
High cholesterol: what to do to lower its blood level

  • High cholesterol: what to do to lower its blood level

    Cholesterol is a fat that is formed in the liver and is of great importance for the normal functioning of the body. Cholesterol is present in the membrane of each cell. Hence the main functions of cholesterol.

    Cholesterol makes cell membranes more elastic and durable, it is necessary for the production of vitamin D, for the production of female and male sex hormones. In addition, cholesterol plays an important role in the work of the brain and the immune system.

    If cholesterol is so useful, then why has such a fame consolidated? And why is everyone worried about the question: "high cholesterol, what should I do?".

    Human cholesterol level

    The human body, which needs cholesterol so badly, produces about 80% of cholesterol on its own, and only 20% of its cholesterol remains. But the "bad" qualities of cholesterol are not even related to its quantity.

    The fact is that like all fat, cholesterol can not dissolve itself and move by blood. For this, there are special "carriers" of cholesterol.

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    Cholesterol compounds with such "carriers" are called lipoproteins. They are high and low density. High-density lipoproteins deliver cholesterol back to the liver, where it belongs, and low-density lipoproteins can not deliver cholesterol to the right place and it settles on the walls of blood vessels, thus inducing atherosclerosis.

    Actually, the ratio of high and low density lipoproteins is important for normal body activity. For normal operation of the body, useful lipoproteins should be at least 45%.

    When talking about the level of cholesterol, you mean that you have a high level of low density lipoproteins. How to deal with this?

    It is necessary to raise the level of "good cholesterol", that is, the number of high-density lipoproteins.

    How to lower blood cholesterol level

    The best way to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood is to increase physical activity. And the intensity of the load plays a role, but its duration.

    Eat more vegetables, legumes and fermented milk products and less white bread, potatoes and sweets. You will be useful fruit, oatmeal, carrots.

    Coffee lovers should replace it with tea. And, of course, eat olive oil.

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