
Useful and medicinal properties of tansy of common( wild ashberry)

  • Useful and medicinal properties of tansy of common( wild ashberry)

    Perennial herbaceous plant up to 1 m high. Roots are rod, branching. Stems erect, tall, branching at the top. Leaves alternate, oblong in outline, scatteredly hairy, pinnately-dissected, from above dark green, from below grayish-green. The flowers are yellow, small, tubular in baskets, collected in the corymbose inflorescence. The receptacle is naked, the fruit is a seed without a tuft. Blooms in June-August.

    Tansy, or wild ashberry - is a widely spread plant. It occurs along bushes, ditches, along roads, along fields, wastelands, near habitation.

    Medicinal raw materials are flowers( flower baskets), collected at the beginning of flowering without pedicels, in folk medicine - sometimes fruits. In tansy, there is a bitter substance tanacetin and essential oil, which includes levorotatory camphor, berneoli and ke-ton-thujone.

    Studies have shown that the infusion inflorescence of tansy raises blood pressure, increases the amplitude of heartbeats, slows the rhythm of the heart, increases bile secretion, increases the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract, toning up his muscles. Successfully applied to enterocolitis.

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    In medical practice infusion inflorescences of tansy is used as anthelmintic( with ascariasis and pinworms), liver diseases( hepatitis and angiochilitates), enterocolitis, gastritis with a decreased secretion of gastric juice and delayed evacuation.

    According to some authors, 5% tincture of tansy baskets( 75-100 ml 2-3 times a day) promotes cicatrization of stomach and duodenum ulcers.

    In folk medicine, flowers are brewed like tea, not allowing a couple to leave, and they are given to drink from worms, or in the form of powder eat with honey or sugar;drink a water broth for pulmonary tuberculosis, headache, nervous disorders, jaundice, violations of the functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract, liver diseases, diarrhea, dysentery, as antipyretic, diaphoretic, with migraines, aching joints;with abundant menstruation and hemorrhoids - to stop bleeding.

    The flowers and fruits of the plant are used as a sedative against aches and pains( with rheumatism, headache, hypochondria, epilepsy).

    Drugs from this plant are often used as an antiplatelet and laxative, as well as for the expulsion of pinworms.

    Since tansy is poisonous( during studies it has been noted, for example, that flowers and leaves paralyze flies for up to 15 minutes for 100 minutes), it is popularly known as a means of driving away insects( flies, fleas) and replacing naphthalene in the fight against mothsand bedbugs. Butchers powder from grass and flowers sprinkle fresh meat to protect it from flies.


    Decoction of flowers: 5 g per 200 ml - drink in a warm form in 3 doses( with enterocolitis).

    Tincture: 25%;for 30-40 drops 3 times a day( with diseases of the stomach).

    Infusion: 20 g per 200 ml;1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day( with ascariasis and pinworms).

    Enema( with the removal of pinworms): 1 tbsp.a spoonful of powder from the fruit is mixed with 2 medium cloves of garlic and cooked for 10 minutes in 2 cups of milk in a closed vessel on a light fire. The filtered and introduced still warm contents of the enema should be tried to hold inside longer. This procedure can be repeated.

    Flowers tansy in powder are taken with honey for 1-3 g.

    Infusion: 5 g per 200 ml - given in 3 divided doses in case of enterocolitis.