
Useful and medicinal properties of marigold( marigold)

  • Useful and medicinal properties of marigold( marigold)

    Calendula( marigold) is an annual herbaceous plant up to 60 cm high. The generic name comes from the Latin calendae - the first day of every month( hence the Russian calendar).The plant blooms for a long time, inflorescences open in the morning, as if informing about the beginning of the day, and close at night. The genus of calendula has about twenty species, but only two are used in culture: the calendula of the field, little known in our country, and the very popular calendula officinalis.

    Stems straight, densely leafy, branching, glandular at the top. Leaves alternate, lower petiolate, upper - sessile, semistibular, backward ovate, oblong or lanceolate. Root stem, branching. Flowers are small, external - reed, yellow or orange-reddish, internal - tubular, darker in color, collected in single baskets. Receptor is flat, bare. Fruits - sickle-shaped or hook-shaped achenes, winged, with keel on the inside, light, tuberculate, with a spout. Blossoms from June to October. Fruits ripen since August.

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    Medicinal raw materials are baskets( more effective orange-red) and grass without the lower parts of the stems.

    Collection of baskets is done during flowering by hand. The collected raw materials are dried no later than 3-4 hours after collection, in order to avoid warming and spoilage. Drying is done in the shade in attics or in dryers. Shelf life of raw materials is 1 year.

    Calendula on the household plot

    Pharmacy preparations from marigold, which are now more than enough, are not so cheap and not everyone has the opportunity to buy them. However, despair is not necessary, because marigolds, unlike many other plants, you can grow in your own garden or replenish them with a collection of house flowers. Moreover, special efforts will not be required for this.

    Necessity of heat and moisture for calendula

    Calendula officinalis is not in vain classified as cold-resistant plants. Although by origin this plant is southern, it is able to withstand sharp fluctuations in night and day temperatures, normally bear fruit in the conditions of Siberia and Central Yakutia and even carry short-term frosts. Calendula continues to bloom until late autumn, sometimes even under snow.

    For normal life this plant is quite enough temperature + 8 + 12 ° C - in the daytime, and from +4 to +10 ° C - at night.

    Seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of + 2-4 ° C, but it is better, according to some observations, to germinate at a temperature of +15 to +20 ° C.

    But the heat and dryness of the soil cause stress in calendula: the plant begins to develop at an accelerated pace, its flowering time dramatically decreases and the yield of double flower buds decreases. Of course, this plant is so unpretentious that it will transfer the heat and not fade, but its beauty will fade. Therefore, it is desirable that the marigolds develop in cool and moist conditions, especially during the budding period. In dry weather, the plant should often be watered, so that the flowers do not crush and do not lose their sweat. The soil in pots should be evenly moist, but not wet.

    Relation to light

    Calendula is a photophilous plant, it grows better in open sunny areas. Grow calendula can be on the flower beds, in a cool room or in a greenhouse without heating. Only the abundance of light and the free circulation of air are important. It is established that a decrease in the intensity of illumination causes an increase in the height of the plant and an extension of its flowering time.

    The best soil for calendula

    Calendula can grow on different soils - forest, marshy, sandy. However, the best soil for it is fertile black earth. The plant also prefers wet, open sunny places.

    If you want to plant calendula on a plot, then the soil should be prepared in advance. In autumn, dig out the site and add 3-4 kg of manure, 40 g of superphosphate and 10 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 square meter of 30-40 g of granular superphosphate per one square meter.

    For cultivation of calendula in boxes on the balcony it is enough to take the soil "garden land", half mixed with a simple, unfertilized soil. Soil can also be prepared from 2 parts of garden loam and 1 part of sand or perlite. It is useful to mix the compost in this mixture.

    In flower shops, a special primer intended for containers and hanging flower beds is on sale. It is added gel accumulating water, and cork powder to facilitate the weight of the basket. In such flower gardens, seedlings of calendula are planted at the age of two weeks.

    Seeding of marigolds

    Sowing is best done at the beginning of April, but you can do it under winter. Usually, the seeds of marigolds are sown right into the ground, but if your windows go to the north, you can grow seedlings at the end of winter: the powerful branched roots of the plant are easily restored after transplantation.

    If you plant marigolds in the summer, the autumnal calendula will amaze you with unusually large flowers of surprisingly rich color.

    Seeds are sown in striae to a depth of 2-3 cm. The distance between grooves should be 30-40 cm. 1-1.5 g of seeds are sown per square meter.

    At home, marigold seeds are planted in pots with a diameter of 20 cm, filled with ordinary soil for indoor plants with good drainage.

    For seeding, it is better to select the smallest central seeds of a flower basket, since they give plants with a large number of double flower buds.

    Calendula repels harmful insects

    Biologically active substances of marigolds - resins, organic acids, saponins - promote the healing of soil and crops growing on it. Therefore, planting a calendula will in itself benefit your site.

    It is known that such famous plant pests are not like and afraid of calendula, like the asparagus crochet, the caterpillar of the five-point sorcerer, and also the ill-fated Colorado beetle. Many potato growers have long noticed that the Cyrrhada beetle can not tolerate calendula. Perhaps it scares off the smell of flowers or the allocation of shoots-roots. Therefore, if you want to collect a good harvest of potatoes, then plant and marigold. And you need to do this as follows: Seeds of calendula sachet lines around the potato area and at the same time diagonally.

    If you plant calendula under fruit trees or next to cabbage, you can save them from many diseases and garden pests.

    Phases of growth and development of calendula officinalis

    The following phases of growth and development of the calendula are distinguished.

    Shoots, depending on the temperature and humidity of the soil, appear 7-20 days after sowing. During the vegetative development period, intensive plant growth is observed. The beginning of the flowering phase is 32-44 days after emergence( end of June - beginning of July).In the flowering phase, renewal of intensive growth of biomass occurs due to strong branching and the formation of new peduncles.

    The time of flowering in calendula depends on the location of the bud on the plant: the lower the branching order and the higher the tier of the shoot, the sooner the flowering and the longer it takes.

    Calendula as medicinal raw material

    When calendula is cultivated for the production of medicinal raw material, the inflorescence is systematically removed, which prolongs the flowering phase until the end of the vegetative period, causing intense inflorescence on new shoots. If the inflorescence is not removed, then the plant sharply reduces the rate of formation of new flower-bearing shoots, the size of the inflorescence decreases.

    The flowers of this plant can be harvested throughout the summer. Collect freshly broken baskets, cutting at the very base of the flower. Dry them immediately after collection, spreading a thin layer under the canopy, in the attic or in the air, but without access to direct sunlight. The first days of flowers need to stir. Usually air drying takes a week. If you use a dryer, the temperature in it should not exceed 40-45 ° C.Drying is considered complete if, when pressed on the inflorescence, they disintegrate.

    Flowers are stored in paper bags or cardboard boxes for up to 2 years. Time flies quickly, so on the package or box, put the date of harvesting.

    Store calendula, in tin cans 1 year.

    Calendula in your flower garden

    Calendula varieties can be used for flower beds of any height, preferably the same flower beds as other plants.

    For smaller areas, curbs are more suitable. These are narrow( from 10 to 40 cm) stripes of flowers, fringing paths, platforms. For curbs are used undersized( up to 30 cm) compact varieties of calendula, such as Calypso, Gitan Molly, Fiesta Gitan, Yellow Gitan and Orange Gitan.

    Sowing in different order different varieties of marigold, you can create a fashionable and beautiful yellow-orange lawn. Determine the location on the site and the area that you can select for each grade and under the entire lawn.

    When selecting a place, consider the requirements of calendula for lighting.

    If you have enough seeds, calculate the required number of seeds of each variety to occupy the allocated area.

    The location of varieties can be any - according to your taste. Show your creativity! So you can try yourself in one of the new professions - landscape designer.

    If marigolds do not open before seven in the morning, it will rain or thunder. This sign is not a superstition at all, but a fact that many flower growers can confirm: the nails actually close before a thunderstorm.

    Useful properties of

    It is believed that calendula possesses magical power. Flowers collected at noon, when the hottest and strongest sun, can console the heart and rid itself of feelings.

    The people believed that if you hang garlands of marigolds on the door jambs, you can avoid the evil eye and evil forces.

    If you are suffering from insomnia or you are suffering from nightmares, scatter the calendula flowers under the bed and then your sleep will return to normal. Moreover, you will be visited by prophetic dreams.

    If you look at the sunny calyx cups, your eyesight will improve.

    To make a decision in your favor, folk wisdom advises - carry in your pocket flowers of calendula.

    Calendula flower baskets are soluble in water, their activity depends on the temperature environment, the optimum temperature is not more than 40 degrees.

    The flowers of the marigold contain essential oil, kalenulin( gelatinous substance), bitter substance, yellow coloring matter( carotene, lycopene), phytoncides, in addition, salicylic and malic acids, saponin, proteinaceous substances, mucus.

    Experimental studies have established that calendula preparations have a calming effect on the central nervous system, reduce reflex excitability, with intravenous administration cause a decrease in blood pressure, increased heart activity, increased amplitude and slowing of heart contractions. Significantly expressed bactericidal properties of calendula against a number of pathogens( especially staphylococci and streptococci).

    In practical medicine infusions and tincture of calendula are used for the treatment of gastritis, peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, liver and bile ducts, with heart diseases accompanied by rhythm disturbance, hypertension and in the climacteric period.

    Calendula inflorescences are used as an antispasmodic, stimulant for avitaminosis C( scurvy) and against hysteria, with reduced arterial pressure.

    Calendula is a part of "KN" tablets( 0.25 g of calendula flower powder and 0.1 g of nicotinic acid), which is used as a symptomatic agent for advanced forms of cancer. Under the action of "KN" tablets in patients with cancer, especially stomach cancer, there is a decrease in intoxication, elimination of dyspeptic phenomena( eructation, nausea, vomiting, feeling of heaviness in the pancreas), improvement in appetite and sleep.

    External Calendula is used in the form of lotions, ointments, rinses, douches and patches to treat wounds as a means of preventing and reducing the formation of pus, and as anti-inflammatory.

    Doctors of a number of countries prescribe 20-25 drops of calendula tincture for reception with various gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis, note its ability to enhance appetite. According to foreign authors, this drug has potent therapeutic properties for stomach ulcers, prolonged vomiting, spasm of the esophagus and spastic conditions of the stomach. It was used in inflammatory diseases of the liver and gall bladder( hepatitis, cholecystitis, as well as diseases of the spleen).

    The combined preparation - 200 mg of calendula powder and 50 mg of nicotinic acid - is recommended for use as an auxiliary in the treatment of chronic diseases that deplete the body;with avitaminosis, dystrophy, associated with poor digestive and absorption functions of the digestive tract;with enteritis, chronic dysentery and ulcerative colitis;in dystrophies associated with a large expenditure of vitamins in the body, general septic processes and chronic suppuration;with fistulas, ulcers, purulent pyelonephritis, cystitis, paraproctitis, skin cancer, malignant and venereal diseases.

    Calendula infusions( 1 teaspoon per glass of water) are widely used in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the oral cavity( inflammation of the gums, ulcers of the mucous membrane, with thrush in children, alveolar pyorrhea).To do this, it is recommended to take the infusion into your mouth and hold for a few minutes. Strong infusion of calendula( 3 tablespoons of crushed flowers into a glass of boiling water to brew like tea and insist for 2 hours) is recommended for mouth rinsing after cleaning the teeth, after each meal and overnight.

    The tender bitterness of the infusion causes salivation( saliva secretion) and helps to cleanse the oral mucosa. The same infusion is used to rinse the nasopharynx with tonsillitis and chronic colds. The tincture of calendula for rinsing the throat is combined with sulfa drugs and antibiotics.

    Calendula is also used for dermophytia( fungal skin diseases).In this case, it is recommended to take baths, make lotions( folded in 3-4 layers of gauze moisten with infusion) on the affected area of ​​the fungus body.

    It is established that tincture of calendula flowers inactivates influenza viruses, therefore it is advisable to use it as a preventive and curative remedy during the flu epidemic. For these purposes, prepare the infusion - 10 g of calendula for 200 ml of boiling water - filtered and undiluted, in a warm form, rinse the mouth and nasopharynx. Inflorescence of inflorescence is used as a diuretic in diseases of the urinary bladder( stones and sand in it), diseases of the stomach, intestines( ulcers, spasms), rickets, scrofula, as a remedy for the pathological process in cancer, with dizziness, cough, pain in the liver, to prevent miscarriages, after a bruise, with uterine bleeding, female diseases, fever, cold, from diseases caused by lifting of gravity;external - as an auxiliary for the treatment of cancer, inflammatory diseases of the mouth, eye diseases( conjunctivitis, blepharitis), in gynecological practice( erosion of the cervix), for rapid wound healing, with cracks in the anus, with trichomonas inflammations, skin cracks, warts, calluses, barley, acne, etc.

    It should be added that marigolds have a healing effect on wounds caused by frostbite.


    Tincture 25%: 30 drops 3 times a day.

    Infusion 1: 10 g per 200 ml, according to 2-Zet.spoon 3 times a day with peptic ulcer, avitaminosis C( scurvy) and against hysteria.

    Infusion 2: 20 g per 200 ml, 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day - apply the same way as the infusion 1.

    Tincture for lotions: 1 teaspoon for half a cup of water.

    Tincture for enemas and syringes: the same for a glass of water.

    Mixture: calendula flowers, lavender, elderberry, 10g mallow;6-8 g of the mixture in 200 ml of boiling water, insist 15 minutes and add the sweet syrup from the maple. Take 1/2 cup 3 times daily before meals.

    Tablets or powder: 1 / 4-1 / 2 tablets 2-3 times a day for 10 minutes before meals.

    Ointment: 5 g of tincture and 10 g of Vaseline( mixed).

    Diseases of the digestive system


    In acute gastritis, the rate is primarily made on the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of calendula preparations, as well as on their ability to heal the affected areas of the mucosa. Applied courses lasting for 2-3 weeks with the same breaks: the first course - in an acute period, then 2 courses to prevent subsequent exacerbations. Prepare the infusion in the usual way: 2 tablespoons of flowers pour a glass of boiling water, heat in a boiling bath for 15 minutes, cool 45 minutes. Take infusion of warm 2 tablespoons 3 times a day for an hour before meals.

    With peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum with decreased gastric secretion

    Prepare an infusion of calendula flowers( see above), take 1/2 cup 3 times a day in between meals. Helps also decoction of inflorescences( take 1 tablespoon of raw material for a glass of boiling water, stand for 30 minutes in a water bath, insist 10 minutes);take it for 1-3 tablespoons 3 times a day.

    Inflammatory bowel disease When enteritis( inflammation of the small intestine caused by food poisoning, infections and other causes) is well helps infusion of flowers of calendula. It is brewed as tea at the rate of 1 teaspoon of raw material per glass of water;Drink 1/2 cup per reception in between meals. A good result is the use of calendula in combination with chamomile flowers and yarrow herb.


    The choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect of calendula helps with this serious disease. Herbalists recommend the following infusion: 2 teaspoons of inflorescence to brew 2 cups of boiling water, to insist 1 hour, strain. Drink half a cup 4 times a day. You can take and tincture after consulting a doctor: for liver diseases, alcohol drugs are used very carefully. One of the ways to use: start from 30 drops, gradually increasing the dose to 1 teaspoon, 2-3 times a day.

    For diseases of the liver, pancreas, intestines

    An ancient folk recipe: prepare 0.5 liters of decoction of calendula flowers, pour 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal into the boiling broth, cook for 30-40 minutes. Rinse, salt, you can add a little sugar. Take 1 glass in the interval between breakfast and lunch or 3 times a day for 1/2 cup for half an hour before meals. The product gives an enveloping, soothing effect, relieves pain, reduces inflammation.

    Diseases of the eye

    Helps calendula and inflammatory diseases of the eyes, we have in mind primarily barley - acute purulent inflammation of the hair bulb of the eyelash and sebaceous gland of the eyelid and conjunctivitis - acute inflammation of the conjunctival membrane of the eye. Prepare infusion of flowers at a rate of 10-15 g. Dry flowers( 1-1.5 tablespoons) for a glass of boiling water, insist, wrapped, 30-40 minutes, filter. Used in the form of lotions and compresses. Or a ready-made pharmacy tincture is brewed with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10, and also make lotions with this composition.

    Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity

    To rinse the mouth with stomatitis( inflammation of the oral mucosa) and periodontitis( inflammation of the gums), apply an aqueous infusion of calendula.1 tablespoon inflorescences are brewed with a glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours, filter. Rinse 3-4 times a day after meals. You can use another composition: 1 teaspoon of ready-made alcoholic tincture of marigolds per 1 cup of boiled water.

    When parodontitis is also lubricated with inflamed gums with oil infusion of flowers( pour 1 tablespoon of raw material with 100 ml of olive oil, insist for a week).In the absence of acute inflammation for prophylactic purposes, daily rinsing of the mouth with tincture of flowers( 50 drops per glass of warm boiled water) is recommended.

    Ear disorders

    With otitis

    In inflammatory ear diseases, compresses on the BTE and parotid are applied externally with 70% pharmacy tincture of the calendula flowers. As an additional remedy( to improve the outflow from the nose, restore nasal breathing, reduce inflammation of other ENT organs, the general resistance of the body) in otitis is recommended to wash the nose and rinse the throat.

    When chronic purulent otitis in the patient's ear, instilled alcohol tincture of 5 drops 2 times a day.

    Ready-made preparations of calendula

    Many different forms of calendula preparations are produced by the pharmacological industry.

    Most often in drugstores you can find alcohol tincture of marigolds;In addition, coated tablets, ointments based on calendula, dry raw materials for home-made infusions and decoctions, including compacted in briquettes.

    Very effective antimicrobial effect is provided by alcohol-oil extracts from fresh inflorescences of calendula. The disinfecting properties of such extracts are much higher( almost 10 times) than that of the flower broth. Therefore, for skin diseases, alcohol-oil extracts are used more often than preparations made from dried raw materials.

    Calendula and producers of biologically active food additives are also valued. These drinks are abundantly presented on the shelves of pharmacies. Among them, "Vegeto-vascular tea"( helps to normalize blood pressure), anti-cold and gastric teas, a drink intended for cleansing the body and even "Anti-marijuana" - helps to fight mastopathy, a common violation that overtakes women of different ages,including young age. The composition of all these drinks includes marigold extract.

    Recommended dosage:

    Inside usually prescribed 20 drops of tincture( in a small amount of warm boiled water) or 1-2 tablets 3 times daily after meals with the following diseases:

    of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, insomnia, dyspnea, rickets, cancerous tumors.

    Tincture is also used as a cholagogue and for raising the general tone of the body.

    For rinsing with inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity( 3-5 times a day) - 1 teaspoon of tincture for 1 glass of water or infusion, prepared from 1 briquette per 1 glass of water.

    When eye diseases( barley, blepharitis, conjunctivitis), you can do lotions and rubbing. For these purposes, the tincture is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

    The "Calendula" ointment manufactured by the industry with tincture of marigolds is applied externally for lubrication with cuts, burns, for the treatment of diaper rills and cracks. It is an active anti-inflammatory drug. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the drug. Method of application: ointment is applied a thin layer on the affected skin 1-2 times a day with or without bandage. The course of treatment is usually 1-2 weeks.

    Of the means for external use, it is worth mentioning about candles with a tincture of calendula - the pharmaceutical name "Suppositories rectal with tincture of calendula".They have strong anti-inflammatory properties and are recommended for hemorrhoids. Dosage and administration: suppositories are injected into the anus - 1 candle once a day. After the introduction of the candle, it is necessary to lie down for 30-40 minutes.

    The length of the course of treatment depends on the nature and severity of the disease, it is better to coordinate it with the attending physician.

    Infusion of althea and calendula

    Requires: 50 g of althea medicinal roots, 40 g of calendula flowers, 40 g of goose grass goose grass, 1 glass of beer.

    Method of preparation. 1 tbsp.l.shredded collection pour a glass of hot beer, insist 2 hours and strain.

    Method of use. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day for ischemic heart disease.

    Calendula infusions with hypovitaminosis

    1. Required:

    1 teaspoon of calendula officinalis flowers, 50 ml of olive oil.

    Method of preparation.

    Calendula pour olive oil and mix thoroughly. Insist for 2-3 days.

    How to use.

    It is advisable to lubricate the affected areas of the mucous membrane with stomatitis with a deficiency of vitamin C.

    2. Required:

    1 teaspoon of calendula flowers, 250 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Calendula pour boiling water, insist 4-5 hours, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze.

    How to use.

    Gently rinse the oral cavity 2-3 times a day with a deficiency of vitamin C.

    Calendula broth with chicken pox


    2-3 tbsp.tablespoons of herbs calendula, 1 liter of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Grass marigold to grind, pour water, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat 10-15 minutes, strain.

    How to use.

    Pour the broth into the bath and bathe the baby 1 -2 times a day for 5-10 minutes. After steeping, gently pat the baby's body with a soft towel. Such baths will help to quickly clear the skin of the rash. When taking baths, the baby's skin can not be rubbed.

    Calendula infusion with barley


    10-15 calendula flowers, 250 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Calendula flowers pour boiling water, it is good to wrap and insist in the heat for 1 hour.

    Method of application.

    The obtained infusion is used for lotions before opening the abscess.

    Diseases of the upper respiratory tract


    Take 1 tablespoon of dry calendula officinalis inflorescence per 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse, wrapped, 1 hour, drain. Rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day.

    You can also dilute 70% alcoholic tincture of calendula for gargling at the rate of 1 teaspoon per glass of water.

    It is possible to strengthen the healing properties of marigolds if they are mixed with other herbal raw materials, for example, in the composition of such a rinse aid. For its preparation, the calendula's inflorescence, the plantain leaves of the large and the herb of bitter wormwood are taken in equal parts.1 tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water, stand on a water bath for 10-15 minutes, allow to infuse, filter. Gargle with a warm broth every 2 hours. The same broth can be taken and inside 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

    With rhinitis( runny nose)

    Mix in equal parts the flowers of marigold, chamomile, linden, nettle leaves. Brew 2 teaspoons of collection for a glass of boiling water, insist 20 minutes in the heat. It is advisable to wash the nasal cavity with acute infectious rhinitis and with exacerbation of chronic rhinitis. Another way: prepare a slightly warm, slightly salted water( 0.5 liters).Add 1 teaspoon of calendula tincture to it. To enhance the therapeutic effect of performing the procedure twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

    In case of allergic rhinitis: 1 tablespoon of flower baskets of marigolds, pour 1/2 cup of boiling water, leave for infusion for 1-2 hours. Take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day, and rinse the nasal cavity infusion of flowers( diluting it with half of water) or tincture of calendula( 1 teaspoon of tincture per 1 glass of water).

    In case of tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis

    When infectious lesions of the pharynx and larynx are used powerful antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect of calendula. For rinses, dilute 1 teaspoon of tincture in a glass of warm boiled water( 38-39 ° C).The procedure lasts at least 5 minutes, on the day it is conducted up to 5-6 times - to speed up recovery. You can also lubricate the pharyngeal mucosa several times a day with an oil extract of the plant( the method of preparation see above).

    An effective way of treatment for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchus and lungs - inhalation with medicinal herbs. In this case the biologically active substances of calendula act directly on the affected mucous membranes and lung tissue: they remove inflammation, have a harmful effect on microbes, dilute sputum and facilitate its departure, help cope with a painful cough. For inhalations prepare infusion of flower baskets of marigolds at the rate of 2 teaspoons of raw material for a glass of water. It is convenient to carry out procedures with the help of a special inhaler - the device is easily purchased in electrical shops. If there is no inhaler, use a very simple method: fitosostav pour into a wide container, bring to a boil, from the cardboard make a bell, through which they breathe medical vapor mouth and nose. The procedure is carried out with short rest intervals for 10-15 minutes.

    The duration of inhalation phytotherapy depends on the nature of the disease. Usually it is less with laryngitis and tracheitis and more with bronchitis and pneumonia. On average, in acute processes with a favorable course, it is carried out for 3-7 days and up to 12-15 days - with a prolonged course of the disease. On the day, you can hold up to 4-6 inhalations in the acute period, then the number of procedures is reduced to 2-3 per day.


    Tumor is a superfluous pathological proliferation of tissue, consisting of qualitatively changed, transformed cells of the body. Distinguish benign tumors( not growing into surrounding tissues) and malignant( cancer, sarcoma, etc.).

    Calendula has long been considered a good tool for the treatment of tumors and malignant tumors. Although one calendula can not cure cancer, it is still used to reduce the intoxication of the body, when surgical treatment is useless. There is some improvement in the condition of patients with certain forms of malignant tumors, in particular, patients with gastric cancer manage to eliminate dyspepsia, reduce belching, nausea, and vomiting.

    Calendula is also used as a symptomatic agent for inoperable forms of cancer: under the influence of calendula preparations in patients, intoxication decreases, appetite and sleep improve.

    Infusion of inflorescence of calendula

    Two tsp.inflorescence pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist 15 minutes. Wait to drink in equal portions for 4 divided doses.

    In the course of experimental studies, it was found that water-alcohol extracts of calendula inhibit the development of sarcoma.

    Application in cooking

    Since the leaves and flowers of the marigold have a very piquant taste, they are used in cooking in fresh and dried form when preparing soups, added to salads, sauces, and used for additional flavoring of meat dishes. The flowers of marigold add spice to the dishes. To this end, they are used as a side dish for stewed dishes, like dressing soups, for flavoring and coloring of cheeses, liqueurs, etc. In Spanish and Indian cuisine, calendula flowers can replace a very expensive component - saffron. Dried calendula petals are added instead of saffron in garnishes of rice, in creams, sauces and dough. Beautiful plant petals can simply decorate dishes.

    To further emphasize the characteristics of calendula, we want to bring you a very curious old recommendation for the storage of flour: "The flour is periodically dried in a thin layer on sheets of blank paper or on a canvas. Store in linen bags,( to make flour "breathe") for 1-2 kg. The flour must be sieved, warmed, if it is infected with granary pests( such as mukoyoda), and in each pouch put 1-2 cloves of raw garlic( according to the experience of the ancient Chinese).1-kilogram bags are placed in a wooden chest, box and pour dry flowers of marigold, cardamom leaves, thyme, wormwood. Products made from such flour will have a pleasant aroma. "

    You can use the above recommendation and make sure it's true. Next, we give you recipes that you can also use to make up your diet with such a beautiful and edible plant as calendula.

    Seasoning from calendula

    To make a flavoring and tinting seasoning from calendula, inflorescences need to be dried, chopped, sifted and used for filling of second dishes and soups at the rate of 1 tsp.powder for 1 serving of soup. The seasoning is stored in a glass, hermetically sealed container. You can also tint oil, cheeses, sauces, dough. If you want to give a beautiful shade to the test, you have to boil the calendula petals in milk and on this broth, after having strained, knead all other ingredients. Salad with calendula, cucumber and onion.

    Ingredients: fresh cucumbers - 400 g, green onion - 240 g, calendula flowers - 240 g, eggs - 4 pieces, sour cream - 160 g, spices, dill, salt, pepper to taste. Cucumbers clean and cut into thin slices. Carefully washed the onion and marigold with a knife, put on a plate, decorate with boiled egg slices. In the center, put the sour cream on the salad. Salt and sprinkle with chopped dill.

    Potato salad with calendula

    Boil 1 kg of potatoes, cut into slices, mix with 200 g of chopped onion and 60 g of crushed marigold, pour over salad dressing.

    For the preparation of 0.5 liters of salad dressing the following products are used: vegetable oil - 350 g, vinegar 3% - 10 g, sugar - 20 g, pepper ground - 1 g, salt to taste.

    Refueling can be prepared for future use and stored in a bottle in the refrigerator. You can make salads with cucumbers, melissa lemon, radish, tomatoes, radish and other vegetables.

    Meat soup with calendula

    Prepared 200 g of fresh cabbage and 200 g of potatoes put in 1 liter of boiling broth and cook for 10 minutes. Then add 100 g of carrots, 25 g of onions, 200 g of fresh tomato and 30 g of crushed fresh marigold inflorescences. Cook until done. Shchi fill with sour cream.

    Marinated calendula

    Products: 1 kg of fresh inflorescences, 0.5 L of 3% vinegar, 40 g of salt, 2 g of pepper.

    Calendula cook in vinegar with pepper for 5 minutes, add salt, cool in glass jars in a cool place.

    Used for refilling the second course.

    Calendula salted

    Products: 1 kg of fresh calendula inflorescences, 0.5 l of water, 60 g of salt.

    Calendula cook 5 minutes in salt water, cool, store in glass jars in a cool place.

    Treatment and prophylactic paste for sandwiches

    Grind through a meat grinder five st.l.inflorescences, 10 g of dill, 70 g of processed cheese, 10 g of butter, mix well.

    French botanist Francois Kuplan, in his book "Taste Marigolds", recommends, along with calendula, also use other flowers: to cook roast of roses, fried in breadcrumbs geranium, pies with wisteria. We want to offer your advice more practical and very useful advice.

    Salad dressing from marigold and nasturtium flowers

    Shrimmed leaves and nasturtium flowers and marigolds in a tissue bag. In the future you can use this mixture as a seasoning for soups, omelets, salads. Store the grass in a tightly closed glass jar in a dark, dry place for two years.

    Calendula drink

    Products: 50 grams of dried marigold, 2 cups of guelder-rose juice, 1 glass of honey, 3 liters of water.

    Calendula should be boiled for 30 minutes, left in a sealed container for 12 hours, poured through a sieve or gauze, add the juice of viburnum and honey. Stir and pour into bottles. Store in a cool place.

    Seasoning with marigold and mint

    Boil 10 g of dry marigold inflorescences and 5 g of mint in 200 ml of water, strain, add sugar to taste. Mix the broth with the vodka. Before serving, cool down.

    Tea drinks in the form of biologically active additives to food with calendula

    These drinks are abundantly presented on the shelves of pharmacies. We give their brief characteristics and composition. Mixing the herbs indicated in the recipe in equal quantities, you can create and healing collections of your own preparation.

    Vegeto-vascular tea

    It is used as a biologically active food additive. Has moderate hypotensive effect, relieves spasm of cerebral vessels, improves cerebral circulation, reduces the risk of thrombus formation. With regular application, it removes manifestations of vegetative dystonia, improves metabolism, normalizes sleep, improves mood.

    Ingredients: fruits of chokeberry aronia, mint leaves, chamomile flowers, coriander fruits, rose hips, marigold flowers.

    Gastric tea

    It is used as a biologically active food additive. Has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antiulcer action. Normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended for chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines.

    Composition: calendula flowers, licorice root, yarrow herb, flax seed, chamomile flowers, coriander.

    Cholagogue tea

    It is used as a biologically active food additive.

    Has choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antispasmodic effect. Improves bile secretion, stimulates the secretion of the stomach and pancreas. It is recommended as a preventive and auxiliary agent for chronic diseases of the liver and bile ducts.

    Composition: calendula flowers, mint leaf, yarrow herb, hips, chamomile flowers, dill fruits.

    Tea balsam

    It is used as a drink or tea with a specific taste and aroma. Regulates metabolism, normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract of the liver, the central nervous system. Helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

    Ingredients: hawthorn fruit, St. John's wort, chokeberry fruit, mint leaf, rhizomes with valerian roots, marigold flowers, oregano grass, chamomile flowers.

    Anti-cold tea

    It is used as a drink or tea, which has a specific taste and aroma. Has anti-inflammatory, anti-febrile, analgesic, diaphoretic and bactericidal action. Increases the body's resistance to infections. It is recommended for acute respiratory diseases( angina, influenza, etc.).

    Ingredients: viburnum fruits, rose hips, marigold flowers, herbaceous grass, nettle leaves, marigold flowers, mint leaves, chamomile flowers.

    Cleansing drink

    It is used as a drink or tea, which has a specific taste and aroma. Helps remove toxins from the body. Normalizes the functions of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Increases the body's defenses.

    Composition: chamomile flowers, yarrow herb, immortelle flowers, rosehips, bark buckthorn, dill fruits, marigold flowers, mint leaves.

    Antipastopathy drink

    It is used as a drink or tea with a specific taste and aroma. Promotes resorption of seals in breast tissue. It is recommended for the prevention and treatment of mastopathy.

    Ingredients: blackberry leaves, herb of oregano, marigold flowers, penny roots, chamomile flowers, viburnum fruits, yarrow herb, nettle leaf, rose hips.

    Tea drink "When mastopathy"

    Tea drink "When mastopathy" has a powerful antitumor and resorption properties, has a calming effect on the female body.

    Ingredients: root of the deviant peony, cranberry leaves, burdock flowers, marigold and tansy.

    Tea drink "Skin with calendula"

    Tea drink "Skin with calendula" normalizes skin condition with various ailments, allergic rashes, diatheses, cleanses blood and lymph.

    Ingredients: large burdock root, common viburnum shoots, large plantain leaves, nettle nettle, calendula officinal flowers, corn stigmas.

    Despite the achievements of medicine, interest in solar grass - calendula not only does not die out, but, on the contrary, it increases. And this is understandable - a desperate, "decommissioned" medicine man asks for help from nature. A treatment for calendula is more effective than treatment with medicines. Calendula acts though not very fast, but it is true.

    However, it should never be forgotten that the active substances contained in rootlets and herbs do not fundamentally differ from the substances obtained by the industrial method: both are powerful weapons. Before you start treatment yourself and, especially, according to your own prescriptions, seriously think about it. After all, for a human body, overdose and misuse of herbal medicines are always dangerous. To avoid unforeseen reactions, we advise you to take care of yourself - to get advice from a qualified phytotherapeutist.

    Try not to forget the long-known truth: our mood, the peculiarities of our perception of the surrounding reality play a major role in the development of ailments. Disease is just an outward expression of our internal problems. Maybe it's worth starting with them?

    Of course, this is difficult, but you can help yourself. First, bring to your house golden-orange flowers with a bitter smell - marigolds, put them in a glass of water, sit quietly and concentrate on these flowers. After a while, you will notice how the sun shines from them. Your mood will begin to improve, which will inevitably affect your well-being. And this is already the beginning of the path to healing.

    We wish you a healthy, beautiful days of life and joy.