
Useful and curative properties of cucumber herbs medicinal( borage medicinal)

  • Useful and curative properties of cucumber herbs medicinal( borage medicinal)

    Annual plant covered, including leaves, with hard hairs with a straight, thick, juicy stem, 30-60 cm tall, with sparse branches: the lower leaves are ovate-oblong, tapering into the petiole;upper - oblong, cauliflower. Flowers large, blue, drooping, at the base in the rare leafy inflorescences-curls. Blossoms in June-July. A good honey plant.

    is often found as a weed in the southern and middle lane in the European part of Russia, as well as in the Caucasus. Occasionally it is cultivated in vegetable gardens as a salad plant.

    With a curative purpose in folk medicine, flowers and plant grass are used. Young leaves of cucumber grass are used for seasoning, since they have the smell and taste of fresh cucumbers. The flowers of the plant contain mucus and because of this they are used( often together with leaves) as an emollient, diaphoretic and diuretic. Recommended in folk medicine for dropsy, rheumatic pain and inflammation of the kidneys.

    The essence of fresh cucumber herb leaves is used in homeopathy.

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    Application of

    Decoction: 20 g per 200 ml: 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day. Infusion: 1 tbsp. A spoonful of ground raw material is poured into 1/2 cup of boiling water;tightly closed and left on

    for 5 hours, then filtered and sweetened with sugar. Drink in small sips for 3 days.

    Leaves of borage grass contain ascorbic, malic, citric acids, a significant amount of potassium nitrates;flowers - mucus and essential oil. Vitamin cucumber salad helps improve metabolism, increases the separation of urine and sweat, prevents inflammation in the kidneys and intestines, regulates the heart, removes irritation and calms the nervous system.

    For medicinal purposes, fresh and dry cucumber grass is used for heart neuroses, lung catarrh as a mild laxative, with articular rheumatism and some skin diseases.

    Infusion of leaves are taken with breast diseases, neurasthenia, as a sedative;infusion of flowers - as an emollient, diaphoretic and diuretic.

    Leaves and flowers have long been used to raise the spirit, increase the courage of Roman soldiers, or to "easily become a heart."In Central Europe, cucumber grass is called "the joy of the heart", "fun", "heart flower".