
Useful and medicinal properties of hops of ordinary( wild-growing)

  • Useful and medicinal properties of hops of ordinary( wild-growing)

    A well-known creeping plant that curls around other plants or objects. Perennial roots are steep, simple, giving root offspring. The stems are long, up to 5 meters or more in height, thin, hollow, curly, tetrahedral, with sharp hooked shitticles. Leaves opposite, simple, three-five-papillet, dvennohereshkovye, upper regular, gradually upward, become one-edge, with stipules. Flowers small, same-sex, female - green, with filmy scales-leaves, collected in ears, called cones;the leaves are covered with glands;male - yellowish-green, with membranous perianth and 5 stamens in paniculate inflorescences. Fruits - peanuts, cones collected in the fruit of a yellowish-green color, dangling, later browning. Blossoms in July-August.

    Hops - a fairly common plant in the forest-steppe and steppe areas. It occurs in damp places, by bushes, willows, along the banks of rivers and ravines.

    Medicinal raw materials are copulation of cones, or earrings and glands. Cones are collected in clear weather a few days before their full ripening, when the bracts tightly close the cone. To obtain the glands, dried cones are sieved through a sieve that passes through the glands. The smell of dried raw materials is pleasant, the taste is bitter, with a mild taste, with prolonged storage it gets an unpleasant smell and becomes unsuitable. Shelf life 1 year. In the treatment of cones should be strictly monitored, so that they were not overripe( yellow-brown color), not ripe( bright green color).

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    In cones contain coloring, mucous( gum) substances, alkaloid-homylin, etc. In glands or lottoli, except for coloring, bitter, fatty substances, resinous substances and organic acids( valeric acid) are not contained.

    Infusion of cones has a sedative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, tonic gastrointestinal tract

    tract and appetite-enhancing action. It is prescribed in the form of infusion or in the collection of neuroses( especially in menopause), insomnia, gastritis, as a means of reducing painful irritation of the bladder in cystitis, and as a means of weakening sexual activity.

    According to French researchers, cones have a toning and firming properties. Its antiseptic properties are stronger than salicylic acid, which is due to the influence of lupulin. Can be used in cases of excessive sexual excitability, as a means of strengthening the cardiovascular system, especially with weakness of the myocardium, and as an appetite. The pillow, filled with fresh cones of hops, has a strengthening effect, which even a very critical physician can believe.

    In folk medicine, hop is used as a remedy for digestion, with gastritis, as an antihelminthic agent, with cystitis, urethritis, chronic diarrhea, scurvy. As an analgesic and soothing remedy drink a decoction with inflammation of the bladder, neurasthenia, neuralgia, liver and spleen diseases, inflammation of the kidneys( nephritis), gallbladder( cholecystitis), edema and jaundice. Outer - in the form of water decoction as an analgesic in radiculitis, as a sedative;to strengthen hair with a decoction wash the head;with lichen and bruises - make compresses in the form of lotions. From insomnia long used pillows filled with cones. With multiple abscesses( due to improper metabolism) drugs from hops are consumed inside.

    In homeopathy hop cones have sedative, cardiotonic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. Used in the form of infusion inside with diseases of the kidneys, renal pelvis and bladder. With dysuria, insomnia, hypertension and atherosclerosis - in the form of baths.

    Application of

    Decoction: 10 g per 200 ml;1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day.

    Tincture 25%: 40 drops 3 times a day. Powder of cones: half a teaspoon 3 times a day.

    Externally: a thickened broth or ointment in a ratio of 1: 4.

    Infusion: 20 g cones per 1 liter of boiling water or powder;for a small bowl 3 times a day, with water.

    Ointment from powder of cones equally with lanolin or lard - for rubbing with joint pains as an anesthetic.