  • Buckwheat useful properties and calorie content

    Buckwheat( Fagopurum sagittatum Gilib) is an annual herbaceous plant of buckwheat family, it has heart-shaped leaves, small flowers are whitish pink or greenish yellow, fruits are triangular achenes.

    Homeland - Mongolia, wildly found in Kazakhstan, China. In Tibet, buckwheat is known long before our era, in the Middle Ages - buckwheat grew in South Siberia. In the XIII century, it was already known in Central Europe. Currently buckwheat in our country as a cultivated plant is widespread.

    In India buckwheat is called black rice, in other countries of the East and West - black wheat. The Russian name "buckwheat" suggests that the ancient Slavs, perhaps, borrowed buckwheat from Greeks who lived on the shores of the Black Sea.

    Separating the fruit shells from the grains of buckwheat get cereal: the core and the cut. Buckwheat is a very valuable dietary product, it contains mineral elements: iron, phosphorus, calcium, organic acids, a complex of B vitamins, so buckwheat from buckwheat is recommended for people with diabetes, anemia, obesity. But buckwheat is valuable not only croup, but also its leaves and flowers, collected during the flowering period. The aerial part of the plant is rich in routine, which reduces the fragility and permeability of capillaries. Infusions and decoctions of grass buckwheat - a remedy that helps with coughing.

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    Places of growth

    Cultivated in the middle belt of the European part of Russia, in Ukraine, in Belarus.

    Botanical characteristic

    An annual herbaceous plant with a height of 15 cm to 1.2 m. The stem is erect, branchy, juicy, hollow inside, in young plants green, then its color becomes reddish-green and even red. Root stem, strongly branched. Leaves are whole, regular triangular, with a swept base and a blistered bell at the base of short petioles of the lower leaves, the upper leaves are sessile. Flowers with a simple perianth, pink, five-parted. Stamens 8, pistil 1 with three stalks. In different flowers stamens and columns of different lengths. Buckwheat is polluted mainly by bees.

    Inflorescences - scented brushes. Fruits-trilled black or dark gray nuts with sharp ribs, covered with filmy shells. To obtain cereals, fruits are freed from these inedible shells( "crumbling") on special mills. The best grades of buckwheat groats, a granular form and only cleaned from the outer filmy shell, are called "yadritsa".Varieties in which the fruits are partially or almost completely deformed( split into pieces) are called "prodelom".Blossoms in June-July, fruits ripen in August-September.


    Medicinal raw materials are the tops of flowering leaf stalks-grass and seeds, buckwheat flour, sifted through a thick sieve. Raw material is collected during flowering, seeds - as it ripens, raw materials are dried in air, in shade or dryers, at a temperature of 30-40 ° C.

    Chemical composition of

    Buckwheat grains contain: easily digestible proteins - up to 16%( including essential amino acids - arginine and lysine), carbohydrates - up to 30% and fats - up to 3%), as well as many minerals( iron, calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, boron, iodine, nickel, cobalt), fiber, malic, citric, oxalic acids, B vitamins( in buckwheat 1.5 times larger than in wheat) PP and R( rutin).

    Buckwheat in the year 100 contains 14 g of water, 12.6 proteins, 2.6 fats, 68.0 g of carbohydrates. Caloric content of 100 grams is 329 kcal.

    Buckwheat( whole grain) - calorie content of 100 g. - 335 kcal.
    Light buckwheat flour - calorie content of 100 grams - 347 kcal.
    Dark buckwheat flour - calorie content of 100 g. - 333 kcal.

    Boiled buckwheat and its calorie content - one hundred grams - 103 kcal.
    Steamed buckwheat and its calorie content - one hundred grams - 298 kcal.

    The buckwheat in 100 g contains 14 g of water, 9.5 g of proteins, 1.9 fats, 72.2 g of carbohydrates.

    In the grass, glycoside rutin, chlorogenic, gallic, protocatechinic and caffeic acids are found. The seeds contain starch( up to 67%), fatty oils, citric acid, malic acid. Fagopirin was isolated from flowers.

    Useful properties of

    Preparations of buckwheat have hypotonic, antisclerotic, expectorant properties, and the rutin contained in buckwheat reduces the fragility and permeability of capillaries.

    Application in medicine

    It is used for the treatment of hypo-and avitaminosis P, in the treatment and prevention of hemorrhage in the brain, heart, retina, with a tendency to hemorrhages in the skin and mucous membranes( hemorrhagic diathesis), with hypertension, together with drugs that reduce blood pressure,treatment of rheumatism, scarlet fever, measles, typhus, as well as for the prevention and treatment of vascular damage associated with the use of anticoagulants, X-ray and radiotherapy and radiation sickness. For the treatment and prevention of all conditions that are accompanied by hemorrhages( in the brain, heart, retina, skin and mucous membranes), vitamin P is usually used in conjunction with vitamin C.

    The content of levicin causes the use of buckwheat in diseases of the liver, cardiovascular and nervous systems, kidney, with diabetes. Very well absorbed in combination with milk. Buckwheat porridge enters the menu suffering from obesity. It is included in a strengthening diet for the elderly and patients who have had a serious illness. Curative properties has also buckwheat honey.


    Infusion of flowers: brew 200 ml of boiling water 1 tbsp.l.flowers buckwheat, insist 40 minutes, strain. Drink as tea without dosage for coughing and sclerosis of blood vessels with increased blood pressure, tea is sometimes added to the grass as a means of calming the nervous system and lowering blood pressure.

    Infusion of flowers: brew 200 ml of boiling water 1 tbsp.l.flowers buckwheat, insist 40 minutes, strain. Drink to 1-2 tbsp.l.3-4 times a day for 20 minutes before meals with multiple sclerosis.

    Infusion of flowers: brew 1 liter of boiling water 40 grams of flowers, insist 30 minutes. Drink 1/2 cup 3-4 times daily before meals with bronchitis, anemia and anemia.

    Infusion of buckwheat flowers: pour 2 cups of boiling water 1 tbsp.l.flowers, insist 20 minutes, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day to remove thick sputum from the bronchi and to relieve dry cough.

    Infusion of flowers and leaves is used as an anti-sclerotic, with hypertension. With a daily intake of 2-3 glasses of tea from buckwheat in 2-3 weeks, there is a tangible improvement.

    Fresh leaves are applied to wounds and abscesses.

    Dry buckwheat flour, sieved through a sieve, is recommended as a baby powder.

    Powder from leaves is used as a powder for suppurating wounds.

    Seeds of buckwheat, due to the high content of rutin in them, are used as raw materials for the preparation of medical preparations of rutin, urutin and rutamine. Gather them during flowering.

    Ways of using

    In cases of diseases of the pancreas and stomach, the infusion of buckwheat flour on kefir is very useful.

    In a glass of yogurt pour a tablespoon of buckwheat groats passed through the coffee grinder, mix thoroughly and drink. Eat in the morning and in the evening 30 minutes before eating.

    Those who can not afford expensive drugs for weight loss, it is suggested to lose weight on buckwheat porridge. This old Russian diet was used in excessively fattened merchants. Buckwheat porridge, cooked on water without salt, sugar and butter, is eaten 2-3 times a week. This porridge quickly removes the feeling of hunger, but the body does not absorb the bulk of it, it takes only the necessary nutrients, but in buckwheat it is enough. Five days spent on buckwheat porridge cooked on water, without milk, sugar, salt and butter, give the same effect as three days of total starvation, but without unpleasant consequences( fainting, dizziness and the like) and special stress. If at least 2 days a week there is such a mess in any quantities and drink mineral water( exclude sweet tea, coffee, juices, compotes, etc. these days), you can lose 6-8 kg in two months.

    Buckwheat honey is an excellent medicinal product that contains more than 100 physiologically active substances. There are much more proteins and iron in it than in linden and floral.

    Buckwheat groats are very popular in Russian cuisine. From it prepare porridge( with sour cream, on milk, on mushroom broth, with cheese).From it are made cutlets and buckwheat, which served as the subject of street shopping peddling, wrote about this V. Gilyarovsky.

    To prepare this dish, cook viscous buckwheat porridge, cool it to about 60 ° C, add raw beaten eggs, mix well, spread on frying pans or greased baking sheets. When the porridge freezes, it is cut into pieces 4x4 cm in size and fried on both sides in vegetable oil.

    It is worth to pay tribute to the fact that buckwheat porridge is one of the most useful cereals in the diet. However, in order to make the porridge tasty, tender, crumbly, it is necessary to try very hard and pay attention to the process and cooking technology. Just buckwheat cereal contains 132 calories. Many prepare buckwheat porridge as follows: two parts of water for one part of the cereal. Someone takes three parts of the water. If you can not do without milk, then the caloric content of buckwheat porridge and caloric content of buckwheat boiled is supplemented with calorie content of milk. There are many diets in which a product called buckwheat porridge whose calorie content is, undoubtedly, very low, is almost the main dish. From the fact that buckwheat boiled caloric content is low, it is loved by many.

    Buckwheat buckwheat

    Prepare crumbly buckwheat porridge, add fried onions, season with Butter. Cabbage is cooked until half-ready in salted water, assorted to leaves and wrapped in porridge. Stuffed cabbage rolls, pour sour cream and stew.

    Our great-grandmothers cooked a delicious buckwheat porridge with cheese: Boil a crumbly buckwheat porridge. In a buttered saucepan, layered with porridge and grated cheese. On top also sprinkle with grated cheese, pour with melted butter, brown in a hot oven, the dish is ready.

    With apples

    In boiling water, fill up the buckwheat and pour it until cooked. Put porridge and rubbed apples in a bowl. To taste, add vegetable oil, sugar or honey, jam.


    Contraindication to the use of buckwheat drugs is increased blood coagulability.