  • 3 masks for dry hair at home: the best choice

    The best time of the year is summer. On the street, at last the bright sun shines and you can take off your woolen sweaters, scarves, high boots, fur coats, and just put on a swimsuit and sunbathe in the bright sun, to swim in the sea. But it's not as simple as you would think. After, not even so long, rest under the scorching sun, many girls notice that the structure of their hair has somehow changed, and not for the better.

    The first signs are dryness, fragility and discoloration of previously fresh bright and healthy hair. What to do in this case? Of course, you need to take some measures to return the hair of the former "glory".This article will analyze how the mask for dry hair at home, as well as types of masks, is made.

    Egg mask

    The greatest success among girls suffering from dry and brittle hair, uses a mask with an egg, and not for nothing, because it's quite simple to make, and the effect is the most unexpected, for the better, of course.

    The reason lies in the amino acids that are contained in the yolk, it is they that bring the most important benefit to the hair, from it the curls become smooth and shiny. Also in the yolk, vitamins A, E and D are present, the first two rid the strands of dryness and fragility, giving them more vitality, and the latter contributes to the growth of hair.

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    Here we note that the protein is used to treat fatty hair, rather than dry, since it contains substances that regulate sebum secretion.

    So, let's look at how this nutrient mask is made.

    1. First, the eggs that you use for the mask should be at room temperature, so you should put them out of the refrigerator half an hour before cooking. Of course, they must be unvoiced;
    2. Second, break the eggs into a small bowl and beat them with a blender or whisk until they become a uniform liquid. This is very important, but do not overdo it;
    3. Now you can apply the mixture to curls, but make sure that your locks are not too wet or only after washing your head, otherwise the mixture can simply drain off the hair without getting to the roots that are most beneficial;
    4. Wash off the mask with cool or moderately warm water, never hot.

    It should be noted that this mask can be done for preventive purposes, that is, even for healthy hair, it will just be useful for them. Also, it is suitable for previously colored hair, without damaging the paint itself.

    Mask with olive oil

    A mask with olive oil is made exclusively for already damaged hair, as it can not only be unnecessary for healthy people, but can also do little harm to an overdose of the necessary substances. The most interesting thing is that this procedure is quite simple, the main thing is to follow it daily or every other day until the curls get fresh freshness. Look at the photo before and after its application:

    All you need is olive oil and a hair cap. Its recipe is pretty simple.

    1. Take the olive oil and lightly heat it on the fire, so that it is just warm, but not hot;
    2. Put the heated oil on your hair with your hands, while observing the rational distribution of the substance, do not overdo it, otherwise the hair will become fat and this will have to be disposed of by other means;
    3. Wrap your hair under the cap and wait for about half an hour. This time does not depend on the length of your hair, so do not increase or cut it;
    4. After thoroughly rinse with a moderately warm water mask from the curls and check that there is nowhere left its parts, otherwise it will not benefit your hair.

    This mask is not without reason received the name moisturizing, after all from it hair not only get former freshness and brightness, but also become smooth and more obedient.

    Mask made of gelatin

    Mask made of gelatin is the best option for all types of hair, and will also help with partial dryness, for example, only at the tips, give a thin hair volume and make the tangled locks more obedient.

    1. Pour gelatin with moderately warm boiled water in a 1: 3 ratio;
    2. Thoroughly mix gelatin in any convenient way to a homogeneous mass and leave it to swell;
    3. You can add additional components here. Add dairy fatty foods or egg yolk, but not all together;
    4. Apply the mask on slightly damp, but necessarily clean hair, do not touch her roots!
    5. Keep mask for 30-50 minutes under a special hair cap;
    6. After this time, you can wash off the mask with warm water.


    In this part of the article you will learn the opinions of other girls on this topic, and this will help you out of the reviews.

    Elena: "After summer rest my hair became brittle and dry, even a little lost the former brightness. I was helped very much by the mask of eggs, literally in three days I was ready to go out to people with loose curls. "

    Anastasia: "But I like to add gelatin to the egg mask. For some reason, the effect of an ordinary egg mask is not noticeable, but if I mix it with gelatin, then immediately the difference is visible! ".

    Catherine: "Everyone probably has such a problem - the ends are severely cut and the hair itself becomes brittle and dry in the summer! I'm used to doing an olive mask, it helps me a lot, especially after a week off in hot countries. "

    Anastasia:" I tried all kinds of masks that I knew for my hair. Everyone helped me in different ways. From the egg ends stopped cutting, and from the olive, for example, I returned my natural shine curls. "

    Also read: grandmother's recipe - a mask of ordinary mayonnaise for beautiful hair.