
Inguinal hernia in women - causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

  • Inguinal hernia in women - causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

    Inguinal hernia in women is much less common than in men. However, today women also suffer from this disease. An inguinal hernia in women( the causes, symptoms and treatment of which we will consider in this article) is a disease in which the abdominal cavities protrude beyond the abdominal walls.

    Reasons for

    The main causes of inguinal hernia in a woman are weak muscles of the inguinal region, various injuries and defects of the inguinal region, lifting of heavy things, constipation, overweight, and cystic fibrosis.

    Types of inguinal hernia

    There are direct and femoral inguinal hernia. With a direct hernia outward protrudes a loop formed by the intestine. The main reasons for the development of a direct hernia are physical exertion and surgical intervention.

    In the femoral hernia, the internal organs protrude from the inside of the thigh. According to doctors, most often the femoral hernia may be the result of pregnancy and childbirth. Treatment of the femoral hernia is considered the easiest.

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    Symptoms of

    1. The formation of a protrusion that is noticeable when standing upright, when lifting heavy things and when the intestines are empty.

    2. Feeling of pain and discomfort in an upright position or when lifting weights.

    3. Discomfort in the lower abdomen. Swelling of certain areas of the body.

    4. In case of severe hernia, fever, nausea, or severe palpitation.

    Treatment of

    Treatment of inguinal hernia most often occurs with the help of surgery, during which the hernial sac is opened, and its contents are sent to the abdominal cavity. After that the hernial sac is removed and the hernial opening is sewn up.


    As the prevention of this disease it is necessary to carry out the following preventive measures, the purpose of which is to strengthen the inguinal canal.

    First of all, this is an active way of life. For example, running or gymnastics. Only it is necessary to consider, that all employment should begin with warm-up, that the muscles of a body were warmed up.

    It is also necessary to exclude weight lifting and follow the body weight. The diet should include more fiber to improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

    When the first signs or symptoms of a disease appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, as self-medication can be very dangerous.

    Video materials on the topic of the article

    Elena Malysheva about this disease:

    How to treat inguinal hernia:

    How to get rid of a hernia without surgery: