  • Methods of ultrasonic therapy

    The procedure for carrying out procedures for ultrasound therapy is based on clearly localized local effects:

    • on superficial foci of the disease( mastitis, furuncle);

    • the projection of the organ( for example, with gastritis - on the epigastric region);

    • reflex-segmental zones( for example, with diseases of internal organs);

    • lumbar region, paravertebral( with radiculitis);

    • fields of action in the field of pain and paresthesias and along the nerves. The so-called impact fields have the form of strips or areas of the skin of relatively small sizes - from 150 to 250 cm2.

    The use of ultrasound is contraindicated: on the heart area, cervical autonomic knots, protruding bone surfaces, tissues with severe circulatory disorders.

    In the conditions of specialized clinics, sanatoriums and dispensaries with physiotherapy departments, a labile technique of contact massage is used, where soft massaging, stroking, circular or longitudinal movements are performed at the speed of 1 to 2 cm / s in the selected skin area.

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    In some cases( for example, when applied to pain points in radiculitis, with tissue seals and coarse surface scars), a stable technique is used in which the vibrator of the ultrasonic wave machine is fixed. With a stable method of affecting pathological foci, the absorbed energy of ultrasonic vibrations per unit volume of tissue, other conditions being equal, is higher than for labile, so the intensity of ultrasound is reduced by a factor of 2-4 and simultaneously reduces the exposure time.

    There is one more technique of the so-called underwater ultrasound therapy with the use of a deep bath with warm water under the influence on pathological foci in the area of ​​the hands, feet, elbow joints. With the latter method, the vibrator is partially immersed in a tub with warm water and makes them slow movements at a distance of 1 to 2 cm from the skin, respectively, localization of the pathological focus.

    When carrying out procedures using water, the nurse must wear insulating gloves to protect the hands from undesirable effects of ultrasonic waves( the water must be degassed).The effect of ultrasonic vibrations is necessarily carried out through the contact medium, preventing the presence of an air gap between the working surface of the vibrator and the surface of the impact. As a contact medium, use medicinal Vaseline or the appropriate medication in the form of ointment( for procedures of US phonophoresis).

    For the procedures of ultrasound therapy, special devices of the following types are used: UZT-1.01F general therapy, UZT-1.02C - dental, UET-1.03U - urological. UZT-1.040 - ophthalmic, UZ-ENT-3 - for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis and rhinitis. In addition to the aforementioned devices, high-performance Gamma devices are used in specialized clinics and sanatoriums, which produce ultrasonic vibrations with a frequency of 880 and 2640 kHz( for example, UZT-13.01 L Gamma, UZT-13.020 Gamma-O, etc.).

    Long-term serial clinical trials have reliably established that under the influence of ultrasonic vibrations in small doses:

    • there is an analgesic, vasodilating, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, resolving, desensitizing action;

    • blood and lymph circulation are activated, especially in the affected area;

    • phagocytosis increases;

    • Decrease in size, resolve, often completely disappearing scars and adhesions;

    • processes of regeneration and repair( nerve, liver, cartilaginous tissue, epithelium, etc.) are accelerated;

    • functions of sympatho-adrenal system improve, glucocorticoid function;

    • pronounced hypotensive effect;

    • normalization of the function of external respiration, increase of oxygen absorption by the body tissues, improvement of motor, evacuation, absorption function of the stomach and intestines, diuresis increase;

    • indicators of bioelectrical activity of excitable tissues are improved according to electrocardiogram, electromyography, electroencephalography, and also vascular tone;

    • at an ultrasound intensity of 0.3 to 0.5 W / cm2, the activity of brain mitochondria increases, but at high intensities it decreases( this has the advantage of low ultrasound intensities, especially in pulsed mode);

    • pulsed ultrasound gives a good effect with more acute pain syndromes and with moderately severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;

    • Under the influence of ultrasound, the absorbing properties of the skin cover increase( which made it possible to develop a technique for ultrasound phonophoresis of drugs, and the effect of ultrasound on pathological foci is enhanced by the pharmacological effect of the corresponding drug).In UZ-phonophoresis, ointments such as hydrocortisone, prednisolone, and also drug solutions of analgin, bicillin and others are used instead of petrolatum as contact medium for AS-phonophoresis.

    In the late 1990s, When performing ultrasound phonophoresis procedures in specialized clinics, sanatoriums and dispensaries, a unique mink oil( or oil) was used instead of vaseline oil, thus achieving the effect of treatment, such as:

    • enhancing the regeneration of skin cells;

    • elimination of itching, redness, irritation, acne;

    • Accelerated healing of abrasions, burns, scratches and wounds;

    • improving the elasticity and nourishment of the skin, as well as maintaining its tone, especially during pregnancy;

    • recovery of hair loss in seborrhea, etc.

    Before the beginning of the XXI century. In the US-phonophoresis the balm "Placentol 100%" was used instead of vaseline oil, in which there are no hormones, salts of heavy metals, radionuclides. After the procedure of US phonophoresis using the balm "Placentol 100%" instead of vaseline oil the following effects were observed( and clearly pronounced):

    • increased capillary circulation in the pathological focus;

    • improvement of skin breathing;

    • suppression of inflammatory processes;

    • renewal of cellular composition;

    • activation of the formation of collagen and elastin in the skin;

    • stimulation of regeneration of skin tissues in the pathological focus;

    • regulation of the content in the skin of melanin-pigment;

    • Improvement of skin turgor( especially in the treatment of cellulite and wrinkles).

    In general, with ultrasonic phonophoresis using balm "Placentol 100%", sluggishness, fatigue, increased efficiency and mood, immune and regenerative functions of the body become more active, metabolism is normalized.

    Balm "Placentol 100%" is an emulsion of biologically active substances of the placenta, is a powerful antioxidant biological complex, a unique active protein preparation.

    Indications for the use of US phonophoresis procedures:

    • deforming arthrosis;

    • intervertebral osteochondrosis;

    • radiculitis;

    • Bechterew's disease;

    • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum( with the exception of the penguin and callus ulcers);

    • asthmatic bronchitis;

    • neurodermatitis;

    • mastitis;

    • trigeminal neuralgia;

    • neuritis of the facial nerve;

    • scars and adhesions of superficial and deeper tissues of the body.


    • pregnancy;

    • tendency to bleeding;

    • hypertension above stage II;

    • severe atherosclerosis;

    • coronarosclerosis;

    • Angina pectoris;

    • arterial hypotension;

    • diencephalic syndrome;

    • pronounced psychoneurosis;

    • diseases of the central nervous system;

    • impaired cerebral circulation;

    • blood diseases;

    • cachexia;

    • malignant neoplasms.

    Procedures of ultrasound therapy and ultrasound phonophoresis are usually performed every other day or every day, depending on the general condition of the body, the severity and nature of the pathological process. To increase the effectiveness of ultrasound treatment, the procedures are combined with exercise therapy or with thermal salt baths( strictly tailored to individual characteristics).