  • Diet for hemorrhoids

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    Very often, the cause of hemorrhoids is rightly considered to be an incorrect and unbalanced diet, and that is why doctors advise to adhere to the dietary intake in this disease. Since with the intake of some food products, as well as the exclusion of certain products from your normal menu, you can normalize both digestion and defecation.
    Improper and unbalanced nutrition can lead to the appearance of hemorrhoids. A number of foodstuffs have the ability to stimulate blood flow to vessels that are in the pelvic area, such products include alcohol, various types of conservation, spices, smoked products and pickled products. Due to the fact that the venous vessels overflow and this leads to their stretching, the walls of the veins protrude and form hemorrhoids. There is a very close connection between constipation and hemorrhoids. If there is constipation, the body cleanses with difficulties and at the same time a person may have hemorrhage in the rectal area;there are wounds and microcracks do not heal, which can lead to thickening of the vessels in the places of their formation, as a result, hemorrhoids begin to form.

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    With hemorrhoids, constipation often occurs, as the work of the intestines is broken, and also because people who suffer from hemorrhoids are afraid of the process of cleansing the bowels because of the pain syndrome.
    If it is right to make a diet during a diet with hemorrhoids, it will play an important role in the treatment and prevention of the disease, all due to the fact that the intestinal work will return to normal, as well as restore its microflora and help remove the extra pounds in the body.
    Diet for hemorrhoids - this is the most convenient option to reduce pain. Even sometimes with proper nutrition you can completely get rid of the disease. In order to understand the meaning of this diet, you need to decide on its goals.
    In this disease, the mucous membrane of the rectum is damaged most of all, and its condition worsens due to the fact that undigested pieces of food and increased pressure inside the digestive system cause private injuries. This is the conclusion that the main goals of the diet for hemorrhoids are:
    -decrease in constipation, when a regular stool of soft consistency is reached;
    - the provision of complete digestion of food, so that large coarse particles can not cause additional damage to the rectal mucosa;
    -normalize the metabolism in the body;
    -Restore impaired bowel function.
    With the help of a diet, it is possible to achieve normal intestinal functionality, so that the body cleanses regularly, best if it happens at the same time, and without too much effort during defecation. It is known that with constant constipation the feces are dry and hard, because of this it passes heavily along the gastrointestinal tract. Because of this, a man has to make great efforts to purify the body, this contributes to the inflammation and swelling of veins located in the passage.
    The main thing in drawing up a diet for hemorrhoids is a doctor or a nutritionist should pay attention to the individual feature of the human body, as many people have a reaction to many products is not the same. All this depends on the digestive and immune system, and also on the type of nervous activity. But, all the same for the treatment of hemorrhoids need to exclude foods that are able to irritate the gastrointestinal tract, and even refuse to drink alcohol. Even with this disease you need to eat at a certain time, only in this case you will be able to "accustom" your body to adjust to the schedule of food intake and after a short period of time will feel an improvement in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
    Let's determine what foods can be consumed during this diet, and which ones are not desirable. Experts who study the causes of hemorrhoids and its treatment, identified a list of foods that are useful or otherwise harmful to use with hemorrhoids.
    To useful it is possible to carry the following:
    - meat;
    - fish;
    - honey;
    - fresh apples and grapes;
    - raw shabby carrots, cauliflower, garlic;
    - serum, it is recommended to drink 1-2 glasses on an empty stomach.
    The following products are contraindicated in hemorrhoids:
    - manna and rice porridge;
    - pasta;
    - kissel;
    - mashed potatoes;
    - turnip or radish;
    - milk, chocolate;
    - tea, tea drinks and coffee.
    In those moments when the disease of hemorrhoids becomes aggravated, it is best to resort to a slag-free diet for a couple of days, the main diet of this diet will be products such as meat broth, albumen omelette, water-boiled rice porridge with a slice of butter, boiled meat and white rusks.
    Also during diet and treatment, do not forget to drink the right amount of water. During a diet with hemorrhoids, you must consume at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day. Mineral water is recommended, but one should choose not very salty.
    Still it is necessary to pay attention to physical loads, as small physical loads will allow to normalize job GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT.People who spend 20 minutes on light training rarely suffer from diarrhea or constipation. For this, you can ride a bike, do a light jog, or just walk fast, all this will lead to an increase in the heart rate. Just choose exercises or exercise that will bring you pleasure and do half an hour a day.
    We offer you a good recipe for porridge, which is very useful in case of constipation.
    Take 2 tbsp.spoons of oatmeal, wheat, barley or coarse crushed grain( you can take any groats from this list, but it will be best to alternate them).Next, you need 2 tbsp.spoons of whole flax seeds, 2 tbsp.spoons of any shredded nuts( you can all except peanuts), 2 tbsp.tablespoons chopped dried fruits.
    This mixture should be poured with water, mix well and put on overnight, which would be well soaked and infused. In the morning it will be necessary to drain excess water, in the mixture you need to add kefir, yogurt or yoghurt. In order to avoid fermentation or flatulence in the intestine, it is not recommended to take fresh fruits and juices with porridge.
    During the diet with hemorrhoids it is recommended to adhere to the following menu:
    First breakfast - milk oatmeal about 250 grams, fresh cabbage salad with apples, dressed with sour cream about 150 g, vegetable fried beans with egg about 200 g, tea with milk.
    The second breakfast - 150 g of fresh apples.
    Lunch - vegetable soup, seasoned with vegetable oil about 350ml, boiled meat about 50g, stewed beets about 150g, lemon jelly 100g
    Snack - soaked prunes about 50g.
    Dinner - vegetable cabbage rolls in vegetable oil about 200g,krupenik with cottage cheese from buckwheat groats about 200 grams, tea.
    Before going to bed - 1 cup kefir.
    In current for can be consumed about 200 g rye bran bread, 250 grams of wheat bread, 15 grams of butter and 40 grams of sugar.
    Still it is possible to adhere to more sparing variant of a diet at a hemorrhoids:
    First breakfast - milk semolina porridge( 200 g), 150 g of milk.
    The second breakfast is a glass of kefir.
    Lunch - milk oatmeal mucous soup( 400 g), meat soufflé( 60 g), fruit jelly - 1 glass.
    Snack - steam fish souffle( 100 g), 100 g of sour cream, tea with milk - 1 glass, broth of rose hips - 1 glass.
    Dinner - boiled fish with mashed potatoes( 200 g), tea with milk - 1 glass.
    At night - 1 glass of curdled milk.
    For the whole day - 30 grams of sugar and 30 grams of butter.
    If the diet with hemorrhoids is calculated correctly, it will be physiologically balanced, as well as will contain the right amount of fiber, which is necessary for the full operation of the intestine. It is important to follow this diet for a long time, until the final improvement of the digestive tract. To ensure that the diet was most effective, you need to be physically active, avoid stress and stressful situations, as well as engage in therapeutic physical exercises.