
Childbirth at 36 weeks gestation: causes, consequences, care for premature babies

  • Childbirth at 36 weeks gestation: causes, consequences, care for premature babies

    It is believed that the duration of a normal pregnancy should be about 40 weeks. However, it happens that the baby is born much earlier, or, conversely, a little later. Doctors and gynecologists say that childbirth from 38 to 42 weeks is a completely natural process and in no case pathology.

    Often this is due to the fact that it is impossible to calculate the date of conception with an accuracy of several days. Therefore, the mistake in determining the duration of pregnancy for 2 weeks - not at all a rarity. This article describes the features, causes and consequences of labor during the 36th week of pregnancy.

    Premature birth of

    Births in 22-37 weeks are called "premature" and are an unfavorable termination of pregnancy. They should be under the special supervision of doctors. Unfortunately, premature birth every year happens more often.

    Based on the fact that a full-term fetus is considered from the 38th week of pregnancy, the question arises, what is the danger of childbirth in 36 weeks?

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    According to statistics, the probability of giving birth at 35-36 weeks of pregnancy in different countries is 5-20%.As for Russia, the number of such cases in the last quarter of a century does not exceed 7% of the total number of births for the year.

    Causes of premature delivery of

    If the date of delivery is not yet fast, and the process itself has already begun, this should be explained. In the normal course of pregnancy, childbirth should not start so early.

    Diseases not related to gynecology, such as disorders of the thyroid gland, kidney and adrenal glands, ovaries, pituitary gland, cardiovascular diseases most often cause premature birth. Such ailments in medicine are usually referred to as the "extragenital pathology" of a future mother.

    It is important to note that the threat of preterm delivery also occurs against a background of some gynecological problems. Among them may be:

    • Increase in the tone of the uterus;
    • Placental abruption or presentation;
    • Leakage or outflow of amniotic fluid;
    • Infectious Diseases;
    • Multiple pregnancy;
    • Polyhydramnios;
    • Large fetus.

    The impact of stress

    A large number of cases have been revealed when premature birth was preceded by severe stress in the pregnant woman or minor, but frequent stressful situations during the period of gestation. Scientists have proven that deep or prolonged stress during pregnancy provides a generic anomaly, a pathology to the newborn and is even capable of intensifying toxicosis. More on the video.

    Falls and bumps

    Another reason for premature birth is the fall of a pregnant woman, especially if the blow falls on the stomach. Such incidents can not only provoke childbirth, but also lead to accidents.

    Preparedness for childbirth

    In some cases, it is not possible even for doctors to predict premature births, and even more so their consequences.

    The modern healthcare system can save the life of premature babies. In many ways, the outcome depends on the time at which premature birth occurred.

    Survival of premature infants

    In 99% of births at 35-36 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is born alive. The kid at this time is almost completely formed, he is in the right position and is preparing for a natural process. At 36 weeks the baby weighs about 2-2.5 kg, and his height is 45-48 cm. His vital organs and systems in most cases function normally and are ready to work without my mother's help.

    According to the World Health Organization, resuscitative and intensive care is provided even to those babies who were born on week 22 with a weight of 500 g.

    What are the consequences of premature births?

    About what the consequences of early childbirth for the health and development of the child may be, we will talk below.

    Obstetricians and gynecologists say that the threat of premature birth can become a serious danger to the health of the baby. We have already found out that at this time the baby is theoretically ready for birth. Nevertheless, the child's body has not yet adapted to the stress that awaits him during childbirth. This factor is often the main cause of complications during childbirth.

    In cases when the system of breathing and thermoregulation in the newborn does not work well enough, the doctors immediately take the necessary measures. Such children are placed in intensive care units, where they are provided with qualified care.

    Mental health of premature infants

    In addition to the effects of early health-related births, such children often need a special psychological approach. They grow tearful, more emotional, hyperactive. There are problems with appetite and sleep, a tendency to become nervous. In the process of growing up, these unpleasant consequences often disappear.

    An interesting fact is that most twins appear at the time of 36 weeks. And while they grow up normal, healthy children, no different from those who were born, for example, at 40 weeks.

    Video materials on

    topic What kind of care is required for premature infants, you will learn from this video:

    What are the risks of premature birth:

    The obstetrician-gynecologist tells about symptoms of preterm labor: