
What vitamins in feijoa, the composition of feijoa and how much iodine is contained in this fruit

  • What vitamins in feijoa, the composition of feijoa and how much iodine is contained in this fruit

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    Feijoa is not quite the usual fruit, which is increasingly appearing on the market, but, unfortunately, has not yet gained wide popularity. Outwardly it is plain-looking fruit of green color, oblong or broadly rounded in shape from 2.5 to 7 cm. To taste they resemble a combination of strawberry, pineapple and kiwi. The flesh of this berry is very juicy, with a slight sourness.

    From this article you can find out what vitamins are in feijoa and how useful this modest berry.

    Content of vitamins and minerals

    Despite its modest appearance, the fruits of feijoa are truly a real vitamin pantry. The composition of feijoa includes ascorbic acid, practically all the vitamins of group B, proteins, fats, carbohydrates. In addition, it is rich in sugars, organic acids, necessary for the activity of the organism micro- and macro elements: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese and some others.

    All these components, which are part of feijoa, take an active part in the work of the whole organism.

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    Ascorbic acid is indispensable for the effective work of connective and bone tissue, is a strong antioxidant. In cosmetology, vitamin C is added to creams, masks, lotions, etc. Thanks to its content, the skin is better restored and becomes elastic. Ascorbic takes part in the assimilation of iron by the body, struggles with cholesterol.

    Folic acid( B9), which is abundant in exotic berries, participates in the creation of new cells, prevents the development of cancer. He takes a special part in the development of the circulatory and immune system. Vitamins of group B are involved in all biochemical processes of the human body, supporting it in an active state.

    Mineral components are an integral part of blood, various enzymes, etc. Taking an active part in all the processes occurring in the body, perform their functions in the life of the human body.

    The biggest advantage of this fruit over others is iodine. The content of iodine in feijoa is so great that it is compared with seafood. Its quantity in berries depends on the place where they grow. The closer the trees grow to the sea, the more iodine in the composition of this plant.

    The use of feijoa

    It is more useful to eat feijoa, without removing the peel, since it contains a large amount of vitamins. If the skin does not like at all because of its specific tart taste, it can be cleaned and dried. Then it can be brewed with tea or herbs.

    Due to the unique composition and the presence of a large amount of iodine, this berry is an exceptional remedy for thyroid disorders. And with a lack of this component, fatigue, headache, reduced efficiency.

    Eating this berries daily will strengthen the protective properties of the body, increase immunity, relieve of vitamin deficiency.

    For the prevention of this fruit will bring invaluable help in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, atherosclerosis, anemia.

    Also, feijoa berries are an excellent dietary product due to easily digestible proteins found in the flesh of the fetus. They are recommended to be used during a diet to replenish the body with useful vitamins and minerals.

    This humble berry is an excellent facial skin care product. Juice and pulp are used to relieve inflammation and enhance the elasticity of the skin.

    Feijoa has virtually no contraindications, but, nevertheless, with individual intolerance, it is better not to eat them.

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