointments. The patient with measles shows the means that form resistance to the pathogen, detoxification preparations, antibiotics and an extended drinking regime.

    Rubella is a drip infection that involves the transmission of the pathogen also from mother to fetus. The virus of this disease is especially unfavorable for pregnant women, as it destroys the newly formed tissues and organs of the fetus. The main symptoms of the disease are pain in the lymph nodes of the neck and occiput, minor catarrhal signs and characteristic rashes. Rubella does not imply special treatment, and nursing activities are reduced to isolating the patient from the work team and helping with fever.

    Diphtheria is a serious disease characterized by the formation of a plaque on the tonsils of the fibrinous type and development subsequently as a complication of diphtheria croup. The main and immediate medical intervention after the diagnosis of diphtheria is the fractional introduction of antidiphtheria serum. Then the patient should be regularly monitored in terms of fulfilling the doctor's prescriptions - the regime, limiting negative emotions and sanitizing the oral cavity. During the height of the disease, if there are difficulties in swallowing food, the nurse must conduct a probe feeding to the patient. During the recovery period, when fever and diphtheria film were eliminated, the patient can switch to simple feeding.

    Meningococcal disease is a severe infection characterized by various manifestations. One form of this pathology is nasopharyngitis, manifested by pain in the throat, redness of the mouth and rhinitis. Meningococcemia is manifested by acute intoxication, a rash all over the body and a syndrome of adrenal involvement. Meningitis of a purulent character is characterized by severe fever, damage to the vessels and parts of the brain and in childhood - the development of meningeal symptoms. The main principles of treatment of these diseases include antibacterial and detoxification therapy. Care for patients with meningococcal infection means providing heat to the patient, cleansing the bowels, treating the mouth and skin. An important element in the activity of a nurse is the prevention of pressure sores. Patients with this pathology should be provided with free airway of the respiratory tube, observe the emptying of the bladder and intestines and, if necessary, insert a catheter into the bladder.

    Epidemic parotitis( mumps) is a disease characterized by damage to the endocrine glands. The main manifestations of this disease are soreness during eating and an increase in the size of the damaged gland. Treatment and care for patients with mumps are carried out at home. The doctor prescribes thermal procedures for the damaged organ.

    Intestinal infections of an acute nature include diseases whose leading symptom is dyspepsia. According to the reason for the occurrence of acute intestinal infections are divided into two types. The first type is caused by pathogens - dysentery, cholera and other diseases. The second type is caused by clostridia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other microorganisms, which are called opportunistic pathogens. The main way of infection with intestinal infections is fecal-oral.

    The leading groups of signs of acute intestinal infections are severe intoxication, inflammation of the digestive system, dehydration of the body. The main therapy for acute intestinal infections involves the use of bacteriophages, antibiotics, detoxification.

    Acute intestinal diseases are typhoid and paratyphoid A and B. The main symptoms of these diseases are caused by central nervous system damage, thermoregulation apparatus, splenomegaly, etc. It should be remembered about the possibility of developing complications that require emergency help from a qualified specialist. Care for these diseases is to help with fever, control compliance with strict regime, in sanitary and hygienic measures, prevention of pressure sores. It is necessary to prevent the spread of infection, for which the nurse performs a number of disinfection procedures.

    Cholera is a serious infectious disease characterized by a strong inflammatory response of the small intestine and dehydration. The main symptoms of this disease are diarrhea and indomitable vomiting. Therapy of patients with cholera depends on the intensity of the disturbance of water-salt metabolism. Patients are placed on a bed in which there is a hole allowing feces and discharge of the patient to flow freely. The nurse makes a strict calculation of diuresis and water balance, and also provides disinfection of the room and items of care for a sick cholera.

    Viral hepatitis is an acute infectious disease manifested by three main groups( A, B, C).During the hepatitis is divided into several stages. At the heart of this disease is the damage to the liver cells and the formation of later liver failure. It is the responsibility of the nurse to monitor the performance of the prescribed regimen and the dietary table( No. 5).In case of violation of bowel movement, the nurse must ensure that the enema is carried out.

    Poliomyelitis is an infectious pathology of viral origin, manifested in various forms. The most common paralytic type of poliomyelitis, which is characterized by muscular pain syndrome, fever, and then - full restriction of active movements. Care for this disease reduces to limiting negative emotions and providing measures against intoxication. The nurse holds a set of recommended physical exercises with the patient, carries out a massage to prevent the development of joint stiffness.

    Botulism is an acute foodborne disease that develops after eating, massaged with toxins of anaerobic rod. The leading manifestations of the disease include the difficulty of passing the food lump or saliva through the esophagus, coarsening of the voice, impaired vision. Further, violations of the respiratory function develop until it stops. Patients diagnosed with botulism are urgently taken to hospital. Here a complex of measures is carried out aimed at preventing the absorption of the pathogen into the blood: the stomach is washed and the enema is put. Immediately introduced anti-botulinum serum, detoxification is carried out. The patient should be connected to the ventilator. For the constant monitoring of the patient's condition, a personal post is organized. The nurse provides a probe feeding the patient. It is necessary to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards and psychological climate.

    Angina is a disease accompanied by an inflammatory reaction of the palatine tonsils. The main manifestations of this disease are fever, pain in the throat and plaque on the tonsils of the follicular, lacunar and phlegmonous nature. It is extremely important in case of angina to perform the prescribed strict bed rest for the patient in view of possible complications from the cardiovascular and nervous systems. The doctor recommended the use of antibiotics, vitamins, topically - irrigation of affected tonsils with antiseptic solutions.

    Rabies is an acute viral disease characterized by damage to the nervous system, the cause of which is most often the bite of a rabies virus infected with a virus. This disease is characterized by mental breakdown, agitation, the development of convulsive syndrome during drinking or eating. In the future, there is light and hydrophobia. This disease is not cured and ends with the death of the patient from paralysis of the respiratory center. The most important measures are the treatment of the affected parts of the body after a bite and the immediate introduction of a special vaccination, which will be effective only 14 days after injury to the animals. Care for this disease involves the isolation of the patient in a room with a limited light. It is necessary to protect the patient from the influence of the noise factor.

    HIV is a serious disease manifested by a prolonged course with damage to many body systems, the formation of an immunodeficiency state, the outcome of which is the death of the patient. The final period of HIV infection is AIDS.This disease occurs in several periods and is characterized by a variety of symptoms of damage to the nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Important in the prevention of the spread of HIV infection is compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological regime in medical and preventive institutions. To do this, the implementation of various manipulations requires the use of disposable tools and personal items to prevent infection with the virus.

    The tetanus is a serious illness, the main clinical manifestation of which is the tonic contraction of the whole body muscles, and later the paralysis of the vasomotor center. Care for the patient involves a systematic treatment of wound surfaces, as well as the introduction of special serum and symptomatic therapy. An important measure is to limit the noise impact on the patient. It is the responsibility of the nurse to prevent the formation of pressure sores and infectious damage to the skin, resulting from a prolonged stay of the patient on bed rest and limiting the nutrition of organs and tissues in this disease.