  • Mandarin Caloric Value

    Mandarin is the most winter hardy crop of all citrus fruits.

    Mandarin fruits have a flattened spherical, less often pear-shaped form. The flesh is about 65% of the fetal mass. It contains about 7% of sugar, up to 1% of acids. The flesh tastes sweet and sour. It is easily separated from the peel and consists of 9-13 lobules, each of which is encased in fiber. Like all citrus fruits, tangerines are rich in all kinds of sugars, pectin substances, citric acid, and many vitamins. These substances are distributed between the skin and the pulp: the essential oils are concentrated in the skin, the acid - in the pulp, the sugar is present in both the skin and in the pulp. More information about the benefits of tangerines, see here.

    The most common brand of mandarin is Unshiu. Unshiu is a broad-leaved tree, reaching a height of 3-4 m, without spines. Fruits of medium size( 70 g) differ in juiciness, high sugar content, moderate acidity( 1.07%), significant vitamin C( 30 mg), juice yield - 71.5%.On Sukhumi breeding station launched a high yielding variety of mandarin "Iveria", which is the average fee - 382 kg / ha, the pulp - 29.7 mg of sugar - 7.56%.In Western Georgia, in addition to "Inshiu" in the collections grow "Italian", "Clementine", "Shiva-Mikani Ponkan".

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    Below is the content of nutrients( calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of edible part.
    Calorie Nutritional value

    38 kcal Protein 0.8 g Fat 0.2 g

    Carbohydrates 7.5 g Dietary fiber 1.9 g Organic acids

    1.1 g Water 88 g Mono- and disaccharides
    75 g Ash 0.5 g

    Vitamins Vitamin PP 0,2
    mg beta-carotene 0.06 mg
    Vitamin A( RE) 10 ug
    Vitamin B1( thiamine) mg
    0.06 Vitamin B2( riboflavin)
    0.03 mg Vitamin B6( pyridoxine)
    0.07 mg Vitamin C 38 mg Vitamin
    E( TE)
    0.2 mg Vitamin PP( niacin equivalent) 0.3 mg Calcium
    mg Magnesium 11 mg Sodium

    12 mg Potassium 155 mg Phosphorous 17 mg

    Trace elements Iron 0.1 mg Energy value

    Mandarin is 38 kcal.

    The Institute of Mining horticulture and floriculture withdrawn mandarins "Sochi early" and "Pioneer", wherein a higher yield and fruit quality compared with zoned varieties.

    Thanks to the abundance and brightness of flowering, the beauty of the fruit, the delicate aroma of the mandarin in the apartment is a truly exotic sight.

    Some amateur gardeners achieve excellent fruits, cultivating dwarf mandarins "Kovano-Vase", "Miyagawa-Vasa".Very sweet, bright orange fruits of these sorts almost the size of an orange ripen a few weeks earlier than Unshiu. The tree yields are surprisingly generous, but the main thing is that they are free to fit even in the smallest window. In nature, the height of these sparse trees is about 1.5 m, and on the windowsill even less - practically does not exceed 40-50 cm. Fruiting starts in the first-second year of life.

    The curative properties of mandarins in many respects repeat the medicinal properties of oranges. In Chinese folk medicine, mandarin peel is treated with cough, bronchitis, it is used for nausea, and as a means of promoting better digestion.