  • Magafon-01

    In magnetotherapy in the past 10 years, successfully used the newest portable device MAGAFON-01, which produces low-frequency alternating magnetic field and simultaneously vibro-acoustic oscillations. During the procedures of magnetoacoustic therapy, a complex effect on the pathological focus of the patient with an alternating magnetic field and broadband vibro-acoustic radiation( signal) is carried out.

    MAGAFON-01 is used in a hospital - in physiotherapy units and polyclinics - in physiotherapy rooms. This unit has a mass of not more than 0.7 kg, it works when connected to a normal electrical network with a voltage of 220 V with an alternating current of 50 Hz. The working surface of the device is supplied with a magnetic induction with an amplitude value of 30 ± 9 mT and a vibroacoustic oscillation with a frequency of the acoustic range from 0.02 to 20 kHz. This device was clinically tested in the 1990s.in the MGMSU.ON.Semashko, State Clinical Hospital. N.I.Priorov, TsKKVS "Arkhangelskoye" and other clinics in Russia. During the series of tests, high efficacy was established in the treatment of upper respiratory tract diseases( in particular, with obstructive syndrome), neurological pathology, and ENT diseases, diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. In the course of clinical trials, the following effects of on the human body were revealed:

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    • cerebral circulation improves and metabolic processes of the brain are activated;

    • as a consequence of the removal of emotional stress, sedation and sleep normalization are noted;

    • there is an increase in capillary blood flow with the opening of additional capillaries;

    • there is an improvement in the course of metabolic processes in the body, increasing the body's resistance to adverse effects;

    • the state of the main regulatory systems of the body changes positively: autonomic, neuroendocrine and, to a lesser extent, central nervous system;

    • marked positive effect in the state of conducting structures of the spinal cord( when exposed to the spine on the 7th-8th day of treatment;

    • course treatment with this device positively affects the psychoemotional state of patients, which plays an important role in the recovery of patients, whilethe period of recession of the patient's psychoemotional condition coincides with the period of the exacerbation of the disease on the 3-4th day of the course treatment, and the recovery on the 7th;

    • the appearance of exacerbation of chronic diseases at the 3rdday with the subsequent improvement of the patient's condition on the 5th day of the course of treatment indicates a positive dynamics of treatment

    1. The first three procedures are performed with a minimum duration of 4 to 8 minutes, depending on the size of the pathological focus on which the device is exposed, with furtherincreasing the duration of exposure to 15-20 minutes

    2. During the course of treatment after the 7th procedure, a break for two days is made to form an organism response to the magnetoacoustic effect andreduce the possibility of addiction.

    3. The entire course of treatment is 10 to 15 procedures.