  • Hips Rose Oil Application

    Indications for use
    Outer for cracks and abrasions of nipples in nursing women, with bedsores( necrosis of tissues caused by prolonged pressure on them due to lying motionless), trophic ulcers( slowly healing skin defects) of the shin, dermatoses( skin diseases), ozenefetid cold);enema with nonspecific ulcerative colitis( inflammation of the large intestine).
    Rosehip oil contains unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, carotenoids, tocopherols and other fat-soluble vitamins.

    Rosehip oil has a restorative effect, stimulates nonspecific resistance of the organism, enhances tissue regeneration and hormone synthesis, reduces vascular permeability, has anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and choleretic effect, which is caused by the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids and flavonoids.

    Used as an anti-scarring remedy for all types: hypertrophic, hyperchromic, keloid, and also with old scars. Helps with skin irritations caused by friction.

    Helps in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis;helps with skin problems caused by X-rays( inflammation, darkening of the skin, actinic dermatitis).Used for gingivitis, stomatitis, as well as for cracks in the nipples, bedsores, trophic ulcers, dermatoses;A perfect remedy for cracked skin. Restores skin after burns.

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    It is applied externally with pressure ulcers, trophic ulcers of the lower leg, dermatoses, ozene, with ulcerative colitis( in enemas).

    Rosehip oil has a restorative effect, stimulates nonspecific resistance of the organism, enhances tissue regeneration and hormone synthesis, reduces vascular permeability, takes part in carbohydrate and mineral metabolism, has anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties in respect of humoral and cellular immunity.
    Contraindications to the use of
    The high content of ascorbic acid makes the use of dogrose contraindicated in gastritis with high acidity, with peptic ulcer diseases of the stomach and duodenum.

    High content of vitamin K, which increases blood clotting, makes the use of dogrose contraindicated in thrombophlebitis, heart failure of grade 3 and endocarditis.

    Prolonged use in high doses of rosehip preparations can cause oppression of the insulin pancreas apparatus and withdrawal syndrome.
    Side effects of
    Allergic reactions are possible.
    Method of administration and dose
    Can be used in pure form, but more often used in mixtures as an additive, not more than 10%.Mix well with walnut base oils, such as hazelnuts, and use this mixture as a base.

    Outward. Wet gauze napkins are applied to the affected areas of the skin.

    In the lake wet tampons and inject them into the nasal cavity 2 times a day.

    In the treatment of ulcerative colitis, rose hip oil is administered with an enema of 50 ml daily or every other day.

    In dermatoses, along with local treatment, the drug is taken orally 1 teaspoon 2 times a day.

    In the treatment of ulcerative colitis, rose hip oil is administered with an enema of 50 ml daily or every other day.

    For the treatment of dry eczema, to add more effect to 10 ml of rosehip oil, add 5 drops of lavender oil.

    Two or three drops of rose hip oil, applied in the evening to a face cleansed from cosmetics, will help prevent the formation of new wrinkles and smooth out already existing shallow wrinkles, and also provide the skin with all the necessary nutrients. Advised to put under the eyes
    The best application of this oil is under the eyes and in the mouth area. But you need to handle it with care. In a small amount, apply to the desired place or, adding to the base oil, create a mixture for the massage.

    Scars and stretch marks - massage twice a day, the first results may appear in 4 weeks, significant improvements can be expected in 3-6 months.
    Individual hypersensitivity to the drug is possible. In this case, stop using the drug.
    Interactions with other
    preparations There was no pathological effect on the human body during the interaction of rosehip oil with other medicinal products.

    Taking the drug does not affect the reaction rate when driving a car and other mechanisms.
    Precautions for taking
    Do not apply in pure form with oily skin and a tendency to acne, since on the skin prone to acne, oil can provoke their increase.

    When treating scars, use rosehip oil is desirable, after the wound is delayed, it is not recommended to use open wounds.
    Storage conditions

    In the dark place at a temperature of no higher than 20 ° C.
    Shelf life
    24 months.

    Masks for hair
    1. Before using this mask, it is worth remembering that it is not suitable for oily hair. It is used to restore and nourish dry hair, and it is also often used for dry dandruff.
    This very simple and effective means for hair will help to restore and strengthen hair, restore their brilliance and beauty.

    Rosehip oil should be rubbed into the scalp and held for about 15 minutes, then rinse off with warm water using shampoo. Also another no less good option is to add the dogrose to the shampoo or hair balm.

    For a better effect, the above mask can be varied with other useful ingredients. For example, after you rub the rosehip oil in the scalp, apply kefir on the hair itself, wrap the hair with polyethylene and wrap it with a warm towel. After 40 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water using a small amount of shampoo.
    Hairpaint for hair mask

    To prepare a mask of rose hairs for hair you need, about 20 rose hips pour boiling water and put on a steam bath. On the steam bath the dog rose should be about half an hour, then the broth should cool down. After cooling, the broth is squeezed and one tablespoon of lemon juice and the same amount of honey are added to it. The consistency of the mask should be thick, for this, at your discretion, add a little flour and stir well.

    2. Apply the mask to unwashed hair for 20 minutes, then wash your head with warm water using shampoo. Hair does not need to be wrapped with polyethylene or a towel, the mask and so well affects the hair. Reviews, as well as about rosehip oil for hair, and about decoction from dog rose for hair - positive. To really achieve significant results, you need to regularly make poppies from dog rose.
    Broth of dogrose for hair

    For hair care it is possible to make masks based on decoction from rose hips, they very well nourish and tone up the hair. You will need two tablespoons of decoction of berries mixed with one spoonful of lemon juice and with the same amount of oatmeal. This mask is applied for 20 minutes before washing the hair, after this time, rinse your hair and wash it with shampoo.

    Also not only good for broth from the hips, but also the decoction of the leaves of the dog rose. It contains a complex of vitamins and biological active substances. What will strengthen your hair, will give them health and beautiful appearance.
    3. Oil perfectly combines with basic shampoos and hair balms. Add it a little bit, and you will see how the shine will appear and the elasticity of your hair will improve. Stimulating hair growth mask, based on rosehip oil. All the ingredients listed below, mix. Rub into the roots of the hair for 1.5 hours. After rinse thoroughly.

    Rosehip oil - 1 teaspoon
    Juice onion - 1 tablespoon
    Honey liquid - 1 teaspoon
    Holosas( pharmacy) based on rose hips - 1 tablespoon

    4. Very interesting in its composition mask. Its main goal is to fight with split and brittle hair.

    Beer - 0,5 glasses
    Egg yolk - 1 piece
    Rosehip oil - 2 tablespoons

    Everything must be mixed and held on hair 20-25 minutes before washing the head.

    Broth of dogrose
    Thanks to the healing properties of dogrose, it is used to prevent premature graying. First and foremost, it stimulates hair growth, and the healing properties of the dog rose protect the pigment cells from destruction. You must necessarily stock up on the hips for the winter, as it is in winter that your hair needs the most care. To prepare the dogrose, its fruits should be dried in the shade and stored in a rag bag, throughout the winter you can use it not only for hair, but also for improving the body.

    For various diseases

    First of all, rosehip oil is an excellent natural cholagogue. It is useful to use in cholecystitis, hepatitis and other diseases associated with worsening of the process of bile secretion.

    It positively affects the secretion of gastric juice, in connection with what is recommended for different forms of gastritis.

    It is believed that with the regular use of rose hip oil, blood cholesterol levels decrease. This, firstly, is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, and secondly, it helps in the fight against excess weight.

    Hips oil is also useful for patients suffering from atherosclerosis, as it strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, while also contributing to the resorption of those already available.

    In addition, both the dogrose itself and the preparations created on its basis are used as restorative and multivitamin agents for infectious diseases, beriberi, bleeding, burns and frostbite. In the last two cases, rosehip oil can be used both internally and externally due to its unique ability to accelerate the healing of wounds, thermal burns and even radiation injuries.

    The wound healing properties of this oil should also be remembered in cases of stomatitis and gingivitis. It not only contributes to a faster recovery, but also increases the protective properties of the oral mucosa.

    Rose hip oil is often recommended as a nasal drop in rhinitis, pharyngitis and other diseases of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. In some cases instead of instillation, gauze tampons impregnated with rosehip oil are inserted into the nose for several minutes, and then this procedure is repeated up to 5 times a day.

    Breastfeeding mother oil can help with the problem of cracked nipples.

    In addition to pronounced health-improving effect on the body, rose hips oil is an effective antidepressant. It is included in the daily diet to combat nervous disorders, to relieve the uncertainty of one's own strengths and, in general, to raise the mood of the soul.

    Pharmaceutical oil

    Oil at home

    To prepare the rosehip oil, it is necessary to have petals and fruits of this plant, as well as sunflower or olive oil.

    Use only fresh fruit to make rose hip oil, because fresh fruits contain the greatest amount of vitamin C and other nutrients. The best time to harvest the dog rose is the end of August and the beginning of September. The maturity of the fruit is determined by their peel. If the skin is soft and red, you can start harvesting. Avoid the use of overripe berries.

    Collect the gathered fruits and dry them in the oven or in the sun. If you will dry fruits in the sun, you will need several days, while using an oven you can handle for 8-10 hours.

    Dried berries should be grinded in a coffee grinder to form a powder. You can use whole berries, but the concentration of nutrients in this case will be much lower.

    The resulting powder is mixed with sunflower or olive oil, keeping the proportion of 1 to 3. Cover the container with the lid and put it in a cool dark place for 10-14 days.

    After this time, the boiled oil should be boiled over a small fire. Cool it, then strain and pour into a container. It is desirable that it was a dish of dark glass.

    Oil can be stored in a cool and dark place for several months.
    In the same way, you can also make oil from rose hips. The effectiveness of this oil is not lower than its fruit, besides, the oil from the hips has a wonderful aroma. And the petals do not need a long drying. The recipe for cooking oil from hips is exactly the same as the recipe for cooking oil from its fruit.

    Face care

    For a home beauty salon you will need to buy cosmetic rose oil, which is sold for a penny in any pharmacy. Study several options for its application to choose what you will do at home conveniently.

    1. Wipe clean

    Wet the fleece in oil and wipe the face with it. It is recommended to do daily.

    2. Addition to cosmetic products.

    Add a few drops of oil in your skin's usual cream, lotion or mask. On a teaspoon of the drug - 3-4 drops.

    3. Base of aromatic mixtures

    Rosehip oil is the base in many medical aromatic mixtures for facial skin care. It is perfectly combined with esters of rose, ylang-ylang, orange, lavender, patchouli, bergamot, neroli, chamomile. For example, mix a tablespoon of rose hips and wheat germ and add to them 2 drops of essential oils of patchouli and geranium.

    4. Massage aids

    Moisten fingertips in oil and patting motion "to drive" into the skin, after which it will be especially useful to massage the face.

    5. Applications

    For wounds and microcracks, small pieces of paper napkins should be soaked in oil and apply for 15 minutes to the damaged area. You can do it 2-3 times a day.

    6. Yolk mask for dry skin

    A teaspoon of oil to grind with two yolks. Keep on skin for 10 minutes.

    7. Oatmeal mask

    Pour 2 tablespoons oat flakes with boiling milk, cool, mix with one teaspoon of rose hip oil.

    8. Vitamin cream for fading skin

    It is better to take the usual "Children's Cream"( 40 g), add aloe juice( one teaspoon), liquid vitamin B2( 10 drops), olive oil( 20 drops) and rosehip oil(10 drops).

    9. Oil for eyelids

    In a tablespoon of rosehip oil add vitamins A and E in liquid form( three drops each).Apply in the morning and evening.

    10. Usage inside

    It is known that to improve the condition of the skin, you need to treat the body from the inside. Therefore, to prolong the beauty and youth, it is not superfluous to drink twice a day on a teaspoon of this remedy.

    Healing, rejuvenating, moisturizing, rosehip oil for the face - a necessary cosmetic in the fight against age-related changes and dryness. It will quickly and gently affect the tissues and cells, transforming your skin every day and making it more and more radiant and beautiful.