  • Diet № 10

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    1) Various diseases of the heart and vessels with non-severe circulatory disorders.

    2) Hypertensive disease of the I-II stage.

    3) Inflammatory processes of various origin.

    Intended purpose. Create the most favorable conditions for the restoration of impaired blood circulation in organs and tissues in disorders of the cardiovascular system, promote the normalization of kidney function, liver and metabolism, improve the activity of the digestive system, facilitate and accelerate the excretion of metabolic products through the urinary system and the intestines.

    General characteristic. Low calorie diet by reducing protein and fat in the diet. Sharp restriction of table salt;Exclusion of substances that excite the central nervous system and adversely affect the circulatory system.

    Increased content of products that ensure the normalization of metabolism, primarily fatty, cholesterol, water-mineral, beneficial to the function of digestion. High concentration in the diet of vitamins, providing treatment and prevention of the progression of vascular disease. A mode of a food fractional - 5 times a day.

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    Culinary processing. Meat and fish are steamed or boiled in water;subsequent frying is allowed. All dishes are prepared without salt. In the absence or mild edema, the patient is allowed to add food at a rate of 5 g of salt per day. The temperature of food is normal.

    Chemical composition and calorific value. Proteins of 80 g( of which 50 g of animals), fats of 65-70 g( of which 50 g of animals), carbohydrates of 350-400 g. Caloric content is 2500-2800 kcal. The total amount of free liquid is 750-800 ml. The total weight of the diet is 2 kg.

    Bread and bakery products - wheat bread from flour of 1st and 2nd grade, bran, baked without salt. Crackers from white bread. Cookies are not good.

    Soups - from various cereals, vegetables, vegetarian, fruit, milk, 1/2 servings per reception.

    Meat and fish dishes - low-fat varieties of beef, veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit, exempt from tendons, in steam or cooked form, followed by roasting, roasting, chopped or chopped;fish is lean( bream, pike-perch, navaga, hake, ice, cod, pike, carp) in cooked form followed by roasting, chopped or chopped.

    Eggs and egg products - natural eggs( no more than 2 pieces per week) for addition to the dish;from egg whites - steamed and baked omelets, snowballs, meringues.

    Milk and milk products - natural whole milk( with good tolerability), sour milk drinks( kefir, acidophilus, fermented milk, yogurt, etc.), curd in natural form and in the form of dishes, sour cream and cream only in dishes( in limited quantities inaccount of the fat rate).

    Vegetables and greens - vegetables in cooked and raw form. Carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, beets, cauliflower, potatoes, in a limited number of green peas, white cabbage are allowed. In raw form, ripe tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, grated carrots, fresh herbs( parsley, dill, etc.) are allowed.

    Fruits, berries, sweets-various fruits and berries without limitation, in raw, boiled, baked form;jellies, compotes, mousses, jellies from fresh and dry berries and fruit of sweet varieties;honey, sugar, jam, marmalade, pastille, dry biscuit, creamy caramel( in terms of sugar candy not more than 100 grams per day).

    Cereals and pasta - various cereals with milk, baked puddings, cereal cutlets, boiled vermicelli Legumes are excluded.

    Fats - butter and vegetable oil to add to the prepared meals in limited quantities. Lamb, pork and beef are excluded. Appetizers - Fruit salads, raw vegetables, cheese, herring, soaked( once a week).Sauces and spices - fruit and vegetable sauces, white sauce without dressing with addition of sour cream, tomato juice, spices( cinnamon, cloves, bay leaf), fresh or dried herbs( dill, parsley leaves, celery).

    Drinks - fruit, berry, vegetable juices, rich in potassium salts( potassium is especially rich in apricots( dried apricots), raisins, figs, prunes, bananas, watermelon, melon, all citrus, dog rose, black currant, fresh cabbage, pumpkin, potato juice).Tea and coffee are not strong, with milk.

    Prohibited: meat, fish, mushroom decoctions;refractory fats( sheep, pork, beef), fatty dishes, spicy, salty snacks, seasonings;canned meat, fish, vegetables;beans( peas, beans, lentils, beans);strong tea, coffee, cocoa;internal organs of animals, brains;egg yolks;caviar;radish, radish, unbroken onions, garlic, sorrel, spinach;flour products.

    1-st breakfast - cream cheese, porridge semolina( 1/2 serving), tea with milk( milk 50 g).

    2nd breakfast - fresh apples( 100 g).

    Lunch - pearl soup with vegetables( 1/2 portion), vegetarian, boiled meat with carrot puree, compote of apples.

    Snack-decoction of dog rose( 1 glass).

    Dinner-boiled fish with boiled potatoes, pilaf with fruit( 1/2 portion), tea with milk.

    At night, curdled milk( 1 glass).

    For the whole day-white wheat or bran bread 250 g, sugar 50 g, fruit, fresh berries 300 g.