
Useful and healing properties of elecampane high

  • Useful and healing properties of elecampane high

    Perennial herbaceous plant up to 1.5 m tall. Rhizome thick, fleshy, dark brown outside, with long, thick roots. Stems straight, angular, upward shaggy. Leaves alternate, radical, petiolate, oblong-elliptical, cauline, stem-like. Flowers in large axillary baskets, yellow;marginal - reed, internal - tubular. The wrappers of the baskets are multi-leafed, with leaves protruding outward. Fruit is the seed. Blossoms from July to September. Devyasil replaces the imported senegu.

    Medicinal raw material is a rhizome with roots, collected in autumn( October) or in spring( April-May).It is cleaned from the ground, washed in cold water, cut into pieces;dried in the shade of a well-ventilated room. The smell of raw aromatic: fresh roots smell of camphor, dried - violet;taste of spicy bitter;the color is gray-brown, in the fracture white. Shelf life is up to 3 years.

    The active principles of elecampane are inulin, capelin, an essential oil containing allantolactan and iso-lantolactone, as well as bitter substances, polysaccharides and saponins.

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    Preparations from elecampane are used mainly as an expectorant, antihelminthic, diuretic and cholagogue. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory effect, drugs of elecampane are an effective tool for treating the gastrointestinal tract, since they help to reduce the increased motor and secretory functions of it, improve appetite.

    Favorable are the drugs of elecampane with diseases of the kidneys, liver, hemorrhoids, and externally - with skin itch with skin rashes, inflammation of the gums.

    In folk medicine, elecampane is also used in the treatment of diseases such as gastric ulcer, gastritis;fried eggs, sprinkled with root powder and eaten with diseases caused by lifting the weight;tincture on vodka is consumed with pulmonary tuberculosis;inside or outside - with radiculitis, nervous diseases, goiter, stomach ulcer and duodenum, with heart disease, colds, high blood pressure, toothache;a decoction of flowers is drunk like tea from suffocation;a decoction of roots is drunk and they wash their head from the coarse;drink with uterine pain, exhaustion;the root powder is either re-heated or overcooked with pork fat and applied on a linen cloth to tumors and wounds;fresh leaves are applied to erysipelas and scrofula, ulcers, tumors;water broth drink with gastric and chest pains, skin, flu.


    Tincture 25%: 25-30 drops, then take 2-3 st.spoons of pork( internal) fat with peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.

    Wine is a nine-wave: for a bottle of Cahors or Port wine take 1 full art.spoon fresh root and cook for 10 minutes, preferably with st.a spoonful of honey;take 2-3 glasses( 50 grams) after meals with catarrh of bowels and reduced acidity, for recovering weakly strong people.

    Decoction: 15 g per 200 ml( 1 dessert or incomplete spoonful into a glass of water) boil for 30 minutes, strain and take in warm form 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day as choleretic.

    Tincture of the root on cold water: take 1 tbsp. Spoon the crushed root into 2 cups of water and press for 8 hours;use half a glass a little heated 4 times a day( preferably with 1 teaspoon of honey) for half an hour or an hour before meals with respiratory diseases( bronchitis, etc.).

    Pills: root, ground into flour, mix with honey and make pills;take 2-3 pieces 3-4 times a day before meals.

    In addition to the elephant british and elecampane, high meets and elephant ivoli, the leaf infusion of which is used as an anti-inflammatory and astringent in a complex of wound care products.