
Useful and medicinal properties of buckthorn laxative

  • Useful and medicinal properties of buckthorn laxative

    ( jester, black-cherry)

    Shrub with spiny branches up to 4 m high. Leaves opposite, petiolate, simple, whole, serrate along margin. The flowers are four-membered, darkish-green, in the axils of the leaves;on some copies only female, on others - male flowers. Fruits - drupes with 4-5 bones. Blooms in May-June. Fruits ripen in September-October.

    The buckthorn lush grower( zhoster) grows together with the buckthorn, usually as an undergrowth in the forest zone of Russia. Distributed in all the forest-steppe regions of the Southeast.

    Medicinal raw materials are fruits harvested without peduncles and dried first in the shade, and then in drying ovens.

    In folk medicine, medicinal raw materials are fruits, thin branches and bark. As unacceptable

    impurities, fragile fruits can be found that are fragile, which are distinguished by the fact that they do not shine and contain 2 planoconcent bones( less often 1 or 3) with cartilaginous coracoid outgrowth.

    Finished raw materials( fruits) of black-violet color, odorless, sweetish-bitter taste. Shelf life 2 years.

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    Mature fruits contain anthraglucosides( about 0.76%), cleavable ramoemodine and other oxymethylanthraquinones;colorants and sugar.

    Antraglucosides and the products of their cleavage( mainly emodin) irritate the walls in the thick part of the intestine, moderately enhancing the undulating and pendular-cumbersome movements of the intestine.

    Jostra fruits are used as an easy laxative for chronic constipation. The action occurs 8-10 hours after admission.

    In folk medicine, the fruits of laxative buckthorn are used for the same purpose as in scientific, in addition, decoction from the branches with peptic ulcer of the stomach inside and externally as wound healing. Used decoction of the cortex with catarrh of the stomach, low acidity of the stomach, decoction of fruits with the addition of whey, oil and soda is used as a laxative, insist fruit on vodka and rubbed with rheumatism;fruits are used as a laxative, bark - from a pickax;from the decoction of branches make compresses on wounds. In the people there is an opinion that the berries of the zoster have a regulating effect on the intestines, they are added to the anti-typos.

    Application of

    A host is appointed in the form of infusions and decoctions, prepared from the calculation of 1 tbsp.a spoonful of dried fruit on a glass of boiling water. Insist watered with boiling water for 8 hours, filter and take half a cup for the night( laxative).

    Decoction: 20 g per 200 ml, boil for 20 minutes, take for the night half a cup.

    Zhoster is also a part of laxative tea.

    Infusion of fruits should not be given to children.