
Short fringe with long hair: photo-selection and recommendations of stylists

  • Short fringe with long hair: photo-selection and recommendations of stylists

    You can argue as much as you like, which bangs looks prettier in a female hairstyle - long or short, the urgency of both still will not be canceled. Such creatures these women - all the time want to surprise and experiment. If a short bang sometimes bothers, they begin to grow locks on the forehead to the length of the main mass, and if the transformation is desired only occasionally, bangs are laid in a variety of ways.

    Long-haired beauties and bangs

    A variant of a hairstyle that has become almost a city and catwalk classics, especially among the elite - long, smoothed hair and bangs with the help of ironing, almost closing their eyes. Meanwhile, with long hair, you can afford to wear a short bang. It just looks a bit unusual. And yet, such a variant of the hairstyle is acceptable. At once we will notice, that the bang above a line of brows is considered short. For example, as in the photo below.

    Folding a short bang

    For many owners of a short bang, the question of how to "beautifully remove a short bang" is still very relevant. Hairdressers offer the three most popular styling options. For all, special fixing tools are used, and they are quite strong.

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    The first laying is called a "crest."The hair is slightly wetted, and a mousse of strong fixation is applied on them. Then you need a forehead to form a small cocktail.

    The second laying is called "hedgehog".As in the first styling, the hair is wetted and processed with mousse. After the fingers, the individual sharp strands, which resemble the needles of the hedgehog, neatly separate and stretch upwards. Everything is fixed with varnish.

    The third laying - the so-called "icicles".The hair in this version is stacked in the same way as for the "hedgehog", only the direction of the hair - down, to the chin. Interestingly, this bangs look great both on young and mature women.

    Bold and boldly

    One can not help but mention one more kind of short bangs. This oblique short bangs. With her, women, as a rule, have some problems with laying, because very few people know how to pinch hair of this length and whether it can be done theoretically. The answer of hairdressers: most likely, no. Here, other fixing agents must come to the rescue - varnish, wax, mousse. For laying even a very short oblique bangs, a good hairdryer with different nozzles is required. Ideal styling for oblique short bangs - slightly padded ends with a hairdryer. Then everything depends on the solemnity of the event: if it's a business dinner, it's best to roll a bang inward, and if a romantic dinner is outside, creating an effect of a careless and chaotic wave.

    Short fringe not for everyone

    A short fringe is a rather extravagant type of bang. He, no doubt, will approach confident women, not dependent on someone else's opinion. After all, whatever one may say, in the presence of such a bang, peculiar "compliments" from adherents of traditional bangs are provided. More than once will have to listen to that bangs spoil the hair, makes a woman like a robot or Joan of Arc. Is it possible for a modest girl to sustain such a flow of statements in her address? On the other hand, stylists often advise a bold, short bang of insecure girls. Well, maybe some of it really will help to be liberated. In any case, try exactly worth it.

    The group of those who go to a short fringe, get all the girls with the right features and a neat form of the head. Unequivocally, such a bang will not suit the owners of a square face, puffy cheeks, big nose, high forehead. It is better for such women to find a hairstyle with another bang, more advantageously camouflaging small imperfections of appearance.

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