
Reviews about essential oil Ylang-ylang for hair: what is its use

  • Reviews about essential oil Ylang-ylang for hair: what is its use

    Reviews of the essential oil of Ylang-Ylang for the hair: to whom and from what does it help

    Today, amid the abundance of cosmetics, it is sometimes very difficult to find the hair acting only positively, and even completely natural, without harmful parabens and sulfates. Sometimes it takes years to search. Nevertheless, the most patient in the end discover one of such unique oils. This is essential oil ylang-ylang for hair, about which you will find in this article.

    History of

    The healing properties of the ylang ylang were also known to our ancestors, who widely used this oil for various diseases, as well as in cosmetology. This oil is extracted from the leaves of large kananga trees growing throughout tropical Asia.

    Useful properties of

    What is so useful about this essential oil? First, it strengthens the hair along the entire length, secondly, it removes dandruff, thirdly, it removes the fatiness and dryness of the scalp, fourthly, it stops hair loss and improves their growth, and, fifthly, gives the hair a uniqueshine. The listed positive properties for the hair of ylang-ylang oil leave no shadow of doubt that every woman should at least once decide on such a procedure.

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    Reviews of women

    So, the use of ylang-ylang oil is told by women in their reviews.

    Clarisa writes: "Ylang-ylang is known to be a strong aphrodisiac, but first of all I use it for strengthening hair. I have two favorite procedures with ylang-ylang.

    This is a fragrant combing and rinsing for gloss and against cross-section. For the first procedure I use a wooden comb. I put a couple of drops of essential oil on it and just comb it. This is a real panacea for split ends, and besides, the hair retains a stunning scent for a long time!

    If you just rinse your hair, then you need to take 1 liter of water and 2-3 drops of essential oil. It is important that after the procedure you do not need to wash your hair several times, but let the oil soak. The result of the procedure is shown in the photo. "

    Olga Milaya writes: "I like to take care of my hair, especially to do a variety of masks. Essential oil I.-I.- one of the most loved. I spend with him the following procedure: pre-combed hair is well combed with a wooden comb with the oil applied to the teeth of the comb.

    Cheshu is not very long, 3-5 minutes. But after such combing, the hair becomes sturdy and silky. I highly recommend those who have weak hair and need hair strengthening from the inside. For example, my hair falling out now does not even rush!

    But the user Lidochka uses this tool to lighten the hair . Her review: "I often use this oil, but I never thought that they could lighten the hair. And then suddenly decided to radically change the color of hair and instead of a brown-haired woman become a blonde.

    2 drops of ylang I diluted with water in the proportion of 2 drops per 1 liter, and then just applied to the hair and left for half an hour. After the specified time, the oil was washed off. Surprisingly, the brightening effect was noticeable after the first procedure. I will continue to use the oil, because I want to achieve a very strong lightening effect.

    User Yana Mondflug writes: "And I ylang helped to strengthen the hair. They used to be dry and brittle, but now they are alive and healthy. I just every time before washing, added a few drops of this oil in the home mask. Of course, after the first wash, the result was almost invisible, but a week later noticed that my hair was stronger. In addition, they stopped to crumble. I'm very glad! I have been taking this remedy for the third month and I can not get enough of it. "

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    Today, among the abundance of cosmetics, it is sometimes very difficult to find the hair acting only positively, and even completely natural, without harmful parabens and sulfates. Sometimes it takes years to search. Nevertheless, the most patient in the end discover one of such unique oils. This is essential oil ylang-ylang for hair, about which you will find in this article.

    History of origin

    The healing properties of the ylang ylang were also known to our ancestors, who widely used this oil for various diseases, as well as in cosmetology. This oil is extracted from the leaves of large kananga trees growing throughout tropical Asia.

    Useful Properties

    What is so useful about this essential oil? First, it strengthens the hair along the entire length, secondly, it eliminates dandruff, thirdly, it eliminates the fatiness and dryness of the scalp; fourth, it stops hair loss and improves their growth; and, fifthly, it gives the hair a uniqueshine. The listed positive properties for the hair of ylang-ylang oil leave no shadow of doubt that every woman should at least once decide on such a procedure.

    Reviews of women

    So, about the use of ylang-ylang oil, women themselves tell in their reviews.

    Clarisa writes: "Ylang-ylang is known to be a strong aphrodisiac, but first of all I use it for strengthening hair. I have two favorite procedures with ylang-ylang.

    This is a fragrant combing and rinsing for gloss and against cross-section. For the first procedure I use a wooden comb. I put a couple of drops of essential oil on it and just comb it. This is a real panacea for split ends, and besides, the hair retains a stunning scent for a long time!

    If you just rinse them hair, then you need to take 1 liter of water and 2-3 drops of essential oil. It is important that after the procedure you do not need to wash your hair several times, but let the oil soak. The result of the procedure is shown in the photo. "

    Olga Milaya writes: "I like to care for my hair, especially to make a variety of masks. Essential oil I.-I.- one of the most loved. I spend with him the following procedure: pre-combed hair is well combed with a wooden comb with the oil applied to the teeth of the comb.

    Cheshu is not very long, 3-5 minutes. But after such combing, the hair becomes sturdy and silky. I highly recommend those who have weak hair and need hair strengthening from the inside. For example, my hair falling out now does not even rush!

    But the user Lidochka uses this tool to lighten the hair . Her review: "I often use this oil, but I never thought that they could lighten the hair. And then suddenly decided to radically change the color of hair and instead of a brown-haired woman become a blonde.

    2 drops of ylang I diluted with water in the proportion of 2 drops per 1 liter, and then just applied to the hair and left for half an hour. After the specified time, the oil was washed off. Surprisingly, the brightening effect was noticeable after the first procedure. I will continue to use the oil, because I want to achieve a very strong lightening effect.

    User Yana Mondflug writes: "And I Ylang helped to strengthen the hair. They used to be dry and brittle, but now they are alive and healthy. I just every time before washing, added a few drops of this oil in the home mask. Of course, after the first wash, the result was almost invisible, but a week later noticed that my hair was stronger. In addition, they stopped to crumble. I'm very glad! I have been taking this remedy for the third month and I can not get enough of it. "

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