  • Geranium useful properties

    Geranium( Pelargonium spp. - Geraniaceae) - Pelargonium, , which is commonly called geranium, should not be confused with the European type of geranium, which include the crane or geranium of Robert.

    Pelargonium, the name of which comes from the Greek pelargos, that is, the stork( the shape of the fruit resembles a beak), comes from South Africa. Now this garden plant is found almost at every step in those regions where there is no frost. There are more than 200 plant species.

    Leaves and flowers of geranium blood-red contain starch, organic acids and their salts, tannins( the maximum content is reached during budding of plants), flavonoids, anthocyanins, essential oil. Tannins and flavonoids were also found in the roots.

    And geranium meadow is rich in tannic substances( in flowers they are up to 16%, and in the roots - from 19 to 38% in terms of dry weight).In the above part of the plant, essential oil, carbohydrates( sucrose, glucose, fructose and others), saponins, alkaloids, vitamins C and K, carotene, flavonoids, anthocyanins and leucoanthocyanins are found. In addition, the rhizomes contain a colorant, a large amount of calcium and not yet studied the substance of geranium.

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    Geranium from the genus Pelargonium - Pelargonium pink - is valued because of the high content of its essential oil in its leaves.

    In the official medicine, wild geranium and pelargonium have not yet received recognition. However, there are reports that anticoagulants have been found in the leaves of several species of Italian geranium( also from the genus Pelargonium).In laboratory tests, these substances have shown the property of inhibiting increased clotting of blood. This means that they are of interest as a possible means in the fight against such dangerous phenomena as the formation of thrombi, the blockage of veins, the development of thrombophlebitis.

    In folk medicine, the medicinal properties of geraniums have been studied much better and trust this plant long since the treatment of the most serious disorders.

    Infusions of the aerial parts of various types of geraniums are used as astringents, analgesics, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and haemostatic agents. They use their property to dissolve salt deposits with nephrolithiasis, rheumatism and gout. Applied with diarrhea, including with severe childhood diarrhea, dysentery;as a hemostatic agent - with uterine, pulmonary and nasal bleeding. Powdered grass geraniums also stopped bleeding.

    Folk healers recommend decoction of roots for diarrhea, gastrointestinal and chest pains, hemoptysis, various internal bleeding, including uterine bleeding in the postpartum period, as well as kidney stones, gout and rheumatism.

    External infusion of grass wild geraniums are used for local baths, washings and lotions for ulcers, suppurating cuts, ulcers and skin diseases accompanied by itching - eczema, scabies. Decoction of herbs are used for baths in fractures of bones, for rinsing the throat with tonsillitis and for washing the head with hair loss. Poultices of grass are used to remove calluses.

    Geranium meadow in folk medicine in the form of infusion and decoction is used, in addition, as a remedy for insomnia, epileptic seizures and fever, and even with neuralgia and toothache. Preparations of geranium have antitoxic action against snake venoms. This is confirmed by Chinese healers, Russian travelers and hunters - they used geraniums with snake bites.

    In Japan and Sakhalin, infusions and herbal teas from the Siberian geranium herb are used for lupus, beriberi, colds, heart diseases, testicular inflammation, and juice for washing of wounds and tumors. In Tibetan medicine this plant is used for pneumonia, conjunctivitis, and in India - as an astringent, wound-healing and diuretic.

    The most pronounced healing properties are geranium blood-red. It has astringent, soothing, anti-inflammatory and fixing action, normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system. Broth geranium is used in the treatment of acute and chronic inflammation of the intestines, relieves pain syndrome with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, treats gastritis. Oternally, the geranium broth is used in the form of compresses for dermatitis, in the form of lotions in boils, carbuncles, abscesses, phlegmon and ulcers. Infusion of roots is used as a sedative that regulates cardiovascular activity, especially with high blood pressure.

    Not inferior to geranium blood-red in the range of its medicinal properties and geranium meadow. In addition to the already mentioned properties, its preparations may, depending on the dose, excite or inhibit the functions of the central nervous system. Traditional healers use it in the treatment of malignant tumors, fractures of bones.

    Infusions of roots and grass of geranium meadow are prescribed for diseases of the respiratory organs, inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines( gastritis, enteritis, etc.), profuse menstruation, hemorrhoidal bleeding. Infusion of herbs used for baths and lotions with purulent inflammation on the skin, fistula of the anus and genitals, long-term healing ulcers, joint pain. The disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties of the infusion aid in the form of rinses in sore throats and inflammations in the oral cavity and pharynx, and in the form of syringes - with whites.

    Preparations of roots of geranium meadow help with digestive disorders, poisoning with poor-quality food. Chewing a powder of roots is considered a tool that helps with caries.

    Procurement of raw materials of geranium

    In geranium meadow medicinal raw material is the aerial part of the plant, sometimes rhizomes. The grass is collected during flowering, dried under a canopy or in a dryer at a temperature of 40-45 ° C.Store in a wooden or glass container for 1 year.

    Geranium blood-red collected for medicinal purposes, flowers, leaves and rhizomes. Flowers and leaves harvested in early summer. Dry them under a canopy or in a dryer at a temperature of no more than

    40 ° C.The roots are collected in autumn, in September-October, shake off the ground, washed and dried in the shade or in a dryer at a temperature of 50-60 ° C.The medicinal raw material is stored in cloth bags for 2 years, the roots in a wooden container are 3 years old.

    If we are going to resort to the curative effect of geranium room, that is pelargonium, then special preparation will not be required. As a raw material, usually freshly mashed up leaves of a plant are used.

    Useful and curative properties of geranium forest

    Perennial herbaceous plant with erect pubescent pubescent stem 30-80 cm high;basal leaves on long petioles, deeply five-, seven-pinnatized, upper trifid and sessile;

    stipules are red-brown, lanceolate. Flowers large, lilac-purple or violet, wide open, 2 on the peduncle;the fruit looks like a bird's beak. Blossoms in June-early July.

    Grows in shady forests and among shrubs.

    The grass contains tannic substances, in the flowering phase - alkaloids, ascorbic acid, essential oil and carotene.

    In folk medicine, water herbs of the herb drink with pulmonary hemorrhage, rinse the mouth with disease of its mucous, with tonsillitis;wash out festering wounds;Alcoholic tincture of the whole plant is dripped in drops with pains in the heart.


    Infusion: 2 teaspoons of herbs pour 2 cups of cold water, insist 3 hours. Drink sips several times during the day.

    Useful and curative properties of geranium blood-red( meadow)

    In contrast geranium forest stems are fork-branched;radical - on the opposite, on long petioles, 5-7-finger-divided. The flowers are single, red, rather large. Blossoms in May-August.

    Found among bushes, on green meadows and in pine forests.

    The roots contain tannins, traces of alkaloids. Rhizomes are used for medicinal purposes.

    In folk medicine, decoction of the rhizome is drunk with cancer. Rhizome has astringent and anti-inflammatory effect in bronchitis, catarrh, pulmonary tuberculosis, catarrh of the gastrointestinal tract, dysentery, diarrhea;External is appointed at a bleeding from a nose in the form of a tincture for tampons, at skin diseases - in the form of compresses from infusion at fistulas, itchy skin inflammations, etc.

    Inside use extracts from 2 parts of crushed raw material, infused in the cold with 2 glasses of water andfor 8 hours( daily dose).The same hood is used for the preparation of tampons and compresses, reduce dry calluses.

    With the same diseases( except for cancer), you can use the rhizome of geranium vulgaris, which is found everywhere, its leaves have a pleasant smell, the flowers are red-violet.

    Application of

    Herb infusion: 2 teaspoons of raw material is infused for 8 hours in 2 cups of boiled cold water( daily dose).Good hemostatic and dissolving stones in the kidney means, apply it also for diarrhea, dysentery, rheumatism, gout.

    Geranium in cooking

    Before using for food, do not forget to make sure that the plant has not been treated with pesticides, and be sure to rinse the leaves well.

    Geranium Sugar

    Fold the leaves of pelargonium and sugar yudra into the glass jar with layers, alternating to the top. Close tightly and leave in a warm place for a week. Shake periodically and sow sugar before use.

    Biscuit roll with leaves of geranium

    Take 6-8 leaves of geranium, 4 eggs divided into yolks and proteins, add a pinch of salt, 160 g of sugar, 180 g of flour, a few drops of rose water, 300 ml of whipping cream, 2-3Kiwi, sugar powder and petals of geranium or roses.

    Heat the oven to 180 ° C.Beat the protein with salt in a strong foam, and yolks with sugar - until the formation of a creamy mass. On the proteins, sift the flour and gently mix with the yolk mixture. The pan is covered with paper and the leaves of geranium are placed on it. Pour the dough and bake a biscuit layer. Turn over the finished biscuit on a towel sprinkled with powdered sugar( instead of fresh leaves you can use geranium sugar), and remove the leaves from the biscuit. Roll into a roll with a cloth and let the product cool.

    Then beat the cream with rose water and apply it to the cooled roll. Roll again, decorate with kiwi slices and pink petals.

    Traditional medicine recipes

    With otitis

    A known remedy is to rip a sheet of pelargonium, stretch it and put it in your ear - it reduces inflammation and relieves pain.

    With pain in the ears

    With an increase in atmospheric pressure, some people have pain in their ears. There is a very simple folk remedy, helping to get rid of these unpleasant sensations. You need to take a sheet of pelargonium, lightly stretch it and put it in your ear. You can pre-lightly wipe the inside of the auricle with camphor oil, and then put a leaf of geranium, mashed until the appearance of juice. In 10-15 minutes there should come a relief - a pain in the ears will pass.

    With toothache

    In this case, it is recommended that the geranium leaf be held behind the cheek.

    With radiculitis and osteochondrosis

    Effective means are the leaves of pelargonium, if they are crushed and applied to sore spots for the whole night.

    With high blood pressure If you apply a sheet of geranium to the pulse at the wrists of your hands, your blood pressure can normalize.

    Aiding in goiter

    Callus in the people called an increase in the thyroid gland, which occurs due to hyperfunction( increase in functional activity) of the thyroid gland. The remedy is: to collect 2 large handfuls of leaves of geranium( pelargonium), put in a glass jar and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Store in a dark place for 30 days, occasionally shaking. Then strain, thicken and squeeze out. Tincture take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. Just need to drink 2 bottles. If there is no improvement, repeat the course in a month.

    Help with neuralgia

    To rip some green leaves of room geranium, put on linen cloth( this condition is necessary, since linen fibers are the most important in this treatment), to pribintovat to a sore spot, and from above to impose a warm handkerchief. You can replace the leaves with fresh - 2-3 times, after 2 hours the pain should cease for a long time.

    With pleurisy

    Folk remedy: morning and evening 30 minutes before eating carefully chew 2-3 leaves of Pelargonium( young apical leaves), eating them with 1 tablespoon of honey.

    With thrush

    A variety of fungal diseases, including external female genitalia( accompanied by severe itching) are called milkmaids. In this case, traditional medicine considers effective such a remedy: in a glass of warm water add a few drops of tincture of geranium and use a solution for douching. Preparation of tincture: 2 teaspoons finely chopped leaves and stems of geranium poured into a small jar( 100 ml) and poured over with vodka or alcohol. After 10-12 days, the liquid is filtered.

    How to prepare a medicine from geranium

    Broth geranium blood-red: 1 tablespoon of raw materials( herbs or roots) pour 1 cup of boiling water and stand on a water bath for 5-7 minutes. After that, immediately filter through 2-3 layers of gauze, squeeze and add warm boiled water to the original volume. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 20 minutes before meals. For outdoor use, the broth is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2.

    Infusion of geranium blood-red: 1 teaspoon crushed roots of geranium pour 1 cup boiling water, insist 8 hours, filter, squeeze and bring the volume to the original. Take

    before meals in several meals throughout the day.

    Infusion of herb meadow grass: 2 tablespoons of the crushed raw material is poured with 2 glasses of cold water, it is insisted for 8 hours. Drink in equal portions throughout the day.

    Decoction of geranium meadow grass: 1 tablespoon of ground raw material is poured with 1 glass of hot water, boiled on low heat for 3-5 minutes, cooled, filtered and brought to the original volume. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day with meals. For the rinse, the broth is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 4 or 1: 5.For douching, the volume of the liquid is adjusted to 1-1.5 liters.

    Infusion of geranium vulgaris

    Required: 2 tsp.crushed rhizome geraniums, 2 cups of beer.

    Method of preparation. Make a cold hood. To do this, chop the rhizome with beer, insist for 8 hours, then strain through a gauze napkin.

    How to use. Infusion to drink in small sips for one day.