Persimmon useful properties
Persimmon of the Caucasus - a dioecious tree with dark green oval leaves. Flowers axillary, on short stalks;The staminate ones are located 2-5 in the semi-zonthies, the pistillate ones are solitary. Calyx 4-5-lobed, corolla of reddish-brown or dirty-pink color. Fruit - fleshy berry globular amber-yellow, with maturation - dark brown color. Blossoms in May, fructifies in September-October.
The fruits of Caucasian persimmon contain 61% of vitamin C and carotene. The fruits of Persimmon Oriental contain glycosides( 68%), flavonoids( 0.53%), iodine( 49.7 mg%), vitamin C, organic acids, manganese, magnesium, lead, copper, iron. Fruits also contain glucose and fructose, tanning substances of the gallic group, etc.
Persimmon Oriental is a low deciduous tree cultivated in orchards from the ebony family from 6 to 12 m in height with a round or pyramidal crown. Egg-shaped leaves of it before falling off acquire a very beautiful yellow or red coloration. Fruit - a large berry globular, globular, flattened, elongated or flat, depending on the variety. The fruit is fleshy, globular-flattened, with ripening light orange or meat-red color. Fruits ripen in October.
Persimmon was common in northern China and Japan, imported to Europe long before our era. In Russia, a persimmon came only at the end of the XIX century and began to spread like a fruit crop in the gardens on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Currently, it is given serious economic importance. Its cultivation areas are expanding not only in Georgia, but also in other regions of the Caucasus and Central Asia. Sukhumi breeders brought out several valuable varieties of persimmons. A tree of persimmons can also be grown in room conditions. Nutritional value of fruits is determined mainly by sugar -18%, consisting of glucose and fructose. In addition, it contains protein, citric acid, pectin, tannin, a lot of provitamin A and vitamin C( up to 53 mg%).
Useful properties of
In folk medicine persimmon is used for various gastric diseases.
In its properties, it can serve as a dietary product for digestive disorders. In the Caucasus, fresh fruits that have been cleared of seeds are a folk remedy against furuncle wounds( they are applied to wounds).To do this, you need to attach persimmons to the furuncle and fix it in place with a band-aid or bandage. Change the slices and bandage in the morning and evening.
As part of complex medicines, fruits are used as wound-healing remedy in other cases.
In a persimmon is a lot of iodine, therefore this fruit is especially recommended for eating people suffering from thyroid disease. Just remember that in the overripe fruits of vitamins practically do not remain.
It is best in curative prophylactic purposes to eat it whole, before and after eating. It will help in inflammatory diseases, in hypertension, in disorders of cardiovascular activity, in resolving problems in the genitourinary system.
However, it should be remembered that in a persimmon there are a lot of sugars, glucose, fructose - therefore it should be used with extreme caution by people suffering from diabetes and obesity.
Sweet and astringent fruits are usually fresh, and to eliminate astringent taste they are recommended to keep half the day in warm water( about 40 ° C) or simply put in the freezer, then they will definitely stop knitting, as tannins( binders) are destroyedat low temperatures. Vitamins with a single freeze are destroyed little, but do not eat persimmon, which was subjected to multiple freezing-defrosting( and fewer vitamins and fermentation begins), and also cracked, crushed, stained or moldy: the bacterial flora in it multiplies very rapidly, and the cutting of partthe fetus will not solve the problem.
Preserved juice from fruits of Persimmon Oriental is used in thyrotoxicosis. The juice is made from fresh fruits with the addition of 20% alcohol.
Persimmon juice is prepared from persimmon fruit( persimmon-do-bash), which is obtained by squeezing fruit. Applied with hypertension, anemia, as an expectorant for catarrh of the respiratory tract.
Calorie persimmons
Despite the high amount of sugars in the persimmon and the sufficiently high degree of its satiety, the calorie content of the fruit is comparatively low. It is for this reason that nutritionists recommend people who are overweight to include this useful fruit in their diet. Having eaten only 2-3 medium fruits( 150-170 grams), you can feel the rapid saturation, absolutely not worrying about extra pounds. Of course, fruits should be in full ripeness stage.
Here is the content of nutrients( calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of edible part.
Nutritional value
Caloric value 67 kcal
Proteins 0.5 g
Fats 0.4 g
Carbohydrates 15.3 g
Dietary fibers 1.6 g
Organic acids 0.1 g
Water 81.5 g
Unsaturated fatty acids 0, 1 g
Mono and disaccharides 15.3 g
Ash 0.6 g
Saturated fatty acids 0.1 g
Vitamin PP 0.2 mg
Beta-carotene 1.2 mg
Vitamin A( RE) 200μg
Vitamin B1( thiamin) 0.02 mg
Vitamin B2( riboflavin) 0.03 mg
Vitamin C 15 mg
Vitamin E( TE) 0.5 mg
Vitamin PP( Niacin equivalent) 0.3 mg
Calcium 127 mg
Magnesium 56 mg
Sodium 15 mg
Potassium 200 mg
Phosphorus 42 mg
Iron 2.5 mg
Energy value of the
Persimmon is 67 kcal.
Piece = 85 g( 57 kCal)
If you still purchased an immature persimmon, then try to freeze it. After thawing, the fruits will necessarily become sweeter and softer. In addition, the astringent taste will leave - the result of a surplus of tannins and tannins. Immature fruits can be kept in warm water for 10-12 hours or placed in a package with apples, which will also accelerate their maturation.
To ensure that the benefits of persimmons were appreciable for the body enough to eat one or two fetuses a day. But do not forget that the persimmon is useful only in a mature form. Buying it, you must remember the basic rules. First, pay attention to the strips on the skin of the fruit: the more of them, the sweeter it is. In addition, the peel should be firm and smooth, and the pulp soft( semi-liquid).In this case, the persimmon will be most useful. Mature persimmon should be quite soft, bright orange, the persimmon leaflets should be brown. The presence of dark dots on the berry indicates that the fruit began to deteriorate. And from this, too, will bring you a persimmon favor or harm.
Mature persimmon you, good health and good mood!
You can make a delicious dessert from this fruit.
Persimmon mousse. Well ripened( but not fermented!) Persimmon wipe through a sieve, dilute the mass in water with sugar, add the swollen gelatine and lemon juice in the water and stirring, heat to a boil. Then refrigerate in the refrigerator, whisk the mixer to a strong foam and put it back in the refrigerator. Served in serving keramaks or vases.
1 tbsp. Spoon gelatin soak in a glass of water( 200 g), persimmon - 200-250 g, water - 200 g, sand - 2 tbsp.spoons, lemon juice to taste.
Dried fruits are used for the preparation of syrups, jams, jams, jellies, liquors, wine, soft drinks.
The mask of pulp of persimmons nourishes the skin, rejuvenates, and with acne renders an anti-inflammatory effect. You can lubricate it with juice dry hand skin for 10-20 minutes.
Cream for dry and normal skin. Pound a tablespoon of persimmon fruit gruel with a tablespoon of butter, yolk and a teaspoon of honey until smooth. Cream on the face for 20-30 minutes, remove the excess with a paper towel.
Lotion for oily skin. To one beaten egg whites, add, by stirring, 1/2 cup of cologne, as much camphor alcohol and a tablespoon of persimmon juice. This lotion is recommended in the evening to wipe the fat skin of the face.
Lotion for dry skin. Juice one persimmon fruit mixed with 1/2 cup water, a tablespoon of cologne and a teaspoon of glycerin. With this lotion, wipe dry, faded skin.
Dessert with persimmon and almonds "Winter Sun"
Persimmon( 2 pcs.) Wash, cut in half each and place the halves in the baking dish.2 egg whites and 70 grams of granulated sugar beat in a mixer, decorate with a protein mixture each half, sprinkle them with 2 tablespoons of almond flakes and bake in the oven at 200 ° C for 5 minutes. Ready dessert spread on kremankami and decorate it with mint leaves.
Persimmon mousse with pistachios "Oriental vita"
Ripe persimmon( 3 pieces) cut in half each, remove the seeds, remove the pulp from the halves and beat it in a blender together with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.50 g of 20% cream with 25 g of vanilla sugar beat up with a mixer, leaving 1 teaspoon of the mixture to decorate the mousse. Mix the cream with the whipped protein, add the mixture to the pulp of persimmons, mix the ingredients, pour the mousse into the glass crockery and place them in the refrigerator for an hour. Chilled mousse decorate with whipped cream, 1 tablespoon chopped pistachio kernels, lemon slices and 1 teaspoon mint leaves.
Harm of Persimmon
This food is not harmful by itself, it is only necessary to take into account the recommendations of physicians for certain diseases. Persimmon should be used with caution to those people who suffer from constipation, intestinal atony, spasms of the abdominal cavity after surgery. And the fruit should be chosen sufficiently ripe, so that the amount of astringents was minimal in them.
So, if the ripe persimmon improves the motility of the gastrointestinal tract due to the pectins and fiber contained in it, the immature fruit produces the opposite effect. It contains large amounts of tannin, which acts like flour and, as it were, glues together the particles of digested food among themselves.
You should not eat this fruit with obese people and diabetes, especially with the second type of disease. This is due to the presence of a large number of sugars in the fruit. However, a small amount of juicy and ripe pulp can sometimes be pampered.
Persimmon will not be useful in diseases of the kidneys and bladder at the stage of exacerbation. It can cause frequent urination, which will be an additional and unnecessary burden on the excretory system of the patient. In addition, this fruit does not combine with milk, which should also be taken into account when choosing a diet for the day.