  • Mussels are useful properties

    Mussels - bivalve mollusks-filterers, very nutritious. Mussels grow in large families on coastal stones and they can be found practically in all corners of the World Ocean.

    Useful properties of these mollusks can not be overestimated, their chemical composition is so unique and capable of having a beneficial effect on the body, that people began to make attempts to breed mussels artificially more than 800 years ago. Today, mussels are bred on special farms, from there they go on sale to the seafood processing enterprises.

    Caloric content and chemical composition

    Below is the content of nutrients( calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of edible part.
    Nutritional value
    Caloric value 77 kcal
    Proteins 11,5 g
    Fats 2 g
    Carbohydrates 3,3 g
    Water 82 g
    Saturated fatty acids 0.4 g
    Cholesterol 40 mg
    Ash 1,6 g
    Vitamin PP1.6 mg
    Vitamin A 0.06 mg
    Vitamin A( RE) 60 μg
    Vitamin B1( thiamine) 0.1 mg
    Vitamin B2( riboflavin) 0.14 mg

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    Vitamin C 1 mg
    Vitamin E( TE)0.9 mg
    Vitamin PP( Niacin equivalent) 3.7 mg
    Macro cells
    Calcium 50 mg
    Magnesium 30 mg
    Sodium 290 mg
    Potassium 310 mg
    Phosphorus 210 mg
    Sulfur 115 mg
    Trace Elements
    Iron 3.2 mg
    The energy value of the Mussel is 77 kcal.

    The benefits of

    In mussels, as in other seafood, there are about 20 polyunsaturated fatty amino acids that play an important role in the prevention and treatment of many serious diseases. These substances lower cholesterol, reduce the likelihood of blood clots, prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke, atherosclerosis, ischemia, heart attack, and so on. Useful amino acids improve fat metabolism in the body, and thus help to reduce the body mass index. Due to polyunsaturated acids, mussels are used as an effective preventive agent, which prevents the development of brain pathologies, such as Alzheimer's disease and the like.

    This mollusc can become a panacea for those who have a predisposition to such a serious and insidious disease as arthritis. Also, the frequent use of mussels will help to strengthen immunity, remove harmful substances from the body( including those that accumulate when living in a territory with an increased radioactive background), return the skin, hair and nails an attractive appearance, accelerate the metabolism( and, consequently,help to lose weight), improve the quality of blood.

    It should also be noted that after numerous studies, scientists have confirmed one more assumption: it turns out that bivalve mollusks are able to successfully resist cancer, preventing the appearance of malignant tumors in humans.
    Like all seafood, mussels enhance attraction and in this regard are recommended for use in cases where a couple has problems on sexual grounds.

    Mussels in cooking

    They consume mussels in different forms: boiled, canned, fried, etc. With them you can cook soups, and second courses, and salads, and excellent snacks. With popular cereals and potatoes, they also perfectly match. The most common way to eat mussels is in boiled form: they are simply boiled until the shell shells open, pour with lemon juice and eat. In this form, the taste of mussels opens most fully.

    The recipe for mussels soup with vegetables

    It will take: 100g of mussels, 30g of potatoes and beans, 20g of carrots and butter, 15g of parsley and onion root, greens, spices, salt. How to make soup with mussels. Boil the mussels until they are opened, with a small amount of water. Separate the meat from the shells, cut, fry with vegetables, cut arbitrarily small. In three waters, soaked beans boil until cooked. Broil the boil, put the potatoes, boil 10-15 minutes, put the beans with broth, vegetables fried with mussels, boil the soup until ready, add spices and salt, pounded garlic for flavor.

    The most popular snacks from mussels include salads. The number of their recipes is huge - the mussels are perfectly combined with so many products.

    Recipe for salad with vegetables and mussels

    You will need: 1.2kg of mussels, 10-15 olives, 4-5 sprigs of parsley, 4 tomatoes, 2 onions, 2 tablespoons.vegetable oil, black ground pepper, lemon juice, salt.

    Salad of mussels and vegetables
    Rinse mussels with a brush under running water, boil in boiling water. Separate the meat from seashells, mix it with sliced ​​tomatoes, parsley, onions, olives, sprinkle with lemon juice, pepper and salt.

    Olive or other vegetable oil, mayonnaise, sour cream and other traditional dressings are suitable for filling any salads with mussels.
    Recipe for salad from mussels with rice

    It will take: 600g of mussels, 150g of dry rice, 1 egg, 2-3 tablespoons.vegetable oil, 1 tsp.vinegar 3%, tomatoes, bay leaves, dill, parsley, black pepper, salt.

    Salad with mussels and rice

    Boil rice. Pour mussels with cold water or milk, put laurel, black pepper, salt, on medium heat boil 20min. Cool the mussels, separate the meat from the shells, cut. Mix the prepared foods, refill with oil, vinegar, pepper and salt. To make a salad with tomatoes, eggs and greens.

    Pickled mussels

    One of the most delicious dishes that you can cook from mussels is simply to marinate them. They turn out well, very tasty and cheaper store. They can also be added to the salad, and put a piece of croutons, and just eat so. We offer two variants of preparation. In the first case, indicated marinade without the addition of vinegar - with spices, white wine and lemon, in the second - with vinegar. And so and so it is delicious.

    Ingredients( 1 version): 0.5 kg of mussels, vegetable oil - 2-3 table.lies.,?lemon( juice), 150ml dry wine( white), 1 clove of garlic, 1 teaspoonful.lies.honey and ready-made mustard, salt, pepper, 1 bay, a few sprigs of fresh dill and cilantro.

    Method of preparation

    If mussels are frozen, unfreeze.
    Prepare a sauce with spices, in which mussels will be boiled. To do this, boil the wine, put the garlic in it( do not need to grind it), laurel leaf, pepper, lower the mussels and boil out about four minutes( time to check from the moment of boiling).Throw in a colander.
    Make a pickle. Finely chop the greens, add lemon juice, butter, pepper, mustard, salt. Mustard can be taken any, for example, French or spicy.
    Still warm mussels together with a leaf of a laurel and a clove of garlic to shift in a marinade and to allow to be insisted in a refrigerator of hours five. Marinate is more convenient in a glass jar or a deep bowl. By the way, just as you can marinate and shrimp.

    Ingredients( 2 variant): 0.5 kg of mussels, a partial glass of water, 1 table.linden vinegar table( 9%), 1.5-2 table.lies.sugar, salt to taste.

    Method of preparation:

    Defrost the shellfish. Water salt, boil and boil mussels in it for three or four minutes.
    Make a pickle. To taste it should turn sour-sweet. In the boiling water dissolve salt, sugar, pour vinegar. In a hot marinade place the mussels. In an hour they will be ready for use. You can decompose them into jars, where to add a little vegetable oil.

    Baked mussels

    Baked mussels are not only delicious, but also look beautiful, especially when baked and served directly in the sinks. This dish is suitable for a festive table and for a romantic evening. We offer two variants of preparation: in the first variant, seafood is baked in shells under a cheese crust, in the second - in the usual form with sauce.

    Ingredients( 1 version): 0.5 kg of mussels in shells, 2 tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, 50 g of butter, spices, 150 g of hard cheese.

    Method of preparation

    Mussels are well rinsed, peeled off the flaps and boiled for ten to fifteen minutes. In the water you can add bay leaf, spices if desired, salt. During the cooking all the doors should open. Those that remain closed, in food should not be used. Cooled shellfish divided into halves and carefully separate the meat, which should be put back in the sinks.

    Grind garlic with grated tomatoes or a blender. In each half to the meat put a piece of butter, a spoonful of tomato mixture, top the cheese and bake for 20 minutes( 180C).

    Ingredients( 2 variant): 0.5 kg of mussels, peppercorns, hard cheese - 100 g. Sauce: soft processed cheese - 100-150g, 200ml cream, 25g butter, 1 yolk, 1 table.spoons of flour, 3 cloves of garlic.

    Method of preparation

    Mussels unfrozen, boil for three minutes in salted water, adding pea peppers( 5-6 pieces).

    Prepare the sauce. Garlic chop and put the rest of the ingredients for the sauce. Mix better with a whisk or blender, so that there are no lumps.

    Put mussels in a frying pan or shape, pour sauce. Sprinkle with chopped cheese and bake for 20-25 minutes( 200C).

    Mussels fried

    Fried mussels - a dish is easy to prepare, but chic to taste. For frying will go and vegetable oil, and melted creamy. Nutritionists recommend creamy, which contains at least 25% of vegetable fats. But it must first be drowned. Otherwise, frying can cause harmful carcinogens in the frying pan.

    Ingredients: 0.5 kg mussels, vegetable oil, 2 onions, salt, hot ground pepper, seasoning for seafood( or Provence herbs).

    Method of preparation

    Chop onion cubes, fry until golden. Add the mussels and fry with constant stirring for five to seven minutes over medium heat. Salt, sprinkle with pepper, seasoning and remove from heat. Let it brew a little under the lid. You can serve with rice, potatoes or as a separate dish.

    Prepare dishes from mussels for lunch and dinner regularly, and a sense of ease will not keep you waiting. This is the most important plus of seafood: having a wonderful taste, they perfectly satiate the body, but leave at the same time a feeling of lightness. Such products should be included in the diet of every person striving for health and longevity, not without reason people eat mussels for more than 60 thousand years!

    Recipe for salad from mussels with cucumbers and apples

    You will need: 2 pickled cucumber, 1 lemon and apple, ½ cans of canned mussels, 1 tbsp.mayonnaise.

    Mussels salad with apples
    Cut into small cubes apple, put mussels, sliced ​​cucumbers, grated lemon zest, add salt, sprinkle with lemon juice and mayonnaise, stir and serve salad as a snack.


    As the mussels perform the functions of the seawater filter, they pass through themselves all the harmful substances and poisons that remain in them. To withdraw these poisons is almost impossible, so it is not advisable to eat mussels in a very large amount so that poisoning does not occur.
    In no case can one consume mussels to people prone to allergic reactions and suffering from poor blood coagulability. Allergy to these seafood is very rare, but it does happen. If this happens, of course, you should immediately contact your doctor.