  • A short sleep for losing weight

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    Problems with sleeping? There is no time for rest phases? Learn to switch from stress to relaxation the way animals do in the wild.

    It is important to remember the following: if you sleep, take a nap a little or relax slightly, then you will spur metabolism and work capacity will increase. Even a few minutes can change a lot. Sleep, take a nap, relax - the actions necessary for the natural burning of fat. The one who sleeps little and does not indulge in relaxation, greatly complicates the process of losing weight.

    In the evening, it is worth giving up protein-rich foods, such as fish or meat. It is better to eat something containing a lot of carbohydrates, slightly sweetened. Here are some delicious dishes for the evening:

    Rice on milk

    Rice gruel with sugar and cinnamon

    Donut with marmalade

    Pancakes with powdered sugar and maple syrup

    Hot banana milk with honey

    Sandwiches with butter and jam

    Hot apple or curd strudel with vanillasauce

    Casserole from plums, sprinkled with crumbs of dough.

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    A delicious flour dish for dinner ideally suits a new way of eating and lifestyle. Enjoy such nice features of the new course that will help you lose weight!

    Already in 20-30 minutes after eating pancreas throws insulin into the blood. This hormone involved in the formation of tissues introduces glucose into the cells( the smallest unit of carbohydrates).

    The supply of glucose improves when insulin dilates the blood vessels. As a result, more blood and nutrients enter the cells. Now the switch activates from wakefulness to sleep: more blood flows into the enlarged arteries and veins, blood pressure goes down, a person is immersed in a healing sleep.

    Within 70 minutes after a person falls asleep, the pituitary gland( a cherry-sized gland) produces a significant amount of growth hormone that releases triglycerides from fat cells.

    Then the remaining cells process this raw material into energy, which is a prerequisite for rejuvenation and tissue renewal.

    Thanks to the growth hormone, all animals in the wild, as well as children wake up full of energy in the morning.

    Many people do not have time for relaxation during the day. But even 20 minutes is enough to restore strength, relieve tension, activate the parasympathetic department of the nervous system and accelerate the process of fat splitting.

    Researchers of processes at the cellular level recommend more often to go to nature, at least to a nearby park. For 20 minutes, plunge into yourself and watch the wind pummel the treetops. Or, with your eyes closed, listen to the croaking of a stream and birds singing. Or just look at the clouds floating in the sky. Within these brief minutes, the blood vessels expand, the supply of nutrients to the cells increases.


    Some call it "meditate," others just "take a nap."But everyone understands: the human body needs breathing space. A 20-minute break perfectly relieves stress and enhances lipolysis.

    Relaxation activates the metabolism. Now the tissues will need more energy, and to get it, the cells begin to burn glucose first, and then the fat molecules. As a result, fat deposits begin to melt.

    Most people are overweight due to intermediate meals, which they can not refuse during the day. It's not the pork roast with the dumplings that spoils the figure, but all sorts of nuts and chips that are absorbed in the breaks between breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    Intermediate snacks are the main enemies of harmony, scientists came to such conclusions."One chocolate waffle is not a very big sin," many people think. Or: "Well, what will happen to me from one or two slices of pizza?" Or: "I like to eat something, sitting in front of the TV in the evening. After all, I do not even eat anything sweet, at most one package of chips or salted pretzels. "

    Absolute favorites among dishes, which snack during the day, are products that take away from cells the precious liquid necessary for metabolism. Sweets( along with animal fats) have long been known as the main reason for increasing body fat, so lovers chew and chew something delicious switch to salted. But the salty food contributes to the accumulation of fat is much more. It increases the influx of fat molecules into the adipose tissue on the abdomen and thighs. There are two reasons for this phenomenon:

    salt retains water, it takes away from cells in salt foods usually contains a lot of fat.

    Following the 7-day program, it is important to follow a simple law: there is nothing from industrial packaging. Try to resist the temptations that the confectionery factories have prepared. Remember: from sugar become addicted! So it's better to avoid baking, cakes and chocolate bars.

    To snack during the day, a small handful of nuts, a peach, a banana, a half of an avocado, a handful of dried fruits, a couple of slices of melon, some grapes, an orange, a pear will do. These products already in the process of chewing provide the production of a large amount of gastric juice

    .As a result, all the nutrients( water, vitamins and minerals) are sucked out of the food pulp quite quickly and immediately transported to the cells.

    Crispy chips will bring much more harm to the body than you expect. Instead of chips it is better to take fruit or ordinary raisins. Neglect air rice, salted pistachios or crispy crackers.

    Fruits are good for health, they help to satisfy hunger, create a sense of satiety and successfully dissolve the fat that drove your previous intermediate snacks into your cells.

    Modern scientists claim that they lose weight not with starvation, but with proper nutrition. This is obvious: if from breakfast to dinner, to deny yourself every extra piece in order to consume as few calories as possible, the cells expect that hard, hungry times have come: there are so few food!

    Already now, fat cells will hide their contents behind seven locks, they will save it as a reserve in case of famine. As a result, the process of losing weight becomes more complicated or becomes impossible.

    Really productive to process fat can only those cells of the body that receive enough nutrients.

    Then in the mitochondria of cells( these tiny furnaces that produce energy) there will always be the necessary fuel - triglycerides. Just imagine how much fat can burn 70 billion cells!

    And again we return to the basic rule: food should contain as much liquid as possible. After a second after a second, the metabolism is fed by this natural composition, life-giving moisture, which includes electrolytes, protein and glucose. Thanks to this liquid, the splitting of fat accumulated in the tissues of the body will go into automatic mode.

    The dining menu should be better prepared from the following dishes: Carbohydrates: potatoes, corn, unprocessed rice,

    macaroni from coarse flour Squirrels: fish, lean meat, tofu( a portion not more than 70-80 grams, if possible do not salt, better season with greens andspices) Vitamins and minerals: lettuce, legumes, and also all varieties of vegetables.


    Fruits are the best weight loss pills, also created by nature itself. They have a lot of natural sweeteners( that they are more delicious), but none of them contributes to completeness. Do you still not succumb to the temptation to include more fruits in the diet?

    Food in canteens at the enterprises or in the nearest fast food cafe is almost always salted and contains insufficient nutrients. Most often it is digested, all juices are literally squeezed out of it, which complicates the return to ideal weight.

    In the dining room it is better to choose salads and dishes that have not been heat treated. Or order vegetables with rice, potatoes or pasta without meat. In this case, comfort yourself with the idea that the size of clothing is more important than a couple of minutes of gastronomic joys.

    If later you have an appetite again and start feeling hungry, then eat one banana. And since you so reasonably behaved when choosing lunch in the dining room, now you can safely afford a piece of cake with coffee. Not bad, right?

    If for lunch you really ate one salad, in the evening at home it's better to cook something: slightly

    cooked vegetables, a pair of potatoes welded in a uniform, with butter and greens. Another good option - a thick pumpkin soup or fried vegetables with rice.

    Once or twice a week for dinner, prepare a variety of deliciously seasoned with herbs and spices raw vegetables. And on the remaining days, the main part of the dinner should be fruits, salad and vegetables.

    It is useful to add to them products from wholemeal, potatoes, unprocessed rice, eggs and dairy products with low salt and fat content. Here are a few tempting suggestions for the evening:

    Tomatoes stuffed with curd with greens, to them

    toast or crusty bread from wholemeal grilled Filet of trout with horseradish and a sandwich with butter Tomatoes seasoned with mozzarella, vinegar and

    with vegetable oil Low-fat cottage cheese with seasonal fruits,honey and lemon

    Bread with cottage cheese and sweet pepper Bean salad, little roast and sheep cheese Rice salad with fennel Omelet with asparagus

    Bread with curd and cucumber slices, tomato or eggs

    Bread from rough flourand a roast beef, tomato and butter

    thick potato soup with pancakes vegetables wholemeal bread curd and honey from a mixture of different sorts of flour with butter and slightly roasted steak( adding spices to stuffing, many do not salt).


    Fasting is not recommended. Eating sensibly, after a while you will learn to listen to your body. As soon as you feel hungry, it is better to eat. But please, eat not just boredom, but only when you are hungry.

    Many people like to drink a couple of glasses of beer or wine in the evening. They go hungry from morning till night, eating a maximum of one salad and some low-fat turkey meat - and in the evening begins! Three, four or even five glasses of beer or several glasses of wine. Here and in the body and immediately gets a huge amount of calories. The organism immediately narrows the vessels,

    , to resist the hell that got into it. Burning fat? Perhaps tomorrow it will start again.

    If you do not go beyond the reasonable, you can sometimes allow yourself to drink up to 1 liter of beer or 0.5 liters of wine from time to time in the evenings.