
Divination by the man on the cards: how to find out his feelings and attitudes

  • Divination by the man on the cards: how to find out his feelings and attitudes

    Divination by the man on the cards: the decompositions into his feelings, thoughts, desires

    The relationship between a man and a woman is always difficult: how much they love each other, so there is misunderstanding - what she wants, what he does not like. Try to resolve at least some of these questions divination by the man on the cards.

    In the world there are many ways of guessing on playing cards or tarot, but most of them somehow come down to the relationships and feelings between people. Because this is one of the main issues that concern both men and women.

    Divination by Tarot on a Man

    Divination by tarot will give you the opportunity to analyze your relationship with your second half. You will learn such aspects of your life together that you did not even suspect or pay attention to, trying not to notice the obvious. Tarot will give you an answer, how your man looks at the relationship.

    To perform the ritual, take a deck of tarot cards and, shuffling them, think about your man, his name, habits, character, contact mentally to him with the question that he would like to ask and draw 12 cards. Put the first card to your left, all subsequent rounds against the turn of the frequent arrow. Each card in its position will answer a certain question.

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    The card in the first position will tell you what you want from your man. Maybe you want too much, and your demands are, to put it mildly, too high, or, on the contrary, you are too idealizing a person and seeing something that really is not.

    The tarot map on the second position reflects the wishes of the man that he wants in the relationship. Does he play with you like a cat with a mouse or, conversely, is very serious about your life together.

    Do your desires coincide with your life together, analyze the card in the third position.

    The fourth position indicates feelings for the man who is next to you.

    The fifth position card reflects the feelings a man feels towards you. There is an opportunity to compare your feelings and feelings of your man in strength and direction.

    The sixth position sums up, analyzing the previous five positions, and finds out how much your views coincide on the joint life and its future development.

    If the first six positions reveal the sensual side of your relationship, then from the seventh position, the cards reveal your relationship needs.

    Tarot cards in the eighth position show what your man needs for a relationship.

    In the ninth position, the tarot gives the fortune-teller to find out what your two have shared needs for a relationship, which can bring you closer in this matter.

    The tenth position cards reveal the future of your relationship, what you personally get from this.

    The eleventh position shows what your man will gain from this relationship in the future.

    And the twelfth map will tell if there is a future for your relationship.

    Guessing a man on playing cards

    This method of guessing is very simple, it will let you know about your man quite a lot. Remove unnecessary thoughts, concentrate, shuffle the deck of cards, thinking about your favorite person.

    Then move the part of the deck away from you and get the first card, put it down with a shirt on the table. Mix the rest of the pack and move the part of the deck away from you again and get the next card, and continue until six cards fall on the table. This will be the alignment with which you will work.

    The first card is the thoughts of your man. The second card will tell you what's going on in his heart. The third card is his future. The fourth expresses his hopes, desires, what he most aspires to. Card number five reveals his inner fears, which he does not want, which he would like to avoid. The sixth card is a reflection of his present, that is, what is happening to him at the moment.

    Reading the meaning of the cards, you must interpret them so that it is applicable to this person. Divination should be superimposed on the destiny of the person, only then the alignment will be deciphered, truly, and will give many new and interesting information about the person. Video selection

    The relationship between a man and a woman is always not easy: how much lovers want each other, so there is misunderstanding - what she wants, what he does not like. Try to resolve at least some of these questions divination by the man on the cards.

    There are many ways of guessing on playing cards or tarot in the world, but most of them somehow come down to the relationships and feelings between people. Because this is one of the main issues that concern both men and women.

    Divination by tarot cards for a man

    Divination by tarot will give you the opportunity to analyze your relationship with your second half. You will learn such aspects of your life together that you did not even suspect or pay attention to, trying not to notice the obvious. Tarot will give you an answer, how your man looks at the relationship.

    To perform the ritual, take a deck of tarot cards and, shuffling them, think about your man, his name, habits, character, mentally address him with the question that he would like to ask and draw 12 cards. Put the first card to your left, all subsequent rounds against the turn of the frequent arrow. Each card in its position will answer a certain question.

    The card in the first position will tell you what you want from your man. Maybe you want too much, and your demands are, to put it mildly, too high, or, on the contrary, you are too idealizing a person and seeing something that really is not.

    The tarot map on the second position reflects the wishes of the man, what he wants in the relationship. Does he play with you like a cat with a mouse or, conversely, is very serious about your life together.

    Do your desires coincide with your life together, analyze the card in the third position.

    The fourth position indicates feelings for the man who is with you.

    The fifth position card reflects the feelings a man feels towards you. There is an opportunity to compare your feelings and feelings of your man in strength and direction.

    The sixth position sums up, analyzing the previous five positions, and finds out how much your views coincide on the joint life and its future development.

    If the first six positions reveal the sensual side of your relationship, then from the seventh position the cards reveal your relationship needs.

    Tarot cards in the eighth position show what your man needs for a relationship.

    In the ninth position, the tarot gives the fortune-teller to find out what your two have shared needs for a relationship, which can bring you closer in this matter.

    The tenth position cards reveal the future of your relationship, what you personally get from this.

    The eleventh position shows what your man will gain from this relationship in the future.

    And the twelfth map will tell if there is a future for your relationship.

    Guessing a man on playing cards

    This way of guessing is very simple, it will let you know about your man quite a lot. Remove unnecessary thoughts, concentrate, shuffle the deck of cards, thinking about your favorite person.

    Then move the part of the deck away from you and get the first card, put it down with a shirt on the table. Mix the rest of the pack and move the part of the deck away from you again and get the next card, and continue until six cards fall on the table. This will be the alignment with which you will work.

    The first card is your man's thoughts. The second card will tell you what's going on in his heart. The third card is his future. The fourth expresses his hopes, desires, what he most aspires to. Card number five reveals his inner fears, which he does not want, which he would like to avoid. The sixth card is a reflection of his present, that is, what is happening to him at the moment.

    Reading the meaning of the cards, you must interpret it so that it is applicable to this person. Divination should be superimposed on the destiny of a person, only then the alignment will be deciphered, truly, and will give many new and interesting information about the person. Video selection